
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 10 Yala's Knife (Part 1)

It is not difficult to read the confessions of several children. In their impression, Thales was the hero who defeated Quaid. Thales made up an excuse and lied to them that Yala would arrange everything, and no matter who came to ask, he would bite to death in "Thales pierced Quaid's neck from behind". After that, they will be safe.

"They can't catch me." Thales said with a smile.

As four-year-old and eight-year-old children, Kelia and Ryan had little doubt. In their eyes, Thales was always omnipotent.

Only Xinti was a little confused when Thales left, but the traverser managed to make him abide by the agreement of "you think about it, and I will do it".

Then, it's time to get on the road - bah bah - it's time to set off.

When he waved at the children nonchalantly, and then stepped out of the back door of Sunset Bar, Thales felt that there was still a trace of sadness in his heart.

I can't take care of you anymore, children.

I hope I'm lucky, see you later.

What a heavy farewell.

After all, I can be regarded as standing up, and I'm a bit windy—eh?

Thales stared wide-eyed, looking at the expressionless Yala, swinging her slender legs, and overtook him in full armor from behind.

"Hey! Shouldn't you stay in the bar and take care of the three of them? Without you, they—"

"Don't worry, I hid them in the dark room and left a note for Edmund."

Yala, who was wearing a dark gray tights, pulled off a transparent windshield goggle from her forehead, put it on her face, then pressed Thales' shoulder with a displeased expression, and squatted down beside him.


"No but! Brat!" Yala interrupted him without any doubt.

"Since you decided to take the anger of Luo Da's family by yourself, and then go to Red Square Street to seek death and try your luck, then at least I should give you a ride—for the sake of this."

Yala patted the wolf leg knife on her boots.

"Besides, the secret sentinel set up by the Brotherhood in the lower city cannot be avoided by a seven-year-old kid. Even if I tell you about it a hundred times, you still won't be able to get past it."

Thales stared at Yala foolishly, and only after a second did he utter a word:

"But Red Square Street is fighting—"

"Stop wasting time, come up, let's go!"

Yala didn't talk any more nonsense, and she didn't bother to explain. Her haughty expression forced Thales' hesitation back to the depths of her brain.

Just, come up? Where are you coming from?

Thales looked at Yala, who was kneeling on one knee. This short-haired, dashing sister, under the tight action suit, had an already hot figure, which was even more well-proportioned. Sitting on her arm and clinging to her neck, isn't that—thinking of this, the traveler lowered his head in embarrassment and touched his head.


"Ah! It hurts!"

Yala pointed another ferocious finger at the center of Thales' forehead, which shocked his world view!

As if seeing through Thales' thoughts, Yala viciously half-drawn the wolf's leg knife, and a look of "I'm not easy to mess with" shot out behind the goggles, and said fiercely:

"Smelly brat! Stop thinking about those messy things and lie on my back! I'll walk behind your back!"


The moon is gradually sinking, but the sky has not yet brightened.

But this light is still as bright as daylight to Ridmore.

"Stay at your post. Most of the elites have gone to Hongfang Street today, so your lord is holding us tighter—we are the last intersection to Hongfang Street."

It was also the first crossing that the Brotherhood retreat would pass through, Ridmore thought silently.

As a professional secret whistle, Radmore hid himself behind the corner of a dark alley,

From his angle, he could clearly see the outline of a crossroad leading to Hongfang Street, but the curfew tonight left the place empty.

His companion, another fraternity secret whistle, was behind him, watching the other corner with the same vigilance.

"No problem. I'm in good condition. I can't fly over a black fly, and I can't crawl over a gray cockroach." The companion said sullenly.

"Very well, my alert period is coming soon. I'll go directly to the shift later and replace Nasri - he should have woken up an hour ago."

Radmore nodded to his companion, kept vigilant and observed, and left from the hidden alley.

The moment he left, he was suddenly taken aback.

Just now, he seemed to feel that there was something in the empty alley opposite.

No, it's impossible. His ears, eyes, and nose have all been trained by Mr. Lancer, and he can even recognize abilities such as discoloration and refraction. If there is an intruder, as long as it is not a rare synthetic power (such as mind influence), there is no way to escape his sight and hearing.

But he still decided to take a look.

It wasn't until Ridmore came back from his inspection on the opposite side that he felt relieved.

It's probably because the warning period has passed and an illusion has arisen.

He shook his head and went back to change shifts.

Behind Ridmore, a short-haired woman in a black tights stepped out gently, with a child lying on her back.

She looked at Ridmore's back, then bent down, tapped her toes, and jumped out of the alley, towards the direction of Red Square Street, quietly but extremely quickly.

They are naturally the bartender Yala who is heading to Red Square Street, and the fugitive beggar Thales.

"Before the dawn and the end of the night, the defense and nerves of ordinary people are the most lax. Even an ordinary student of the Royal Military Academy knows this."

For some reason, Yala was still able to speak while running fast.

Thales clung tightly to Yala's back, and the latter shuttled through the alley at an unprecedented speed. She was running like the wind, but she landed silently.

With the wind blowing head-on, Thales, who was clinging to Yala's neck, could only close his eyes tightly, press his head on the back of Yala's neck, his nose was full of Yala's body fragrance, and he didn't know where he was at all.

But Yala's voice still reached his ears very clearly.

"That's why Corbion Lancer, the 'Sleepless Eye', one of the six giants in charge of the Brotherhood's intelligence collection, trained a special secret sentry unit 'Sleepless'."

"It's not that they really don't sleep, it's just that their work and rest schedules are different from ordinary people."

"I don't know the exact number of them, but all of them have staggered work and rest schedules, from late evening to late morning to early noon, at any time. Therefore, Lancer's team of dark whistle, It can be used in shifts to ensure that every secret sentry on duty is in their most vigorous and most vigilant work and rest period, which Lancer calls the 'vigilance period'."

"From senses to experience, coordination to tracking, Lancer has trained them to be better than the purebred Rudot police dogs in the Police Department."

"They have a detachment that is responsible for stationing at the headquarters. During the day, they disguise themselves into the crowd, and at night, they turn into secret sentries to observe and monitor all key entrances and exits in the lower city."

"The two people we passed by just now should be the last post of the 'Sleepless' in front of Red Square Street."

Thales didn't speak.

He was already shocked by Yala's stealth skills.

Ridmore was not the first Sleepless they passed.

Every time Yala jumped to the Sentinels of the Sleepless, she would switch from running quickly to walking slowly. The thing that surprised Thales the most happened at this time. Yala's actions would enter an extremely strange rhythm. She quietly crept behind the sleepless man, hiding her shadow and body in the blind spot of the sleepless man's vision at the same time. (sometimes a blind spot between two sleepless ones) - and all sleepless ones are unaware of them.

What Thales didn't know was that Yala was also surprised by his performance. From the beginning to the end, even if he was behind a sleepless person, even if the other party could see them as soon as he turned his head, Thales was still He was motionless, his heartbeat was steady, and even his breathing was kept as if nothing was there.

In terms of the control power of a seven-year-old boy, this is obviously a bit too good.

Of course, if it wasn't for Yala's strange action rhythm, which properly covered Thales' breathing, he thought he would have heard the "looming" breathing long ago.

But this is not easy.

This child is indeed not an ordinary person. Is it a power or a bloodline? Or both?

It can't be natural, can it?

Thales' original plan was to let Yala distract these secret whistles (this was the first time Thales heard about these "sleepless people", and his previous estimate of the Brotherhood was still too superficial), and he had to risk a certain amount of time. exposure risk. Now it seems that I underestimated this female bartender too much. She is not only agile and can use a knife.


At a corner beside the intersection, Thales slid gently (reluctantly?) from Yala's back.

In front of him was Hongfang Street at night. He still vividly remembered the scene of meeting that velvet noblewoman here a few days ago.

The area and volume of Hongfang Street are no smaller than that of Heijie Street. As the name suggests, it is a famous place for fun in Xihuan District. In fact, many aristocrats, ranging from a majestic duke visiting Yongxing City to an unappreciable country lord in the outskirts of Yongxing, will come here either incognito or blatantly, and some cute and confused The girl(s) or boy(s) have some voluntary or involuntary super friendship relationship. Of course, this is the tacit understanding with the nobles of Yongxing City and the Blood Bottle Gang for many years.

Tonight, the Brotherhood of the Black Streets reached out here.

It's a pity that what greeted this hand was a sinister trap.

"The situation is not good." Yala said in a low voice.

Thales also noticed this.

On the road to the entrance of Hongfang Street, there are scattered corpses lying on the ground, severed hands, decapitated, twisted, leaked intestines, and sternum valgus. The blood stained Hongfang Street dark red in the dark night. .

From a distance, at least thirty people fell here.

Rao Thales, who had just killed someone, couldn't help but take a deep breath when he saw the corpses all over the place and the various ways of death, and tried not to think about it.

And in the distance, there were even faint sounds of fighting.

Yala stretched out her hand calmly, pressed Thales' shoulder, and pushed him down.

"The last time I killed someone seemed to be before I met you." Yala said, her tone a little lonely.

Thales couldn't see her eyes behind the goggles clearly, but suddenly felt that Yala was a little serious.

"Little ghost, from now on, you owe me a favor."

As soon as Thales was stunned, he saw Ya stretch her hand to touch the knife on her leg.

Next, the female bartender reminded Thales with a tiny voice, like a mosquito chirping.

"Don't talk, don't move."

"There are real masters ahead, not the sentries of the Sleepless."

Thales's hairs gradually stood on end, and he was a little frustrated because he didn't dare to say a word. He thought about walking through Red Square Street alone in the chaos and escaping from the Brotherhood, but if it was just the first stop--ah, I'm still too naive.

The next second, Yala suddenly pulled out a thick black cloth from under her left abdomen, and gently covered Thales' mouth and nose.

"Use this breath to cover up your voice."

Yala didn't say much, and she couldn't recognize the expression even though she was wearing goggles, and slowly pulled out the knife on her leg.

Thales tightly pressed the black cloth on his nose and mouth, which is really a good thing - he didn't feel uncomfortable breathing under this black cloth, and the original breathing sound was also covered up.

In the game, it is definitely a high-level equipment of "stealth +20"!

Thales automatically ignored the faint fragrance of Yala that was still on it. .

But the next moment, Thales couldn't relax anymore.

"I found him."

I only heard what Yala said.

Then she shot up with electricity, stepped on the wall next to her, and rushed towards the pile of corpses at the intersection like a shotgun!

The only thing faster than Yala was the wolf-leg knife she threw.

At this time, Thales, who was breathing through a black cloth, was surprised to find that among the pile of more than 30 corpses, there was a corpse with its intestines turned out and separated, and it moved a bit.


A cold light suddenly came out from behind the corpse, knocking the wolf leg knife aside!

But the second wolf leg knife is already in the master's hand, and it gallops along with Yala.

Her right hand held the blade backwards, and instantly slashed at the corpse!


Thales recognized the voice in front, it was the sound of metal sharp blades piercing flesh and blood.

But before he had time to realize what happened, his vision blurred, and he saw a figure stumbling out from behind the corpse, and then, a rapier fell to the ground with a clatter.

Yala has landed lightly. She squatted with her left hand on the ground, and the knife in her right hand was covered with blood.

And the figure that jumped out from behind the corpse, w.uuknh has already swayed and fell to the ground.

like a statue.

The female bartender picked up the wolf-leg knife that flew out with her backhand, and stood up silently.

In just a few seconds, Thales' jaw was about to drop.

Thales knew that Yala was very strong.

But apart from slaughtering dogs back then, it was not until today that I truly understood the power of the female bartender after seeing her run around and kill her.

Thales still didn't make a sound or move.

He vaguely felt that Yala at this moment could only be more dignified.

"It's really an eye-opener. At the mortal level, you can be considered an excellent assassin."

As the sound sounded, a huge, bald, hairless, ferocious man, carrying an exaggerated five-sided mace, came from a distance. Looking at the barmaid among the corpses.

"You also know that your brotherhood is finished, right? Everyone is in a trap, and you have been wiped out."

"Our mission is to guard—or intercept the possible reinforcements of the Brotherhood, but we never expected that the majestic Black Street Brotherhood only came with a little girl playing with a knife."

The big, bald man walked under the sinking moonlight. For some reason, Thales could see his appearance clearly in such a deep darkness. This was a man missing half of his nose, and the nostrils were turned out horribly. It looks like a skeleton.

Thales suddenly recognized who he was.

It was Spencer the bald head.

The black business leader of the Blood Bottle Gang.

One of the "Twelve Most Powerful" of the Blood Bottle Gang, which is widely rumored by the outside world.