
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 2 The Capable Live

When most people in the stars think of the Exeters, their first reaction is always: "hard and cold-resistant".

The second reaction will be different.

Most civilians will touch their heads in doubt and say "barbaric" or "rude", while businessmen will probably laugh and say "honesty, easy to do business", while mercenaries and adventurers will smile mysteriously and tell you that whether you charge or After the break, they are the first choice.

And the veterans who fought against them would frown, sigh in the ale and tobacco in the deep memory, and leave a sentence: They are not easy to mess with.

But judging from the history and geography of the mainland that Thales read, at least the nobles and lords of the stars have a completely different and complicated impression of their strong neighbors in the north.

As the most powerful country in the Western Continent, Exeter has a dauntingly powerful army and amazing achievements. It is not only a credible and solid ally in the continental war, but also a terrifying dragon with a ferocious face when the three powers in the Western Continent are fighting.

Compared with the well-paced, orderly and delicate Star Kingdom, this is a powerful country full of romantic spirit and rebellious spirit, both martial and heroic. Its long-standing tradition even predates the ancient empire period.

From the time of the distant kings, the "Alliance of Beasts" concluded between the king of the north, Tacom, and the orcs, to the "last line of defense of mankind" against the orcs with the heroic sacrifice of the Jagged King, to the decisive battle of Quigul , 2,000 human iron cavalry launched an attack on the 20,000 orc heavy infantry in the "Battle of Saints", and then the powerful knights in the north gathered under the emperor's banner to conquer the Quartet with sword and fire and establish an ancient empire. On the northern territory of mankind, the most severe cold wind has ever blown, waking mankind from the weak and ignorant age.

During the empire era, Queso, the "rebel king" of the northern provinces, rebelled against the tyrant. Although he was not well-known in the Kingdom of Stars, which considered himself to be the legitimate line of the empire, Thales had read that the rebel king was on the side of Gulaofeng, With only 300 people left, they attacked the three major armies of the empire, and finally died in the army. The heroism aroused the seemingly powerful empire, and the accumulated diseases and hidden wounds in various parts of the body opened the prelude to the first civil strife in the empire.

The closest thing to the contemporary Kingdom of Exeter is nothing more than the end of the world-shattering battle. In the darkest and most desperate moment, the hero Necaru and his knights descended from the sky and charged at the center of the enemy army, igniting the northern provinces and even The battle of "reversing the cold wind" against hope by the whole world saved the precarious northern and western theaters, not to mention the chaotic post-war continental fission. He and his loyal ten knights jointly created Exeter's Founding legend.

More recently, the adventures of Sarah, the hero from Exeter, the prophet Kaipeng, and Midir, the swearer of the stars, and their efforts to turn the tide hand in hand during the Second Continental War are still in the history of Egypt. A well-told story in Rolle's world.

Compared to the Star Kingdom, which is like an old gentleman, carrying the heavy orthodoxy of the empire, and even the founding story is full of sadness and bitterness, the Exeter Kingdom is full of heroism and resistance, and is more like a mature soldier full of hope and blood. What the sword points to, there is no going forward, where is the vigor, even if you die, you will have no regrets.

Just like the Exeter that Thales saw in front of his eyes.

Exeter's emergency envoy, Baron Russell Vader, stood upright in the Fuxing Palace, in the conference hall second only to the Hall of Stars, and he didn't care about the unkind gazes of the star officials and nobles in the hall.

He stood casually in a posture with his arms folded, looking down at the ground, and only occasionally raised his eyes to look around, but he didn't appear indecent or rude at all, as if this was his true nature, but his mouth The faint smile on the side made the onlookers frown.

Russell seemed to be in his early forties, holding the scroll sealed with the red dragon paint seal in his hand, not only showed no fear, but even had a proud face. When the people in the hall were swept by his eyes full of fighting spirit, There is an illusion: it is not they who are looking at the envoy, but the Exeter standing in the meeting hall,

is looking at them arrogantly.

Under such circumstances, Thales pursed his lips tightly and stood with Gilbert, hidden next to the Throne of Stars above several steps, inconspicuous.

In the hall, from the six rich dukes with different expressions, the earls of the thirteen noble families, to everyone in the imperial meeting: Chief Intelligence Officer Morat Hansen, Minister of Finance Joke Mann, and Military Advisor Thordo Reid Wait, they are all quietly separated on the side of the throne.

The highest power center of the entire Star Kingdom is waiting for King Kessel V on the throne to speak.

And King Kessel V's sky blue eyes were also carefully sizing up the person in front of him, the emergency envoy sent by Exeter after the assassination of Prince Moral.

Being able to cross the border non-stop from Longxiao City and gallop to Eternal Star City within six days after the incident showed the urgency of the matter and the attitude of this envoy.

"What did you bring, the messenger of the northern dragon?" Kessel's voice spread.

"Me? Huh, I personally didn't bring anything." Russell, the emergency envoy of the Exeter people, chuckled, his eyes turned cold instantly: "But soon, the whole country of Exeter will bring Their grief, their despair, and..."

"Their anger!"

The entire hall fell silent.

Baron Russell stared straight at King Kessel without flinching.

In the suffocating silence, Thales was wondering who should bring up the topic first.

King Kessel V broke the silence.

"I recognize you."

The king spoke slowly, and the thick voice spread throughout the hall: "Twelve years ago, the current Grand Duke of Black Sand, Charmain Lombard, who was still the Earl of a City at the time, visited the stars on behalf of Exeter as the son of the Grand Duke— —You led the horse for him in that mission."


Russell frowned first, a little surprised at Kessel's memory.

But then he chuckled lightly.

"What an amazing memory, Your Majesty," Russell smiled, full of uncomfortable irony: "I also remember very clearly, Your Majesty, you were only the fifth prince, standing alone in a corner. "

He turned his hands behind his back, took a step forward, and continued:

"...Looking at Charmain Rumba, he 'strongly' suggested to Eddie King, gray-haired, aging, and suffering from rebellion, that only the The territory of the five counties, returned to their masters..."

"Exter will generously send troops south to help his long-standing allies quell the growing rebellion."

Many people frowned.

Suffering from the rebellion——The Bloody Year? Thales remembered this episode.

But Thales noticed more that the envoy put "We Northerners" before "Exter".

what does that mean?

"I remember that Eddie King politely rejected the so-called 'proposal' of the Grand Duke of Lombard," Duke Falkenhauser said with a smile: "But even so, you sent troops to the south in a 'generous' way... really touching allies ah!"

Russell smiled mysteriously, but didn't reply.

"The Grand Duke of Lombard probably doesn't know how to read," Earl Zemuto said with furious eyes, "The five counties you mentioned are ruled by the Aarond, Zemuto and Forrest families respectively. , owns them—that is the realm of the stars, irrefutable."

Contrary to Thales' expectations, Russell actually chuckled.

Under the glaring eyes of everyone in the room, his chuckle gradually turned into a loud laugh,

"In the past few years, the cold wind in Exeter has become stronger and harsher. Our shepherd boys and hunters have to grit their teeth and go out with the severe cold that can freeze tears. To prevent hands and feet from freezing and falling off."

Under everyone's puzzled eyes, Russell sneered and said, "After several years, decades of this, we were able to transform a pair of trembling hands that held a bow and whip into a pair of tough, solid hands suitable for wielding a great sword. "

Russell paused, looked around, and laughed without hesitation: "In contrast, the climate of the stars is only warmer and more comfortable, especially suitable for the weak who can only pant on women's stomachs—this is' Descendants of Midir the Oathkeeper!"

There was an uproar in the hall!

Thales' eyes widened: An envoy who refuses to get to the point, but insults the visiting country in the second sentence?

But he immediately reflected that Xingchen was completely at a disadvantage in the matter of the prince's assassination, and when it comes to military strength, Xingchen can currently gather troops - just look at yesterday's state meeting.

Whether to be held accountable, when to be held accountable, how to be held accountable, the initiative of the whole matter is in the hands of Exeter.

Thales sighed lightly.

Earl Forries pressed the sword on his waist with a "snap", and said angrily, "What do you mean!"

But King Kessel V raised his hand calmly, and waved back many nobles who came out in anger.

"I mean——when can even the lame reason of 'my grandfather owned that piece of land' become the criterion for dividing territories?"

Russell took a big step and turned around, his eyes were burning and he responded to the nobles and lords of the stars without showing any weakness.

"Regardless of Exeter or Xingchen, every inch of land is conquered, the strong leave after taking advantage of the war, and the weak hand over their bargaining chips to protect themselves. This is the international law," only to hear Russell coldly Authentic, with a cold and unfriendly face: "Just as Feng Wang Chenjian of Donglu said: Only those who are capable live."

Only a few people, including Gilbert, narrowed their eyes slightly, thinking about his intentions, while King Kessel looked at the nobles in the hall with deep thought in his eyes.

"Please pay attention, Your Highness Thales," Gilbert said to Thales in a low voice: "In diplomacy, there are no meaningless quarrels or words-this is a temptation and a change of pace before the sword fight. It is testing our footsteps and reality, for the final moment of sword."

"He didn't rush to get straight to the point, which means that he may not have the bottom line to directly raise conditions, or he may have found a better negotiation point."

"But so far, this is his trick: by offending us, pulling the topic in the direction of military affairs, military strength, and the law of strength and weakness, planting a seed for us, and watching our reaction at the same time, to judge the next sword Direction," Gilbert whispered, "and, when he brings up real issues, we will unconsciously start to think about war and the cost of war—while relatively ignoring other options."

Thales frowned: Do we have other options?

I saw Russell stepping forward, looking at King Kessel with burning eyes: "And Xingchen, is it capable of guarding your so-called territory?"

The anger of the nobles in the hall has reached its peak!

Earl Zemuto in the north patted his northern military uniform angrily, and shouted violently, "Let your army let go—"

But he was immediately interrupted by a more vigorous and steady voice!


Val Aarend showed a steady smile, and his thick voice overshadowed Zemuto, echoing throughout the hall: "Just in time, as the Duke of the North, I am also worried that our territory is not big enough! The Grand Duke of Lombard wants us The five counties in the northern border, but I also miss his black sand collar - how about we send troops each according to our ability, and exchange territories?"

Hearing the Duke of the North's rebuttal, Exeter's emergency envoy frowned slightly, but then smiled.

"The Duke of the North has dealt with it very well," Gilbert said solemnly to the traveler, "But what Earl Zemuto said earlier may have exposed some information to the other party."

Thales nodded, and he understood: Facing the provocation, Zemuto was furious and asked his opponent to let him go, but Val smiled and said that he also wanted the opponent's territory—the hidden meaning and reality behind Ci Feng. The attitude and determination towards the invasion were immediately different.

At this moment, a young girl's voice broke into the conversation.

"Should those who are able live there?—In this case, your Grand Duke Heisha should raise his troops earlier, kill your King Nuen, and sit on the throne by himself."

Just one sentence made Russell's face suddenly change color!

"Because I think he's already stronger than King Nun, isn't he! If you go south, you have to face a country, but if you go north, you only have to face a king...Why don't you give it a try... Maybe it will work."

Under everyone's amazed eyes, the 15-year-old Duchess of the Blades, Lyanna Turbak stood like a solitary flower on a cliff, standing gracefully among the male lords, and said coldly:

"You might as well bring this sentence back to Grand Duke Luba of Heisha Territory—just as Feng Wang Chenjian said: Only those who can live there."