
Bloodbound Umbra

In the vibrant heart of Tokyo, where vampires casually stroll the streets, Aruno Kurogane, the Vitanex, emerges from a mystical portal, stepping into a world where supernatural forces and everyday life intertwine. Leading an ostensibly ordinary existence, Aruno's arrival coincides with the awakening of demonic entities, breaching the veil between dimensions. As Japan becomes the battleground for ancient forces, Aruno must navigate a metropolis where vampires are commonplace, uncovering his own role in the impending clash between worlds.

plas_ · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Harmony in Shadows (2)

8 Chapter 8

In the aftermath of Haruki's sudden demise on that fateful March 12th, an unsettling tension lingered among the group. Yoru, Rin, Aruno, and Ko moved through the Tokyo streets, each step weighed by the gravity of their newfound responsibilities.

As they approached a quiet alley, Ash materialized before them, his hooded figure emanating an enigmatic aura. His crimson eyes bore into their souls.

"The fabric of Aetheria unravels faster than anticipated. You must contain the portals to halt the encroaching darkness,"

Ash proclaimed, his voice resonating with urgency.

Yoru, ever defiant, questioned..

"Contain? What does that even mean?"

Ash, unfolding the layers of his cryptic wisdom, explained the intricacies of portal containment. The group, now burdened with a more nuanced mission, set out to implement Ash's guidance.

Ash, his cryptic presence dissipating, left the group with parting words, "Now you know what to do."

In the aftermath, as the quartet stood in shared contemplation, their Arcanum screens simultaneously illuminated. The ethereal glow revealed a synchronized message:

<New Quest: Portal Containment>

<Quest Objectives:>

 Investigate known portal locations and assess the level of dimensional instability.

 Collaborate to synchronize Arcanum energies and create a protective barrier around unstable portals.

Identify and eliminate any demons lingering near the portals to prevent further disturbances.

 Collect residual energy data from contained portals for analysis and tracking purposes.

 Report findings and progress through the Arcanum communication channel for coordinated efforts.

The synchronized appearance of the quest prompted a shared acknowledgment among Aruno, Rin, Yoru, and Ko. Each took a moment to absorb the details, understanding the gravity of their shared mission to safeguard Tokyo from the encroaching chaos of interdimensional portals.

Aruno, weary from the revelation of their mission.

"Can we take a break from this mission talk? I could use a moment to unwind before diving into more demon chaos."

Rin taking Aruno's words into account suggested.

"I know a charming little cafe nearby. A moment of respite wouldn't hurt."

Ko deciding to join in. 

"Great idea! I could use a cup of coffee that's not tainted with demon vibes."

As they ventured towards the cafe, Aruno continued..

"Honestly, this whole Vitanex thing is overwhelming. I just wanted a peaceful day, not dealing with interdimensional troubles."

Ko, smirking…

"Welcome to the club, newbie. Life was simpler before we got dragged into this mess. But hey, at least we have each other for company."

"Hey you're a newbie as-well Ko."

Ko and Aruno look at each other and start to laugh.

"Yeah I guess you're right Aruno!"

Aruno, taking in the surroundings and the beauty of Tokyo.

"This city is vibrant, despite the demonic disturbances. Hard to believe we're dealing with otherworldly threats in such a normal-looking place."

"Well Aruno, I guess this is your official welcome to Tokyo. It may look ordinary, but beneath the surface, it's a chaotic canvas. Perfect for someone like me."

"Chaotic, huh? Explains the mess we're in. I didn't sign up for this, you know."

"Nobody did, newbie. But look at the bright side – you get to experience a side of life most people only see in movies."

"Movies huh, what's your favorite movie? Since we're on the topic of movies."

"It's called 'World war V: Demons of Today.' It's like a blockbuster, but with more demons and fewer happy endings."

"That's a pretty good one! Since it's in the genre of apocalyptic my favorites of that genre is 'The Dawn of Abyss: Rise of the Coffee Zombies'?"

Rin and Yoru still walking in front to the cafe, happy to see everyone getting along. Their expressions changing as they start thinking about Haruki, engaged in a somber conversation about Haruki.

Rin, with a measured tone, questioned Yoru. 

"Do you ever feel… remorse? About Haruki, or anyone?"

"Remorse? It's a luxury we can't afford, Rin. Besides, I doubt he had any family waiting for him."

"True, but sometimes I wonder if we should care more."

"Care more? In this world, sentimentality is a weakness. We can't afford such luxuries."

"Rin… I'm sorry for being so rude. I didn't mean to be callous."

"It's fine, Yoru. We all cope in different ways. Haruki's passing is a harsh reminder of the world we're navigating."

"I know, but… I should've been more considerate. He was one of us, after all."

Yoru's composed facade crumbled, tears streaming down her face as the weight of Haruki's death hit her. The group, sensing her grief, came to a somber halt. Yoru, choking on her words, finally spoke.

"Haruki… he was a pain, but he didn't deserve that. None of us do."

Rin, her stoic demeanor softening, placed a comforting hand on Yoru's shoulder. 

"We're all feeling it, Yoru. Loss is never easy, especially in a world like this."

Ko, usually brash, fell silent, and even Aruno, the newcomer, felt the gravity of the moment. The group stood together, bound by the shared sorrow of their unpredictable journey.

"Damn it, Haruki! Why did you have to go and get yourself killed? We were supposed to be annoying each other for a lot longer. It's not fair!"

"Why does everyone always leave me!"

Her words echoed in the desolate streets, a lament for a lost comrade. The group, unsure of how to console her, stood in a heavy silence, allowing Yoru to release the raw anguish that gripped her heart.

Aruno softly speaking up to comfort Yoru.

"Yoru, we may not fully comprehend what you're going through, but we're here for you. You're not alone in this."

Ko chimed in with a slightly awkward attempt at comfort.

"Yeah, we're like an annoying little family. Stick with us, and we'll get through whatever comes our way."

"See Yoru, you have us we're your family. You have us."

Through tear-streaked eyes, Yoru managed a small, grateful smile.

"Thank you, guys. I… I appreciate it more than you know. Let's face whatever comes our way together."

"Guys the cafe is right up here, let's continue moving."

As they approached the cozy cafe, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee beckoned. Rin, leading the way, gestured toward a quaint table by the window. 

"This place is a hidden gem. Good coffee, serene atmosphere – perfect for unwinding."

Aruno, finding solace in the idea of a brief respite, took a seat. Ko, adding his usual flair.

"If this is an apocalypse, at least we're doing it with style, right?"

Yoru, recovering from her earlier emotional outburst, joined the banter. 

"Style and surviving demons – our specialty."

The cafe, a refuge amidst chaos, became a space for the group to share laughter, coffee, and moments of respite amid the uncertainty that loomed over them.

"Okay guys, everything is on me so don't worry about the costs. I know the owner pretty well, plus nobody is here probably due to either being dead or hiding away."

As they sipped their coffee and exchanged stories, the group found comfort in the camaraderie that was forming. Amidst laughter and shared experiences, they made a pact. Aruno, Ko, Rin, and Yoru looked at each other, their eyes reflecting determination.

Aruno standing up and declaring a bold statement of trust and respect.

"If anything happens, if we split up, if the world goes crazier than it already is – meet up here. The cafe. This is our resting point!"

Everyone looking at each other smiling from Aruno's words.


