
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 23 If the stars are there, the empire will last forever

"The land of the empire is sinking, and the sky is falling apart."

"The triumphant capital, the capital of the empire, which has a history of more than 2,500 years since the age of the kings and has witnessed the rise and fall of two generations of empires, was completely buried at the bottom of the Sea of Ending as the land of the final empire sank."

Gilbert's sympathetic words even infected the guards on both sides. Thales clearly felt that their hands on the hilt of the sword were trembling slightly.

Gilbert pressed Thales' shoulder and looked at the young knight on the wall who was always roaring and charging, but seemed to never end.

Thales felt the weight on Gilbert's hands, and only heard the former foreign minister speak silently, reciting the verses in "Cahil Ye Luo's Poetry Collection":

"The hero raises the flag, the king holds the gun, the empire is dead, and the world is dark."

"Ten years of blood and fire, I returned from victory, but I can never go back to the homeland where I fought endlessly for it. There is no royal family left, and no nobles are left." Speaking of this, Gilbert said in a trance:

"Thales, my little mister, can you imagine that feeling?"

Thales stared blankly at the forward-looking Tormund.

The young knight looked so brave and fearless, even on a tragic battlefield, he looked radiant.

Will he know at that time that he can never go back to his hometown again?

Before Gilbert could wait for Thales to reply, he sighed: "No, at least I can't."

Thales didn't speak, but there was a strange feeling in his heart.

"Fearless souls, where do they go when they are lonely?"

Thales calmly read the last two lines of the poem.

Anxious living beings.

In his imagination, a majestic and magnificent city appeared, but it was slowly sinking. Everyone was running for their lives, shouting in panic, panicking, but they could only look helplessly at the sea water, submerging everything.

At this moment, Thales suddenly raised his head, and asked with heavy and slight resentment:

"Where are those people?"

"Huh?" Immersed in the nostalgia for King Fuxing, Gilbert turned his head and looked at Thales in bewilderment.

Thales also looked at Gilbert, calmed down and looked calm.

"It's not just the imperial family and nobles, it's not just knights and soldiers—they are the participants in the war."

"But there are still countless people living on that land, farmers, businessmen, old people, and children," the traverser said calmly, "regardless of high or low, high or low, or race, but they can't choose to be involved in it. The people of this war, everyone."

"During the war, when Lu was sinking, they were more innocent than disasters, emperors, nobles, and anyone else."

"But they are the meaning of the existence of the empire—haven't they all been able to escape?"

Gilbert stared at Thales, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he knew Thales for the first time, and looked at him again.

"Just like your grandfather who is sympathetic to the people, Mr. Thales," Gilbert sighed, "You have a compassionate and loving heart."

Compassionate for the common people?

Those who can use the word "compassionate" probably never put themselves in the same dimension as "lower people".

As for compassion and benevolence?

The traverser shook his head silently in his heart.

But Gilbert immediately bowed his head sadly, his eyes full of disappointment: "No, the whole world, including the princes and aristocrats of the empire, down to the common people of the empire, will all sink into the sea."

"Only Tormund and his army are left, which proves that the final empire and even the ancient empire are not legends, they all once existed very real."

Thales lowered his head, closed his eyes, and exhaled lightly.

At this moment, Gilbert's hand on Thales's shoulder suddenly and slowly exerted force, and he spit out the following words word by word:

"The Prince Tormund at that time was just the most unfavored illegitimate child of the imperial family of the final empire.


Thales was shocked!

Thales turned his head abruptly and looked at Gilbert in disbelief.

He knew why Gilbert said these things.

"Don't talk about titles, territories, property, he is not even eligible to inherit his surname. Even the title 'Prince' is just a courtesy."

Gilbert looked at Thales firmly:

"Compared to you now, he has nothing. The situation he faces is a hundred times more dangerous than yours."

Thales stared blankly at Gilbert, then at the illegitimate king on the wall.

Gilbert shook his head, put down the hand on Thales' shoulder, and continued:

"The War of the End has been won. Human beings and the entire civilized world are celebrating a great victory, and the politics of the world are also changing."

"In the east, Fengwang Chenjian brought the hopes of the Far Easterners to overthrow the old dynasty and establish the Suye dynasty."

"Ama Mimo Humble raised the banner and began to spread the reputation of the Humble dynasty among countless believers."

"In the west, the hero Nakaru Exeter was crowned king amidst the cheers of the crowd, and the mighty and proud Exeter Kingdom was born from this."

"But compared to this..."

Gilbert looked at Master Kervin's painting with seriousness and pity:

"The ultimate empire that inherited the glory of the empire lost all its land and citizens overnight, leaving only the last blood."

"Overnight, the originally insignificant illegitimate child became the only remaining supreme leader of the empire that no longer existed."

"Tormund has nothing, no matter the land, the people, the supplies, or the wealth. Except for the six knights around him, there are only two thousand soldiers left alone. They are walking in panic in an unfamiliar land, hope is cut off, and the road ahead is bleak."

"At the age of twenty-four, he has turned around among many forces and lords. For even a little food, a little supply, a garrison, and a batch of weapons, he has used all means, from bowing his knees to fighting for reason, from flattery to stealing, Maintain the independent existence of the subordinates and the last dignity of the empire."

"The lonely Prince Tormund struggles daily between war, conspiracy, ambition and power, and strives to survive amid ridicule, ridicule, use, and malice. He is only twenty-six years old, and his hair is already graying."

Gilbert put his hands behind his back, his eyes filled with reverence.

"'The Final Prince of the Final Empire'? e_final_prince_of_the_Final_Empire)—this was the ridicule and sneer at him from the people on the two continents at that time."

Thales stared fixedly at the heroic prince without saying a word.

"Ten years passed, their numbers became smaller and smaller, and their hope became smaller and smaller. Finally, after a battle with heavy casualties, the desperate subordinates surrounded the emaciated Prince Tormund with the corpses of their colleagues, Weeping and pressing him:

What's the point of fighting like this? The empire is gone, and there is no land left. They are like rootless weeds, embers of history, and will eventually perish without leaving a trace. "

"Why do you still have to fight!"

"Why don't you just give up?"

Thales was slightly shocked, and looked at the prince. The ancestor's eyes were different.

When you have nothing, when everything ceases to exist, what are you fighting for?

Looking at Thales' expression, Gilbert sighed in pity, but then showed a firm look and expression:

"Thales!" For the first time, he called Thales' name seriously and without respect: "You have to listen carefully to the next words."

"That night, in the face of being questioned by his subordinates, Tormund shed tears, took off his scarred armor, pointed to the stars in the sky, and recited his oath!"

At that moment, Thales saw the guards on both sides standing up straight with their heads held high, and the sound of armor clashing suddenly came from the empty hall.

I only heard Gilbert's resolute face, and solemn tone, spit out the words:

"If the stars are there, the empire will last forever."

(The_Empire_shall_last, _so_long_as_the_stars_be.)

Thales took a deep breath.

Stars—the stars, if they exist?

Empire—Thals thought about the meaning of this sentence—eternal?

The voice of the middle-aged noble just fell.

The soldiers and guards in the entire hall paced vigorously following these words.


Then, they swung their fists in unison and slammed on the shield of the gold and silver nine-pointed star!


The empty hall was suddenly filled with crisp echoes!

Shocked by history, Thales, who was in a daze, took a step back in fright.


Before he could react, Gilbert suddenly squatted down, held the traverser's shoulders with both hands, looked at him, and said seriously:

"Please don't underestimate yourself, the blood in your body, and what they represent."

"The existence of you and Canxing is the golden age of mankind, the great ancient empire, the heroic final empire, and the most powerful proof in the world that it is still alive!"

At this point, Gilbert's eyes were already filled with excitement, and his hands were trembling, making Thales panic inexplicably.

He continued to say loudly:

"That day, 10 years after the end of the calendar, September 27th, is the day the Kingdom of Stars was established."

"Prince Tormund, who swore an oath by the stars, has since taken the surname 'Bright Star' and become the founding king of the Star Kingdom, Tormund I."

"The Kingdom of Stars became the most powerful country in the Western Continent in the following decades! Together with Exeter, it is called the 'Shield and Blade of the Western Continent'."

"The empire is reborn from the ashes, and in the name of the stars, the world is reborn! The glory is renewed, and the greatness is reborn!"

"When it comes to Tormund Canxing, no one remembers the 'Final Prince'."

"Only known as the 'King of Revival'"

Gilbert shook his mustache, and his eyes seemed to burn with flames: "The motto of the Canxing family was born from this!"

Thales felt a little unnatural.

Although he also sighed for Tormund's story.

But looking at the fanatical Gilbert in front of him, it was still difficult for him to integrate into this emotion.

Are the stars only for the former empire?

This kind of founding spirit is not right.

There must be something wrong.

However, seeing Gilbert's scorching gaze and the obviously heavier breathing of the guards on both sides, he could only grit his teeth and nod heavily.

Thales frowned tightly, biting the words and uttering the words:

"If the stars are there, the empire will last forever!"

At this moment, a scolding voice full of anger came!


Thales and Gilbert turned their heads in unison, and saw Jenny Bakeway on the steps with a gloomy face, looking at the pair of teachers and students with displeasure:

"It's dinner time.