
Bloodbound Umbra

In the vibrant heart of Tokyo, where vampires casually stroll the streets, Aruno Kurogane, the Vitanex, emerges from a mystical portal, stepping into a world where supernatural forces and everyday life intertwine. Leading an ostensibly ordinary existence, Aruno's arrival coincides with the awakening of demonic entities, breaching the veil between dimensions. As Japan becomes the battleground for ancient forces, Aruno must navigate a metropolis where vampires are commonplace, uncovering his own role in the impending clash between worlds.

plas_ · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Fresh Start (1)

44 Chapter 44

Yoru, glancing around the unfamiliar surroundings, remarked with a hint of recognition, "This place… it feels strangely familiar. Like a distant memory."

Rin, intrigued by Yoru's observation, inquired, "Familiar? You mean you've been here before?"

Yoru shook her head, her expression thoughtful. "Not exactly here, but there's something in the air, a resonance. It's like a melody playing in the background of my mind."

Aruno, curious, asked, "Any idea what it could be?"

Yoru, her eyes narrowing as she delved into her arcane senses, replied, "It's hard to pinpoint. Maybe a connection to the threads of destiny we've been tangled in. Whatever it is, it's stirring some ancient echoes."

Ko's eyes widened with realization, and he exclaimed, "Oh, shit, Yoru! I think this is Japan, but it's different. Like, seriously different."

Yoru, always perceptive to magical nuances, nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, Ko. It resonates with the essence of Japan, but there's an otherworldly twist to it. We may have crossed into a parallel version of our familiar land."

The commander approached Aruno with a solemn expression, "Aruno, I need you to understand. This is indeed Japan, but not the one you know. It's a parallel version, and from now on, this will be your new reality, the main world."

"As this world becomes your new reality, there's a task that lies ahead. You and your group must work to clear any harmful entities that threaten the balance of this parallel Japan. It's a responsibility that comes with the role you've inadvertently assumed in this realm."

The commander, issuing orders with precision, directed a group of soldiers to accompany Aruno and his friends to a building in Shinjuku. "This will be your designated residence," the commander explained, gesturing toward the structure. "From here, you'll coordinate efforts to ensure the safety and stability of this parallel Japan. Your journey in this realm has just begun, and destiny continue to weave an intricate tale."

Amidst the journey through the unfamiliar streets of Shinjuku, Ko struck up a lively conversation with the soldiers. His infectious humor echoed through the air, creating a brief but welcome reprieve from the gravity of their new responsibilities.

Ko grinned and nudged one of the soldiers playfully. "So, fellas, this is our new home, huh? Hope the neighbors are friendly!"

A soldier chuckled, responding, "You'll find that the neighbors here are a bit different from what you're used to."

Yoru, always observant, chimed in, "Different or not, I suppose we'll have to get acquainted."

Rin, walking alongside them, added with a smirk, "Ko, remember, we're here to clear out harmful entities, not charm the locals with your jokes."

Ko winked, "Hey, a good joke can be quite disarming. Maybe even for harmful entities."

Aruno and Serenia walked side by side, their steps synchronized with a shared sense of uncertainty about their new surroundings. As Ko continued his banter in the background, Aruno turned to Serenia with a thoughtful expression.

"A new world, a new beginning, huh?" Aruno mused, glancing at the unfamiliar architecture of the building ahead.

Serenia nodded, her eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

"It's strange, but I guess we've faced stranger things."

Aruno chuckled, "True, but this feels like a whole different level. And mom is probably wondering where we've disappeared to."

"Knowing mom, she's already figured out a way to adapt. We'll catch up with her soon."

The group entered the building, greeted by the subtle hum of unfamiliar technology and the ambient glow of magical wards. Aruno, still bearing the physical and emotional toll from the intense battle with Ash, felt the weight of exhaustion settling in. His steps were slower, movements more deliberate, as if the very act of walking took considerable effort.

Serenia noticed Aruno's fatigue and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You did amazing out there, Aruno. We'll get some rest, and things will make more sense in the morning."

Aruno managed a grateful smile, acknowledging her words. "Yeah, I could really use some sleep."

Now entered into the building, Ko and Yoru, being the inseparable duo they were, decided to share a room, leaving the fifth room unoccupied. As the group dispersed to their assigned quarters, Aruno couldn't shake the lingering echoes of the intense battle and the revelations that had unfolded.

Entering his room, Aruno found himself surrounded by an unfamiliar yet strangely comforting environment. The room held a blend of traditional Japanese aesthetics and advanced technology, a testament to the unique nature of this new world. He collapsed onto the bed, the weariness seeping into his bones.

In the adjacent room, Serenia noticed Aruno's exhaustion and decided to check on him. She gently knocked on his door, "Aruno, mind if I come in?"

Aruno, grateful for the company, welcomed her in. As Serenia entered, she couldn't help but express her concern, "You've been through a lot today. If you need anything, just let me know."

Aruno nodded appreciatively, "Thanks, Serenia. I think a good night's sleep is all I need right now."

Before Serenia left, Aruno sleepily asked, "Could you find me a new shirt? I've been shirtless for some time now."

Serenia chuckled at Aruno's request, acknowledging the wear and tear his clothes had endured during the intense battles. "Sure thing, Aruno. I'll find you a fresh shirt," she said with a teasing grin, appreciating the light-hearted moment amidst the challenges they faced.

As Serenia left to fetch a shirt for Aruno, he settled into the bed, the weariness of the day catching up with him. The room, bathed in the soft glow of ambient lights, provided a serene backdrop to his thoughts. Soon, the rhythm of Serenia's footsteps returned, accompanied by the rustle of fabric as she handed him a clean shirt.

"Here you go," Serenia said, offering the fresh black-shirt with a playful smirk. "Now, get some rest. We have more mysteries to unravel in this strange new world."

With a nod and a grateful smile, Aruno changed into the fresh shirt, finally succumbing to the embrace of sleep as Serenia left the room, leaving him to the tranquility of the night.

As Aruno peacefully slumbered, his Arcanum emitted a gentle glow, projecting the message…

<<Resting 3 Period: Days>>

<<72 Hours Remaining>>

The ethereal notification unfolded in the quiet realm of dreams, guiding his rejuvenation even as he embraced the tranquil embrace of sleep.

Rin and Serenia cautiously entered Aruno's room, intending to wake him, but their attention was immediately drawn to the glowing Arcanum above him. The digital timer, suspended in the air, displayed..

<<60 Hours Remaining>>

Aruno lay in peaceful slumber beneath the mysterious countdown, oblivious to the enigmatic force governing his resting period. The room carried an air of anticipation, leaving Rin and Serenia pondering the implications of the ticking timer and the imminent events it heralded.

Rin furrowed her brow, eyeing the timer above Aruno's Arcanum with a mix of curiosity and concern. "What do you think this timer means, Serenia? Is it related to what happened during the fight with Ash?"

Serenia, equally puzzled, shook her head. "I'm not sure, Rin. But considering how drained he seemed after that transformation, maybe his body needs time to recover. Still, I've never seen anything like this."

Rin sighed, glancing at Aruno's peacefully sleeping form. "We should let him rest, but this timer… It's like a ticking mystery. Do you think we should ask the commander or someone else about it?"

Serenia nodded, "Yeah, it might be a good idea. They seem to know more about this world and its rules. We shouldn't take any chances."

As they left the room, the mysterious timer continued its countdown, casting a shadow of uncertainty over Aruno's slumber and leaving Rin and Serenia with unanswered questions.