
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 44 The Journey

Thales looked indifferently at the quarrel between the nobles, and lowered his head dimly.

Power, procedure, war, force, throne.

He sighed lightly.

Is this the future I want to face?

He suddenly felt that the original unknown and weird world that aroused his infinite curiosity had become somewhat boring.

"Cyril," Duke Cullen on the side gave Falkenhauser a dissatisfied look: "Do you have to be so straightforward every time?"

In Xingju Square, the sky-shaking roar came from afar. The voice was so noisy, mixed with anger and fanaticism, that it was hard to hear clearly.

And in the Hall of Stars, the civilians and minor nobles who were watching directly erupted like a flood of protests!

"Shameless lord! This is usurping the throne!"

"But we need an heir! In case the king has an accident at the front..."

"Death to the traitor! Canxing is our king, that's a sacred oath!"

"This is all for the stars! We must stand together and face Exeter!"

The dukes exchanged glances in silence, while the earls whispered.

"Silence! Silence!" Gilbert tried his best to maintain order, but with little success.

Until the Supreme King of the Stars, King Kessel V's eyes glowed brightly.

He grasped the mysterious scepter shining with stars, and stood upright from the throne!

He shouted angrily in a majestic voice:


The Hall of Stars fell silent instantly, and everyone stared at the king's strong figure.

"What a good time! It's just when the stars are in trouble and we have to cooperate to fight against the enemy!"

The king put his hands on the scepter, and stared sharply at Gust Nantry in front of him.

The one-eyed dragon slowly raised his hand to his chest and knelt down on one knee in front of the king.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty, but this is a test," Gust said calmly and earnestly, making people feel the sincerity in his words, "I believe that the originally weakened and scattered power of the stars will be defeated in the confrontation between the dragon and the stars." in, to be one again."

"Everyone knows that the first speaker who forces the establishment of an heir will be punished with wrath."

"But am I going to be on the throne for myself, for the sake of Nantrest?"

Gust raised his head, his one-eyed eyes were clear:

"Your Majesty, you can exclude Nantrest from the heir selection."

"Everything is for the stars—please set up an heir, or at least determine the method for choosing an heir—that way, the stars will surely return to the top of the Western Continent, and even reappear the glory of the empire."

Kessel walked up to him slowly, and said with a sneer, "Kust, sometimes I can't tell whether your awe-inspiring righteousness is true or false."

"But it's good for the stars," Duke Cyclops replied calmly, "It doesn't matter if it's true or false."

"I've also imagined this situation - but it's at a high-level meeting, it doesn't have to be so ugly," Earl Dastan's voice came, he stood up steadily, walked behind Korsted, and also knelt on one knee Next: "But Your Majesty, your country is a meeting. Turn this legitimate persuasion into a conflict that seems to be forced by the palace."

"But we all have legitimate reasons," Earl Sorel came from behind, knelt down on one knee, and said solemnly, "For this once great country, which is now riddled with holes, it will be revived again."

"Just by changing the king?" Gilbert's face was deformed with anger: "If you put on the crown, can the stars become an empire?"

"It's not that simple," Count Bozdov also stepped forward gloomyly, and knelt down firmly: "It's about turning the king who was originally high above and doing whatever he wanted—into one of us, thinking what we think, doing what we do .The monarch and the nobles were originally one, but were separated because of the high and low power...Now, we are reunited."

"Kevin Dill has followed Canxing since the end of the battle, and he will never change his words and vows.

"Zhan En bowed his head deeply, and said sadly: "But I think that maintaining the safety and future of the stars is also the wish of His Majesty Tormund I, and he will understand. "

The Duke of Tricolor Iris stood up resolutely and joined the kneeling crowd.

Falkenhauser's untimely laughter sounded again untimely: "It means to implement the king election system? Ha, it really means 'Let us share Your Majesty's burden'! Just like Exeter?"

"It's better than Exeter—we have a thousand-year-old empire." Earl Lasia of the South Bank Territory gave Duke Jann a complicated look, and knelt down.

In disbelief, Cohen looked at his father, the old Count Calabyan, and silently knelt down with Count Lasia.

King Kessel V coldly looked down at these dukes and earls, and knelt down on one knee.

"It's not the Canxing royal family's fault, but the crown's fault, the throne's fault, and the scepter's fault." Duke Cullen sighed at this moment: "Since the royal line has been severed, it is the fault of the stars." It is not a bad thing for His Majesty to choose a successor."

The two earls of the Eastern Sea Territory, Havia and Almond, also stepped forward and knelt silently after Duke Cullen spoke.

"It's obviously shameful to force the palace," one of the royalists, Earl Godwin, said through gritted teeth: "How did you do it, and still be justified and righteous?"

"Can't you see it?" Count Dele Colomo calmly left his seat and knelt down: "This is the general trend."

Under the Fuxing Palace, the crowd became louder and louder.

"Boom!" Val punched the handrail of the stone seat with a fist, his eyes turned cold: "Sometimes, I really feel sick for you."

He clenched his fists, lowered his head and said, "The unbelievably coincidental war, the unbelievably coincidental persuasion...and the sacrificed northern territory..."

King Kessel V looked straight at him with unique and incomprehensible eyes.

Under the king's unclear gaze, the Duke of the North closed his eyes tightly and took a deep breath.

He frowned, as if he was struggling fiercely.

In the end, he opened it to Kessel as if he had made up his mind.

But Val didn't look into the king's eyes. The heroic Duke of the North said lonely and disappointed at the moment:

"But if this can be exchanged for the northern border and the stability and safety of the stars..."

"Kay, maybe you should think about it."

The two Northern Earls under him both bowed their heads and were dumbfounded.

King Kessel V's eyes dimmed.

He turned around and stopped looking at his old friend.

Seeing Val's hesitation and guilt, Duke Cyril Falkenhauser laughed sharply again.

"It seems that Your Majesty, your choice is to directly elect an heir, or establish a system of electing a king."

Only King Kessel V stood above the officials with a blank face.

The only thing he held tightly in his hand was a scepter.

Thales suddenly felt that his father was so lonely.

If you hadn't found me, what would the situation be like today?

Thales, who was watching all this, suddenly became dizzy.

here we go again.

A memory from the past came before his eyes:

Sitting in a very small classroom, Wu Qiren reported to a professor and two classmates in front of him:

[Poggi inherited Weber's German academic tradition, focusing on power, and examining the formation of feudal states...]

No! Not now!

Thales pressed his temples hard, suppressing the memory flashback.

But when Thales' attention returned to the Hall of Stars, the words of King Kessel V, who was not angry and arrogant, came to his ears:

"It seems that if I don't appoint an heir, I won't even be able to fight battles."


"Then I will establish an heir."

Zhan En's brows were slightly frowned—the feeling of unrest was getting stronger and stronger.

King Kessel V sat down slowly without looking at the nobles on the ground.

The words Thales had been waiting for all this time finally sounded:

"Let him meet everyone, Gilbert."


Thales' mind went blank.

He forced himself to swallow a mouthful of saliva.

He watched Gilbert wave his hand.

In the dark compartment, a secret door opened in front of him suddenly, and inside was a long staircase leading to nowhere.

A lot of discussions started in the Hall of Stars.

The Duke and the Earls remained calm, but when they looked at each other, they could see doubts in each other's eyes.

Thales adjusted his bow tie.

[Thals. ]

The traverser called the name of his own world.

[it's time. ]

Thales stepped down the steps decisively.

[Just treat it as another game. ]

one step.

Another step.

"Forgive me for not understanding what you mean, Your Majesty..." Earl Dastan on the ground raised his head and looked directly at Kessel: "Is the heir you choose not among the nobles in this hall?"

The Supreme King just looked at him coldly without saying a word.

In the narrow passage, Thales clutched his forehead tightly.

The memory flashed back again.

But he still gritted his teeth and walked forward firmly.

Open your eyes, it's the Hall of Stars.

With eyes closed, it is another self, living in fragments of memory.

[The bond between the feudal monarch and the vassals, with strong personal feelings and personal colors... The struggle for power gradually deteriorated, the order collapsed, the coordination was unstable, and the chaotic violence occurred periodically... The unified feudal system was eventually fragmented broken...]

[However, the rise of feudalism is still our attempt to stabilize public rule, a valuable effort...]

[Poggi also believes that in this process, the legitimacy of power, the boundaries of the monarchy, the responsibilities and traditions of the country, and even the importance of the law have all entered the historical perspective and been affirmed—this is feudalism. The most precious legacy left by the system to subsequent countries...]

[But we still have to ask, what exactly did Poggi's observation and analysis miss? ]

What exactly is missing?

"Your Majesty, have you chosen your heir yet?" The one-eyed dragon, Gust Nantriest raised his one-eyed eyes with deep meaning, and looked around: "It seems that neither the Tebaker family nor the two great families from the southwest came? "

The Supreme King still ignored him.

Thales came to a side door and could already see the civilians outside the Hall of Stars.

No, not the side door.

He realized that the door in front of him was leading to the center of the hall - the Twenty Stone Seat.

It's the main entrance.

The guards looked serious, but some couldn't help but look at him, at the badge on his body.

The moment they saw it clearly, many people's breathing accelerated, and some even leaned forward in a loss of composure.

But a guard who looked like a leader sternly reprimanded them back, then saluted Thales respectfully, and gave way to the hall.

However, just when Thales was about to step up.


"You'll be better than him."

Thales raised his head abruptly!

All I saw was that the guard had already turned and left.

Sora left behind a figure in armor and helmet.


Thales clenched his fists.

It's you?

Similarly, civilians inside and outside the hall have already seen the little boy outside the door.

They started whispering and gesturing to each other.

The memory flashed back like a tidal wave.

The traverser felt that there was an extra force in his body, which made him more energetic.

Thales took three deep breaths.

It's just another game.

It's just another time, the thesis defense.

Thales cleared away all emotions, all expressions, and stepped on the star-blue patterned carpet.

began his journey.

He moved forward, stepping over the outermost ordinary civilians.

A rustic-dressed suburban squire stabbed a friend who was running errands between the city and the countryside.

"Who is that?"

"Can children also come in?"

"Maybe a nobleman?"

"so small?"

"Hey, did you see that? That kid is so beautifully dressed."

"We're about to catch up with the baron's lady."

Thales didn't look sideways.

He moved forward, stepping on the steps made up of merchants, craftsmen, farmers, and chiefs.

A fat carriage merchant was a little surprised.

He pulled the arms of the two colleagues.

"Look at that child!"

"Is it a late nobleman?"

"This attire is not as simple as a little nobleman!"

"Do you recognize the emblem on his body?"

"It's a bit familiar. I pulled a group of guests before, and the scrolls they were holding had that mark on them."

"Why did you come in at this time?"

Thales kept walking.

He stepped forward, stepping through the seat composed of honorary servicemen and government bureaucrats.

The judge of a small village in the outskirts saw him.

He frowned, lowered his head and whispered in the ear of another City Hall approval officer.

"Look at that family emblem."

"That's... oh my god!"

"How can it be?"

"I also think it's impossible. You won't admit your mistake, will you?"

"I have handled hundreds of king's warrants! How could I admit my mistake!"

Thales ignored it.

He moved forward, stepping over the unsupported stone seats of lords, barons and other low-ranking nobles.

A pipe-smoking baron's eyes lit up, and he almost bit the pipe in his mouth.

He leaned forward and patted his friend on the shoulder.

"Could it be... the nine-pointed star?"

"What? This..."

"Do you think the same as me?"


"Then now..."

"Yes, he is indeed the King of Iron Fists."

Thales didn't care.

He moved forward, stepping over the stone seats of viscounts, earls and other middle nobles.

An honorary earl opened his mouth in disbelief.

He didn't need to inform others. Many nobles had already seen Thales.

"That is..."

"My lord...how is this going to end?"

"No, there has been no news for so many years..."

"Could it be an illegitimate child living outside..."

"The lords..."

"Oh, this pond is too deep..."

"Just wait and see the good show."

The crowd's discussion, noise, and noise became louder and louder, and finally turned into a commotion and an uproar.

People stood up one after another, leaning forward, scrambling to look at the mysterious boy with the gold and silver nine-pointed star.

In the most central stone seat, Cohen turned his head strangely, looking at the source of the commotion.

A boy in aristocratic attire with a nine-pointed star pin came forward with a serious face.

Cohen stared at the nine-pointed star and froze in place.

That boy...why does he have, Can... Canxing's family emblem?

The traverser stepped onto the Thirteen Stone Seat without changing his face.

Gilbert winked at him.

The three sitting dukes saw clearly the boy walking step by step in front of them.

They could no longer keep calm.

Val looked at the approaching boy in shock and clenched his fists.

"This...are you joking?"

Cullen frowned tightly, leaning forward with his fat body.

"That boy... the emblem on his body..."

Cyril gritted his terrifying teeth, twitched his eyebrows, and bit out a few words.

"Ah... this is really... unexpected."

The Supreme King raised his head slightly, with a cold light and a smile in his eyes.

He only heard him chuckle and say:

"Everyone, come and meet Thales."

The lords kneeling on one knee turned their heads one after another.

The moment he saw the boy's face clearly, the pupils of Jann Cavendir, the guardian duke of the South Bank, immediately contracted.




Kessel started stroking his scepter again, and once again uttered authoritative and heavy words:

"He is my son."

"The only blood descendant of the Canxing royal family."

Thales swung his right hand forward, left his back, and bowed deeply to the king.

He turned to the lords all over the place.

"Good day, my lords."

Thales heard himself saying that.

It was the first time Thales spoke to the noble lords who held heavy soldiers in the stars and ruled the kingdom.