
Bloodbound Umbra

In the vibrant heart of Tokyo, where vampires casually stroll the streets, Aruno Kurogane, the Vitanex, emerges from a mystical portal, stepping into a world where supernatural forces and everyday life intertwine. Leading an ostensibly ordinary existence, Aruno's arrival coincides with the awakening of demonic entities, breaching the veil between dimensions. As Japan becomes the battleground for ancient forces, Aruno must navigate a metropolis where vampires are commonplace, uncovering his own role in the impending clash between worlds.

plas_ · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Realm’s Collision (1)

1 Chapter 1

Aruno Kurogane sprinted through the darkened woods, his breaths labored and heart pounding. The scent of damp earth mixed with the metallic tang of blood, both his own and those of the relentless pursuers at his heels. His world had become a relentless pursuit, a hunt that had turned on its prey.

The moon cast an eerie glow, revealing his desperate flight. Aruno's sharp fangs gleamed in the dim light, evidence of his vampiric nature, an existence concealed in the shadows.

On the brink of exhaustion, Aruno's eyes widened as he stumbled upon a clearing. His gaze fixed upon a swirling, cosmic void—a portal that shimmered with a blackness deeper than the night. Without a moment's hesitation, he leaped into its enigmatic embrace.

The transition was swift and disorienting. The echoes of pursuit faded, replaced by the hum of foreign energies. Aruno found himself suspended in a void, untethered from the world he knew. Time seemed to warp, and as the darkness receded, Tokyo materialized before him.

Aruno landed on unfamiliar ground, the city's chaotic energy pulsating around him. His senses, heightened by his vampiric nature, tingled with an unfamiliar resonance. Confusion gripped him as he attempted to grasp the reality of his newfound surroundings.

Oblivious faces passed him by, their chatter unintelligible as if spoken in a foreign tongue. Aruno, desperate for aid, approached a passerby and spoke, but his words fell on uncomprehending ears.


He uttered in his otherworldly language, met with confused stares.

Undeterred, Aruno scanned the surroundings. His eyes fixated on a gleaming LED screen on a nearby building. With an innate analytical ability, he deciphered the characters, unraveling the mysteries of the Japanese language.

The revelation sparked a glimmer of understanding. 


Aruno articulated in Japanese, the once foreign words now rolling off his tongue. The passersby, now comprehending his plea, exchanged bewildered glances.

Aruno Kurogane stood in the heart of Tokyo, a city pulsating with life and mysteries. His journey, from the brink of death to the embrace of the unknown, had just begun.