
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 33 Donate a bag of blood, save a life

Serena has long been waiting in her so-called "room".

Except for the two permanent lights, it was pitch black - Thales suspected that those two lights were also lit for him.

Laurana and Estren were nowhere to be seen.

Behind the little blood-eyed loli is still the exaggeratedly large black coffin - Thales would have doubted it if he hadn't seen how the vampires fiddled with a mechanism, and then folded it back to the size of a normal coffin Does the blood race have a so-called "magician" to carry it.

But at this moment, looking at the black coffin, Thales frowned.

"What's the end?" Serena asked strangely.

"It's nothing." Thales said calmly, his expression returned to normal, and he swallowed the phrase "Why did you put a toilet in the middle of the room".

"I'm here to thank my allies for their support, Celine—may I call you that?"

Serena raised her eyebrows imperceptibly, and pouted her baby fat face.

It's just support, it's just the obligation of allies, not the help that needs your return?

He is really a cunning and literal-minded kid.

Serena thought dissatisfiedly.

"It's just conveying a few unclear words—let's call it Ms. Serena—by the way, I also mastered some dirty little secrets," Serena tilted her head, showing a lovely loli smile : "In Su Ye's words...'Why not do it'."

"Really, especially my dear ally who is unclear with the magician?"

There was a moment of silence between the two of them.

Sure enough, the old hag—Thales thought to herself: She will not let this opportunity go.

"No, your help is very important to me, and I am very grateful to you." Thales smiled shyly, with sincere eyes, like a grateful little boy:

"Otherwise, in front of the Black Prophet, I might even confess to him the truth about the civil strife in the Corleone clan and the fact that you took refuge in the stars--that is the Black Prophet, who knows what terrible things he will do after possessing these secrets things are coming."

"I don't want to see bad things happen to my allies—I hope you think the same, Celine."

Serena's eyes instantly turned cold.

"I'm not willing to suffer at all, are you, my ally?" She deliberately smiled, while showing her small fangs: "Also, don't call me Celine."

Now this set doesn't frighten me anymore—Thales looked at the five or six-year-old Serena with a funny face, curling her mouth in front of him.

"I thought that allies should trust each other instead of threatening back and forth." Thales' smile became brighter, and he took a step forward: "We have the same interests, dear Serene."

"Since we have the same interests—please call me Ms. Serena—please show more sincerity. For example, I and my subordinates need more blood, blood." Serena's red pupils focused Then, he also took a step forward and looked at Thales.

Sure enough, a dog can't change it—ahem.

"The blood of the living is a bit difficult—but I'm here to fulfill the covenant," Thales took a deep breath, took a step forward, looked directly into the pair of red eyes, and tried his best to drive the image of the mummy out of his mind , smiled and said: "Tie our common interests a little tighter—Cerin."

Celine? Disrespectful short-lived species—— Serena thought slightly annoyed: Wait until I take back the throne from that bitch...

She looked at Thales's comfortable smile.

"Hmph, so," Serena chuckled, her small mouth slightly raised, "Has Li finally made up his mind to propose to me?"


Thales felt his worldview shake.

He looked helplessly at the four-hundred-year-old witch who was smiling triumphantly, with an expression of eating shit.

you win.

Thales sighed,

Under Serena's bright gaze, she rolled up the sleeve of her left hand and stretched out her exposed wrist in front of the red-eyed Lolita.

"My blood—this is the promised covenant." He said flatly.

Serena's face turned pale, and then it turned into a smile: "I now believe in the sincerity in Li, dear ally."

I thought he would always renege on his debts.

The Grand Duchess closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and the corners of her mouth became wider and wider.

This boy is not that annoying.

"Remember, one-eighth of a pint, Celine." Thales' eyes were serious and his breathing was short: "Not more."

"But it can't be less." Serena opened her eyes, ignoring Thales' address, and she smiled strangely: "I will be able to control the blood volume."

Lolita's face showed fascination and fanaticism.

At this moment, Thales, who was worried in his heart, felt even more that in front of him was a four- to five-hundred-year-old blood female grand duchess.

Blood volume?

Can I change the word?

Thales looked at Serena, who had turned into a gourmet in front of him, and swallowed hard.

The shadow of the previous "mummy" has been lingering.

"Hey, can your eyes be gentler..."

"I'm a little scared by your expression, my heart is creepy..."

"Ah—give me a hint, sister, don't bite on it so quickly, hey!"

"Ah! Pain, pain, pain!"

Thales' panicked voice came from the room.

Yordle's mask trembled, and his figure was about to move, but was stopped by the old blood steward in front of him.

"This is the covenant between them." Chris said coldly, looking at the masked guard opposite without showing any sign of weakness.

In front of the fangs of the vampires, human beings will always be the weak side.

Even if that cub——that child is the quasi-heir to the second most powerful country in the Western Continent.

But as the blood sucking continued.

It seems - not quite right?

Thales' voice came from the black coffin again.

"Your mouth... looks quite small, why is it so powerful..."

"Hey, don't be too intense at the beginning, there has to be a transition..."

"Ouch, teeth! It hurts me!"

"Ah...slow down, bite by bite..."

"Be gentler... yes, be gentle..."

"Tongue... ah... the tongue can't go everywhere... I won't be able to bear it..."

Chris' face became increasingly ugly.

"Okay, keep this rhythm."

"Small mouth..."

"I know you can't hold back..."

"But hold back and stay rational."

"Serena, be good, for my health, it can't be so fast..."

Chris's face began to turn from white to livid.

Damn ephemeral species.

That kid, was it on purpose?

He looked viciously at Yordle on the opposite side.

Jodl paused with his hand raised in mid-air.

Chris's face twitched and he saw that Yodel turned his hands outwards and made a "helpless" gesture.

"Yes," the masked guard said hoarsely and helplessly, "This is their covenant."

Jodl easily stood back at the door and put his hands behind his back again.

Before Chris stormed into the room, Serena finally sucked enough blood, let go of the nervous Thales in satisfaction, and licked her bright red lips.

"Thank you for the hospitality." The red-eyed loli girl said sweetly.

"You're welcome." This is the ashen-faced Thales. He sat on the ground with a displeased face, stroking the two small holes on his wrist, opening and closing his mouth:

"Donate a bag of blood and save a life."

He always felt that the other party sucked a lot.


"Don't worry, that child is stronger than we imagined." Gilbert walked down the hall on the first floor, looking at Jine in a daze.

At this moment, the sound of a Mercedes-Benz came from outside the Mindis Hall.

Gilbert's face changed - it was an immediate messenger.

"It seems to be an eventful night." Ji Ni came back to her senses, looked at the messenger with complicated eyes, and respectfully handed over a seal scroll of nine-pointed star.

Gilbert broke the sealant and opened the scroll, his expression became more and more serious.

"Something has happened." Gilbert put down the scroll and frowned deeply: "Your Majesty urgently called us into the palace."

"Of course, after all, you are his most trusted aide and former foreign minister." Ginny sighed, turned around indifferently, and walked upstairs: "As for me, forget it, I would rather stay here and watch that child."


Gilbert turned to Jine, his expression more solemn than ever.

Facing Jini, he lifted the upper edge of the scroll and shook it lightly.

At the bottom of the paper, Kessel Canxing's signature and nine-pointed star imprint were exposed.

"His Majesty urgently summons all of us to Fuxing Palace immediately."

"Including that child."