
Bloodbound Umbra

In the vibrant heart of Tokyo, where vampires casually stroll the streets, Aruno Kurogane, the Vitanex, emerges from a mystical portal, stepping into a world where supernatural forces and everyday life intertwine. Leading an ostensibly ordinary existence, Aruno's arrival coincides with the awakening of demonic entities, breaching the veil between dimensions. As Japan becomes the battleground for ancient forces, Aruno must navigate a metropolis where vampires are commonplace, uncovering his own role in the impending clash between worlds.

plas_ · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Awakening Threads (1)

3 Chapter 3

The moon hung low in the Tokyo sky, casting an eerie glow over the chaotic cityscape. Aruno's senses were heightened, every rustle and distant sound amplifying his unease. As he navigated the unfamiliar streets, a sudden flash of movement caught his attention.

The woman known as Rin Sora materialized from the shadows, a blur of motion as she lunged at him with a knife in hand. Aruno's instincts kicked in, his body flowing seamlessly as he dodged and parried her swift strikes. The clash of metal against metal echoed through the desolate alleyway, a dance of blades in the moonlit darkness.

 "Who are you?"

"Aruno Kurogane. Just a lost soul caught in the crossfire of worlds."

Rin's eyes narrowed as she pressed her assault, her movements swift and unpredictable. Aruno, adapting to her style, met each strike with a calculated grace.

"Crossfire? Or just another predator drawn to this chaos?"

"Chaos or not, I'm not your enemy."

As the fight continued, an unspoken understanding began to weave between them. Aruno, relying solely on his fists after his knife broke against Rin's blade, deflected her attacks with calculated precision. A raw power emanated from him, an embodiment of the untamed strength that lurked within.

"Not your typical bloodsucker, are you?"

"I'm not here to fit your stereotypes."

Rin, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, withdrew her blade. The tension lingered as their eyes locked in a silent acknowledgment. A newfound connection forged in the crucible of combat.

"Not from here… huh."

"I've only just arrived in this world."

The alley remained steeped in silence until a sudden intrusion shattered the fragile peace. A figure emerged from the darkness—a man adorned in a long black trench coat, silver hair spiked like a crown, and eyes that glowed an intense shade of blue.

"Well, well, what do we have here? A vampire tea party?"

Ko Amari, a human with dual knives gleaming in his hands, appeared with a chilling laugh that echoing through the night.

"Names Ko Amari, remember it, bloodsuckers."

Aruno, relying on his fists against Ko's dual knives, parried the relentless assaults. The alley became an arena where supernatural forces collided, each strike resonating with an unrestrained ferocity.

"We can settle this later."

"Later? I prefer settling things now."

Ko's laughter filled the air as he unleashed a flurry of strikes, each knife dancing with deadly precision. Aruno, with a surge of adrenaline, met the onslaught with his own ferocity, the clash of fists and blades echoing through the night.

"Not bad, vampire. But you can't escape the dance of blades."

Aruno, his fists a blur of motion, countered Ko's attacks with a newfound determination. The alley became a symphony of clashes and grunts, an intricate choreography of combat.

"I don't need a blade to dance."

As the fight reached its peak, Rin watched from the shadows, her eyes darting between the combatants. The encounter, a whirlwind of steel and supernatural prowess, set the stage for a night that would unravel mysteries and forge alliances in the shadows of Tokyo.

The echoes of their clash resonated through the alley, a prelude to the enigmatic journey awaiting them in a world where darkness and discovery entwined in a midnight convergence. The air hung heavy with tension as Aruno, catching his breath, and Ko, a sly grin etched across his face, stood in a precarious balance.

"We could keep going, or we could find some common ground. Your call."

Ko's eyes, still gleaming with a hint of mischief, surveyed Aruno with newfound interest.

"You're no ordinary bloodsucker. I'll give you that."

Aruno, wiping a streak of blood from his lip, shot Ko a stern look.

"Call me whatever you want, but we're not enemies here. Not yet, at least."

Rin, emerging from the shadows, intervened with a commanding presence.

"Enough of this. We've got bigger problems than settling scores. Let's join forces and figure out what's happening."

Reluctantly, Ko sheathed his knives, the glint of challenge still present in his eyes.

"Fine. But don't think this means I trust you."

As the trio navigated the labyrinthine streets of Tokyo, Rin led them to her secluded dwelling. The atmosphere inside held a mix of tension and curiosity. Aruno, surveying the makeshift alliance, couldn't shake the feeling that their fates had become intricately entwined.

Within the confines of Rin's home, the revelations unfolded. The Arcanum, a mysterious system pulsating with arcane energy, beckoned them to unlock the latent potential within. Rin, her eyes gleaming with determination, explained the intricacies of mana, a force that flowed through the living and the dead.

"The Arcanum is our guide in this world," Rin declared, her voice carrying a weight of certainty. "Through its mysteries, we can navigate, strengthen ourselves, and confront the challenges that lie ahead."

Aruno, absorbing the information, raised an eyebrow.

"So, this Arcanum thing is our ticket to survival in this mess?"

"More than survival. It's the key to unlocking our potential and facing whatever comes our way."

Ko, leaning against a nearby wall, couldn't resist a sarcastic remark.

"Potential or not, I still don't get why I should trust a vampire."

Rin shooting Ko a stern look.

"Trust is a luxury we can't afford to question right now. We're in this together."

Aruno, assessing the situation, nodded in agreement.

"Agreed. Rin, you mentioned using the Arcanum. How does it work? And Ko, you seem familiar with it too."

"In our world, mastering the Arcanum is second nature. It flows through everything. I've honed my skills using it for years, Ko should know the ropes too."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm not completely clueless."

As they delved into the intricacies of the Arcanum and its potential, Aruno steered the conversation towards a more pressing matter.

"Alright, enough about the Arcanum for now. I need answers about these portals. Why did one open just before I was almost killed back in my world?"

Rin, glancing at Aruno with a hint of sympathy, spoke cautiously.

"Portals appearing in different worlds simultaneously… That's not a common occurrence. We need to understand why this is happening and what it means for all of us."

Ko, sensing the gravity of the situation, chimed in with a newfound seriousness.

"So, we're stuck dealing with whatever this world throws at us until we figure it out."

"Exactly. And the Arcanum is our best chance at navigating through the unknown. We'll uncover the truth behind these portals, and in doing so, perhaps find a way to set things right."

As the trio contemplated the challenges ahead, a sudden surge of mana resonated within Rin's dwelling, creating an otherworldly aura.

The room fell into an anticipatory silence. Moments later, a figure emerged from the shadows, shrouded in an air of mystery. One of Rin's partners by the name Yoru Kurai, a woman with black hair and piercing pink eyes, stepped forward.

"Rin, who are these newcomers?"

Rin, exchanging a knowing glance with Yoru, introduced the trio with a nod.

"This is Aruno and Ko. We've found ourselves here, drawn by the inexplicable surge of portals across different worlds."

Yoru Kurai, her gaze lingering on Rin, acknowledged the introduction with a subtle nod. Simultaneously, she cast a discerning look at Ko, a hint of realization crossing her face.

"Ko- Ko Amari?, you're that renowned vampire hunter aren't ya?"

Ko, maintaining a measured demeanor, revealed a wry smile.

"Guilty as charged. Looks like our little party just got more interesting."

"A vampire hunter amidst those drawn to the portals… curious."

"Curious or not, we're all stuck in this mess. Any bright ideas, Yoru?"

"Well, understanding why the portals appeared is crucial. There might be more to this convergence than we realize."