
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 46 Bloodline Ritual

But Thales hadn't finished speaking.

"Since the assassin's target is you... who would want your life?"

"My lord duke, let's think about it." Thales' voice was like a hammer full of iron thorns, beating on Zhan En's heart: "Who knows what you are going to do that day and who you are meeting with?" Where are you?"

Zhan En exhaled deeply, without showing any signs of expression, but the scene of that day could not be restrained, and appeared in his mind.

He saw that Gilbert was among the assassins, and in order to buy people's hearts, he helped him.

Those assassins.

That boy.

And - those people who knew he would go there.

Thales said coldly, word by word: "Is it those who you thought were your allies? Those who worked together for a better star? Those who once promised you a better future? "

Thales turned his head and sighed: "Yes, among those who are qualified to sit on the throne, you are the youngest, the best image, the most popular, and the most likely candidate-they follow the same way Did you say that?"

The breath-holding crowd finally started to make noise.

In the arena, everyone reacted differently to Thales' performance.

Behind Count Karabyan, the young police officer Korn stared at the boy in surprise.

He... is he really only six or seven years old?

When I was seven... forget it.

so as not to be sad.

But the tree wants to be still but the wind doesn't stop.

The old Earl Calabyan turned his head, looked at Cohen, and then at Thales with a scrutinizing gaze.

Under Cohen's increasingly puzzled expression, the old count looked back and forth several times.

In the end, the old count looked at Cohen, sighed in disappointment, then turned his head to look at Thales.

Only Cohen, who had an innocent face, first suddenly realized, and then lowered his head dejectedly.

Old man, what are you doing!

You can't compare people like this!

"Black Prophet" Molat exhaled lightly and looked at Thales with complicated eyes.

Previously, it seemed that he had underestimated him a little bit.

The notorious head of the secret department quietly said to Raphael behind him:

"This child... is really unexpected... If he is the king you want to serve in the future..."

"The advantage is that you can save a lot of worry. The disadvantage is that you can't worry."

Facing these seemingly contradictory words, Raphael nodded solemnly.

He understood.

King Kessel V looked at his son with flickering eyes. He turned his head slightly and whispered to Jine beside him:

"That child, have you learned eloquence and speech from Gilbert, or learned reasoning and observation from you?"

"No." Ji Ni looked at the boy in the center of the field who was explaining calmly, showing a bitter and gratified smile: "That child is quite special."

"It's rather special," King Kessel V pondered for a while, then snorted softly, with a sad and complicated expression on his face: "Yes."

"Just like his mother."

Ji Ni's face froze.

Kessel's gaze returned to Thales.


Kosted angrily slammed Thresh's gauntlet and interrupted Thales. He looked angrily at Kessel, who had playful eyes: "Your Majesty, the farce should be over... Our main topic is..."

"The one-eyed dragon of Nantrist! Why are you in such a hurry?"

Everyone turned their heads and saw in surprise that the person who spoke was the Duke of the North!

I saw Val raised his head coldly: "Could it be that listening to him continue will be bad for you?"

Gust was at a loss for words for a moment.

"And you, Falkenhauser's old bones," Val said with fire in his eyes. He turned his head and looked at the haggard man with a terrifying face.

The words with deep meaning are extremely sharp:

"Under such circumstances, you didn't take pleasure in other people's misfortune, and you didn't make sarcastic remarks. It's really rare."

"Thank you for reminding me, I was just about to speak, haha..." Cyril Falkenhauser, who was a beat slower, pointed at the extremely pale-faced Zhan En and laughed.

But only those who know him best know that at this moment, he smiled a little dryly: "It seems that you have been tricked, you young prince!"

"As for you, Duke Cullen, our Prime Minister," Val looked at the fat Duke opposite, and said with disdain, "You're still as stable."

Duke Cullen smiled honestly.

Zhan En clenched his fists, maintained his remaining demeanor, and tried his best not to look at those people.

Those people.

If, if I die... among those people, who will benefit? He couldn't restrain the suspicion in his heart, and began to think about these things.

"Okay, kid," Zhan En, who was quite pale, tried to smile, and said weakly, "No matter what you said, there is no evidence..."

"My lord duke!"

Thales looked at the young duke with indifferent eyes, deliberately avoiding the "evidence", and intentionally guiding his and the audience's thinking: "What is your status in that group that intends to be on the throne?"

"Yeah, it doesn't make sense. There is more than one person in your group. If you are killed, everyone will be in danger. Then the alliance will dissolve."

"Why did the black hand behind the scenes want to assassinate you and do things to sabotage the plan?"

"Unless," Thales sighed again: "There is a more terrifying possibility."

Zhan En closed his eyes and lowered his head slightly.

He is not an idiot.

"That is, everyone else in the group knows that you are destined to be sacrificed," Thales walked around Jaen, showing sympathy, and patted Patriarch Iris Shoulder:

"Your death is part of the plan - you are the one who was betrayed, the only abandoned child."

"That's right, you are young and promising, with superb methods, rich family background, and high popularity. If you are like this, you can ascend to the throne, even if it is the throne of the king system, it will not take a few years. Kevin Dill is another brilliant star." The royal family, start to check and balance the lords—and even if you fight your life, you can live longer than all of them at your age."

"Then what difference does it make if they change the royal family or not?"

"The owner of the tricolor iris was assassinated in the royal capital. The nobles will only be more terrified, the pressure of the war will only be heavier, and His Majesty's accusations will only be greater. The conspiracy to force an heir may go smoothly."

"That crown will also be worn on the head of someone they prefer."

Zhan En's expression was indifferent, but everyone could tell that his eyes hadn't moved for a long time.

"You were betrayed before you put on that crown." Thales shook his head comically like a little adult: "In the final analysis, you are still too young to be careless in making friends."

"They probably borrowed a lot of power from you and the Kevin Dill family, and have been preparing for a long time, but no matter what they promised you," Thales walked back to Kessel, and said coldly: "No Ready to deliver."

"Please think about it carefully, and reconsider your position. You are a smart person, who do you prefer to choose as your ally? Who will be the king, which will be the most beneficial to the flourishing of the iris?"

Zhan En didn't speak any more, nor did he look at Thales. He just stared at the ground in front of him, as if he was particularly interested in the texture of the floor tiles.

At this moment, Thales suddenly turned around.

He yelled strangely to the lords on the stone seat:

"do not move."

Many lords frowned.

Thales' eyes scanned everyone's faces carefully, as if he refused to let go of every pore.

He said coldly: "Don't move, those who betrayed Zhan En, don't turn your head, don't avert your eyes, look into my eyes... I can smell your guilt and fear from your expressions."

Zhan En also raised his head suddenly and looked at the lords.

The breathing of some lords stagnated in an instant!

But the next moment, Thales suddenly relaxed.

I saw him spread his hands, laughing and saying:

"Don't be nervous."

"I'm just kidding."

Some of the lords took a breath, looked at Thales, either gritted their teeth secretly, or clenched their fists tightly.

Did he do it on purpose?

"But after seeing the example of irises, you will understand," Thales looked at the lords, his face returned to seriousness:

"Once Canxing is extinct, no matter if any other wealthy or prominent family ascends to the throne, no matter before or after ascension, whether weak or powerful, the new royal family will eventually become the next target of the lords."

"Without external enemies, you will be on the unbalanced balance of power, killing each other until the stars are destroyed."

"I don't care who among you planned this conspiracy, this plan, and I don't care who wants the throne—after all, in the eyes of many people, since the extinction of the royal family is a foregone conclusion, it is natural to choose the future that is most in line with their own interests ."

"However, I am standing here now."

"For the stability of the stars, and for your own interests."

"The continuation of the Canxing royal family is the stability and greatest hope of the stars."

"Everyone, for everything, please support Canxing unswervingly like your ancestors, and support me."

The crowd's discussion became louder and louder, and many people began to applaud.

Like a coincidence, cheers came from the square one after another—I don't know where the guards passed the words in the hall.

Thales didn't look at the expressions of the lords. In fact, he enjoyed it more and imagined their expressions by himself.

Gilbert finally took a deep breath, and whispered to Thales who was walking back:

"It's really... impressive, Mr. Xiao."

"The threat of the iris flower has vanished amid suspicion and suspicion, and the power of the giant horned deer has also been greatly reduced."

"But are you so sure that those assassins are after the iris?" Gilbert lowered his head and asked quietly.

"Of course I'm not sure," Thales smiled at him, looking at Zhan En, who lowered his head in thought in the distance and stopped speaking, his eyes were bright:

"But he doesn't know, does he?"

"We must pay attention to the key points in everything - the important thing is not the assassins, but the assassins that Zhan En saw with his own eyes."

Feeling the dignified gaze from King Kessel V, Thales, who was quite stressed, tried his best to maintain his breathing, and said briskly:

"Just like just now, the important thing is not whether my identity can be recognized, but who is unwilling to recognize my identity."

"I still want to say that although you are very happy, your behavior just now is not a clever way of governing." Under Thales' puzzled eyes, Gilbert could only sigh, and whispered: "You will understandable."

"Let's stop talking nonsense!"

"It's meaningless!"

The one-eyed dragon full of resentment, the Duke of Nancrest slapped the stone seat fiercely, and scanned the audience oppressively: "Everyone, have you forgotten? Until now, he has not yet proved his identity!"

"Your Majesty has no heirs for twelve years, and a six or seven-year-old child suddenly jumped out and said that he is a descendant of the royal family?"

"Still talking nonsense at state meetings..."

"Duke Gusd Nantry, why are you still struggling with my identity?" Thales sighed and interrupted him loudly: "Don't you understand? My father has already prepared everything. "

Thales raised his head slightly, showing an innocent smile.

"I thought that a hypocrite like you who cares about the country and the people should be overjoyed at the return of Canxing's blood."

An ominous feeling hit Cyclops' heart.

At this moment, the crowd started to make noise again.

There are new people stepping into the Hall of Stars.

Thales turned his head away, and then his eyes lit up.

A graceful, soft and charming lady, wearing a dark sacrificial robe with half a red sun, accompanied by a nervous little girl priest, slowly stepped out from the passageway forcibly separated by the guards.

Many civilians knelt down devoutly and bowed their heads to the lady in prayer.

The moment the nobles saw the half-round red sun, many of them already understood something.

"Very good," Falkenhauser narrowed his eyes: "The three pillars of the king and nobles, as well as the gods and stars are all together."

The moment the Duke of the North saw the person coming, his pupils shrank sharply, and he couldn't help leaning forward.

"From now on, be cautious in your words and deeds," Count Calabyan poked his head solemnly, and whispered to his wife and nephew, Count Dele Colomo, who was also shocked at the moment: "Things have escaped the control of the lords." gone."

"I'm afraid, the gods are also involved."

Under the eyes of everyone, the spokesperson of the Sunset Goddess and the chief priest of the Sunset Temple, Lisia Arend, gracefully stepped onto the area of the stone seat.

"Li Xiya." Val Arend was stunned. His originally lonely expression gradually became complicated after seeing his sister.

It's been so many years...

But the chief priest didn't look at his own brother, and just walked forward slowly.

Kosted's expression was ugly. He thought of exchanging glances with Zhan En as usual, but found that Zhan En's eyes were cold and he didn't even look at him.

Cyclops felt bitter in his heart.

"President Li Xiya," King Kessel V stood up solemnly: "Sunset Temple, the spokesperson of the goddess."

"The authority of the king, the oath of the nobles, and the testimony of the gods—these are the three most important proofs when the stars established the country."

"Today, more than 600 years later, please still let the goddess of the setting sun witness the continuation of the star king."

The entire hall was in an uproar again.

Li Xiya, who was expressionless, bowed and nodded slightly.

But she didn't answer right away, but knelt down on her back and closed her eyes.

Thales looked curiously at the high priest who didn't like him very much.

This is—communicating with God?

But suddenly, an unspeakable feeling hit Thales' heart, which made him very uncomfortable.

A sound like tinnitus suddenly sounded!


He was startled in horror, resisting the pain of covering his ears with his hands, and looked left and right.

But the people in the hall, no matter whether they were nobles or commoners, did not make a sound, nor did they show any impatience.

Could it be...

Until the tinnitus disappears.

Everyone around was normal.

It seemed that he was the only one who heard tinnitus?

Travelers have never known what kind of existence the gods of this world are.

but now...

Thales had one more doubt in his heart.

After a while, Li Xiya gently opened her eyes, stood up and said, "The goddess agrees, Your Majesty."

Duke Cullen sighed.

He already knew the outcome of the matter.

Gust clenched his fists tightly, his single eyes shone coldly.

Falkenhauser gave a dry laugh.

And Zhan En looked thoughtfully at Thales, who was the focus of the audience.

King Kessel V nodded slightly.

He suddenly grabbed Thales' hand!

Surprised the traverser!

"Come with me," Kessel said unquestionably, "Your bloodline should be seen by the entire star."

Thales was dumbfounded, and let Kessel V pull him, walked down the round platform surrounded by stone seats, and walked towards the terrace next to Xingju Square.

To be honest, he - he's really not used to it.

Maybe it's because, from the bottom of his heart, he hasn't regarded this strong man as his father?

The noble lords on the other nineteen stone pedestals stood up one after another, and followed the king and his son to the wide terrace. Many small and medium nobles around also wanted to follow, but were mercilessly forced by the guards' anti-shock shields and electric shock batons. went back.

Thales walked to the edge of the terrace and looked down.

It was afternoon, and the weather was just right.

He immediately held his breath.


A lot of people!

A dense crowd of people!

The entire Xingju Square is full of people!

At least tens of thousands!

Like ants, it covered the entire ground of his vision below!

It's not that Thales has never been to Xingju Square. He once stood on the square and looked up at the magnificent Fuxing Palace.

But he has never stood on the terrace of the Hall of Stars in the Fuxing Palace, overlooking the entire Xingju Square!

Even a traveler who has been a human in two lifetimes couldn't help opening his mouth wide when he saw this scene.

Soon, people in the square noticed that there were two extra people on the terrace.

After confirming that it is the king and his blood.

Unprecedented cheers resounded from the crowd in the square!

"The king—the king—"

"Bright Star—Long Live—"


"Did you see it?" Kessel still held his hand, and said slowly, "This is our subjects, our burden, and our responsibility."

The Supreme King asked deeply: "Are you ready, born for the stars?"

Before Thales could answer, Li Xiya came up with a cold face.

The young priestess seemed very nervous. Under Li Xiya's gesture, she tremblingly brought a plate with a precious dagger on it.

"Bloodline ceremony?"

Duke Cullen was supported by two attendants. After walking to the terrace, he shook his head: "It's a ceremony that hasn't been used for nearly two hundred years. When was the last time? Prince Kaila's bloodline acknowledgment ceremony?"

No one answered him.

On one side, the Duke of the Northern Territory stared blankly at his sister whom he hadn't seen for many years.

It's just that Li Xiya didn't even look at him.

The charming high priest walked slowly between the king and Thales.

Under the gaze of the entire square, Kessel gently picked up the dagger, cut off his left index finger, and put the dagger back.

The sacrificial girl brought the plate in front of Thales. She was only eleven or twelve years old, but it seemed that it was the first time she had come to such a high-profile occasion, and she was trembling with nervousness.

"Don't be nervous, it's okay." Thales smiled at her, picked up the dagger with the red sun mark, and cut open the palm of his left hand.

Li Xiya stretched out both hands expressionlessly, grabbing the king and Thales respectively.

Then she raised her head.

It was completely different from the lengthy prayer ceremony Thales expected.

Because the next moment, Li Xiya's eyes burst out instantly, with the same strong light as in the stone house!

The terrace and the people rushing to watch behind the terrace suddenly fell silent, and more civilians began to kneel down, facing the ray of light in the center of the terrace, and began to close their eyes and pray.

The light is getting stronger and stronger!

Even the people in the square began to see clearly in daylight!

On the square, almost all civilians who do not have the right to enter the Hall of Stars.

Almost all the people in the square knelt down devoutly, and began to pray towards the direction of the Fuxing Palace above their heads.

The pious kneeling of believers made the entire Star Gathering Square, viewed from the balcony of the Hall of Stars, change colors and surge like waves.

But Thales didn't have the energy to watch this spectacle.

And the traverser was surprised to see that the blood on his and Kessel's hands was floating under the light in the eyes of the high priest!

Then they connected into a red light.

This is?

Thales looked at the light suspiciously.

The accident happened at this moment!