
Bloodline Legacy

[Kindly check out my new novel Kick Nothing But your Boyfriend] Life always gives us the opposite of the things that we wish for. All I wanted in life was to have a normal family with loving parents and live a normal life even without money but rather it gave me the opposite. It turned me into an orphan who was left with nothing not even a shelter but the raggy clothing I had on at that moment. It all started in 1573. Hi, my dear readers come one come all. Let's explore the adventure of Gessa Kelvin aka GK together. Note; This novel contains some mature content Each chapter will have a minimum of 1000- 1100 words. I will name my chapters according to song names that you all know very well so don't get shocked to find some of the words in a chapter. Song recommended. Fuck I wish- Levent Gieger. It will be okay by Shawn Mendez

ZoeTinnah · Fantasy
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125 Chs

Into the woods (b).

I groaned in pain after seeing my mom hanging upside down with a spear in her chest. With my Vampire powers, I let her free and held her in my hands as I cried blaming myself for coming back.

"Have this jade pendant wherever you go." she used her last energy telling me that before she passed away in my hands.

I cried for quite some time and then remembered crying is for losers.

I put on the raggy clothing I could find and dug a hole. It could have been easier if my wolf helped me dig a hole but I wanted to do everything in my human form.

I gently placed the two bodies in the same hole since time wasn't on my side, and said a short prayer before filling in the hole. That was the only thing I could do at that time.

As soon as I was done filling in the tombstone I made myself, it started heaping.

Of all the climatic ailments, I hated rain to the core though it was considered a blessing from the damn gods who couldn't help in the times when I needed them the most.

I was about to set off to find myself a shelter nearby when hands wrapped around my left leg.

"Who the hell are you?" I mumbled pulling out my dad's dagger.

I pathetically thought of eating whoever it was since I was starving to death but his little innocent voice woke me up from my imagination.

"Help me, sir, I need to make it through am just a little boy with neither a shelter nor family, please help me." pleaded the chap but I just kicked him off my leg like I was chasing a fly

"Fuck you, little chap, Fuck you, dude. Do I look like someone who hands over the shelter to homeless worms like you? Take your shitty body with you, and get out of my sight before I change my mind?" I shouted at the little soul without giving it a thought

Who would have thought and cared about what to say during that kind of situation? In reality, I cared for the little boy because I was no different from him, and even I wanted to make it through after losing my parents and everything that I had.

The poor boy scurried off sobbing but I wasn't letting his little crocodile tears gain my attention. I had already made up my mind to let him live but my demons wanted him so badly since he was a pure-blood human and once I had his blood I could survive another year without eating anything.

Ignoring the little boy, I ambled in the opposite orientation searching for a thing to feed my demons which couldn't help any longer and the gods answered my prayers by sending me a deer.

I swung my dagger before it went flying cutting off the behind legs of the damn deer and with winks, it was finished and I was feeling alive again.

Turning back, the boy from earlier was goggling at me and before I knew it I was sent scrambling in the other direction. Ouch! I fell to the ground slamming my back on the tree tuck.

"I nicely asked for your help but what did I earn apart from your mockery?" ruthlessly thundered the chap

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked groaning in discomfort

Before I could get an answer from him, the chap grabbed his neck but guess what? I was the one feeling the pain and coughed trying to catch my breath

"Who are you?" I stammered but nothing seemed to work out since the chap squeezed me even more

"Can we talk about it, please?" I begged

You don't tell me what to do whore! thundered the chap slamming my head on the tree tuck as the rain poured even more making me lose my breath

I swayed my legs and hands trying to catch my breath when he let me go by slamming me on the ground with a thud and giggled annoyingly

Huh, I can hear you criticize and say I deserved it, and others are calling me a monster with no soul, yes am a monster who doesn't regret being one. All I could say FUCK YOU darm life, fuck you, little boy, fuck you all who think I have no soul.

Neither was I allowed to say anything nor to use my abilities before two masculine men held me from behind. They caught me off, the defense

"Hum, even if they held me from the front, I had no energy to out beat the two men plus the darn freaking little worm. Who would believe that my whole body was puffy because of that excoriating little item?"

I had no choice but to comply with them.

"Hey, you damn fatso how does it feel to be knocked down by a nine-year-old chap?" poked fun at one of the dudes.

"Did he just call a well-built man like me a fatso was that some kind of a joke?" I scoffed inwardly daring not to say any other word

They were werewolves and I could tell when they ganged up on me earlier.

The two dudes shifted into their wolves and one carried me on his back while the little boy waved a hand through the air. Opened up a portal and we disembarked in what seemed like a village.

I wasn't given a chance to observe the surrounding before dragging me inside one of the shanties.

We were all drenched by that time but the dudes didn't give a darn shit about it before entering with their mud.

We were welcomed by what seemed to be maids who led us to the next enclosure and announced our arrival before opening the wickets.

They slightly bent their heads with respect before closing the wickets from outside.

All that time I was still on the back of the wolf-like a Kangaroo baby on its porch my heart thudding like crazy because I didn't know what could happen to me.

A lady was sitting on top of her bed. Her back facing the wickets. The wolf ordered me to slip off and paid respect before setting off leaving me dumbfounded.

I wasn't granted an urge to ask a thing before the lady jumped on me. I used my last energy to push her off me but she was too resistant and guess what? She started kissing my neck aggressively.

I blinked as darkness commenced my eyes and before I could do anything I fell on the floor with a thud.


I woke up to find myself catnapping on her thighs while she was looking at me open-eyed. To worsen the situation we were all in Adams's claim.

I jerked off her covering my manhood with my hands before asking her What she was doing in my room?

"Your room? My ass this is my room and whatever we did you did it willingly." she blurted at me

The last thing I wished for my entire life was to lose my virginity to a stranger.

Talking about my Purity, I don't even remember whom I lost it to. It's been ages and I banged all the pretty, tall sluts in my neighborhood.

It's not that I chased after them but it was the opposite they brought themselves to me so I had no choice.

I calmed myself down trying to memorize what happened after I was kidnapped here.

I observed the room without flinching even though I was still in pain thanks to that worm my skin was all covered in bruises.

I started walking to the door then remembered I was wearing nothing, I had no choice but to ask her for my raggy attire.

"What do you want from me? " I growled avoiding eye contact with her

"YOU," she replied licking her lips

Don't hesitate to correct me I appreciate that.

ZoeTinnahcreators' thoughts