
Stirring up the Exorcists (5)

Chapter 18: Stirring up the Exorcists (5)

It has been 5 days since the incident that required me to take care of some trash, and akin to Hades I was counting the days until my Blood Harvest. The Blood Parasite I created using the Bloodbound Domain abilities proved to be a subject that was bearing fruits to me in its early incipit stages.

I could keep tabs with that maggot by the link I had opened with the Blood Parasite, and to summarize his situation, he was a living corpse walking in Hell. Not even the Divine Powers of the Barrier enveloping the Old Town could do miracles for that man, since my powers don't have their origin from the Devils or containing Demonic Power.

As I trained under the mentorship of Nosferatu, I began understanding, from the memories of Krassius that I began re-watching to get ready for this new life, along with the old man's teachings, that Blood Magic in its essence was one of the Ancient forms of Magic that have their origins from the Greek Mythology.

It was a piece of knowledge I learned on the second day since the 'Confrontation' that my plump sheep had done to face her hypocritical and narcissistic ex-lover. Nosferatu didn't beat around the bush, and shared with me the story of how he improved on his Vampirism and newfound Blood Abilities.

To summarize what I learned… The roots of blood magic are truly ancient, the contemporary Witches, Wizards and Supernatural Scholars might even consider it forgotten, lost to the annals of history. But, for the second owner of the Longinus 'Bloodbound Domain who even experienced the punishment of God by suffering the Curse of Vampirism, he learned about the origins of this Ancient Magic.

Its roots? There were two paths that he considered in his lifetime. First one was that Odin was the progenitor of this Magic, as he was the one to sacrifice his eye for Knowledge, and the second path took him to the Greek Mythology where the son born from Zeus and Persephone, who had a short life as he got butchered by the Titans, eaten alive.

The origins of Blood Magic in this version was from Zagreus's own heart. But, Nosferatu was more inclined to believe this Magic had its roots from Chief God of the Norse Mythology, Odin. 

I had no say in this matter, I could only listen and judge for myself. Contemplating this origin lore, as someone who didn't know much deep details on Mythologies apart from what any ordinary Joe was aware, questioned what happened to Zagreus's Heart.

Afterall, this world felt like a twisted reality of my first life on Earth that confirmed the existence of such Mythologies and gods. This certain incident that happened to Zagreus in the past ancient times, where he got ganked by Godly entities reminded him of how the two Dragon Emperors got done dirty with all Godly Factions ganking them so they could put down their menace.

This leaves me with a heart question. Was the God from the Bible by chance involved in this incident? 

It's a question worth pondering about, but for the current me, it was firecrackers. I had other priorities, rather than thinking about the origins of my Blood Magic or Sacred Gear, I'd rather spend that time improving myself.

Without needing to worry about my paperwork, as I was confident in the Hypnosis and Charm I put Ms. Helga under, even if she snapped to her senses, it wouldn't affect me in any shape. Since issuing the request for my Birth Certificate, ID and Passport to the Austrian Office, it was a done deal.

All I had to do is be a 'good boy' and wait at my Airbnb for the mail. 

Such that, I began spending my time improving myself under the instruction of a notorious monster, Nosferatu, and along with the passing hours, I started getting exhausted mentally and physically, as someone who had never wielded a Sword in his life, doing it for the first time was an eye opener.

Not feeling like taking too much of his crap, about how my Sword Drill was a mess, I walked out around the Old Town just so I could clear my mind, but the constant presence of the Holy Barrier that I guess only Supernatural beings or those who were accustomed to Mana could take notice.

It felt like an omniscient prison that I couldn't escape from, and to my inexperience I attempted forcing my way out, only to be stopped by the old man. 

[Touch the barrier if you want to have the Church dogs after your tail. Just remain calm and return back to your training, since you can't afford to slack based on how shitty you are at wielding a blade.]

My comeback remark didn't amount much, and instead I got burned emotionally…

[Hah? So what if it's your first time wielding a blade? Even a peasant could do better than you, a Noble spawn.]

I was a 'peasant' by his standards, but he found so many ways at rubbing salt where it hurt most, preying on my weaknesses. Hey, at least he wanted to see me do better, and with that in mind, I went back to my Airbnb and resumed my training.

Though, on my third day, as I did my 'morning walk' after training my ass off, I began noticing an increased presence of Churchmen along the streets of the Old Town, doing some Rituals to Ward of Evil Spirits.

… Hahh, I got reckless last time, and feeling that rush of power, that sensation of being unstoppable as I moved like a torrent, it triggered that blasted Holy Barrier. 

'Should I just kill the Bishop and have this Barrier warded off? This looming presence makes me feel claustrophobic, even a bit fearful of the unknown.'

I asked for Nosferatu's opinion as I moved along the streets of Graz, in the limits of the constraints put on me, but I sure made it off by pickpocketing some 'Rich' swines of Euros to subsidize my living expenses.

I wasn't serious obviously, I wouldn't jump into the Lion's Den with my pathetic skills just so I could have another try at the Life's Gacha Game. This second life is a decent start in all honesty. So, no. No priestly killing anytime soon for me.

[I feel you don't train enough. If you were, you wouldn't even bother entertaining such ideas.]

'I might be a bit crazy, but I'm not stupid. Mock me all you want for my 'subpar' Swordsmanship, but after so many Vertical Slashes, I think I'll manage to cleave the hem of your shirt.'

[You sound confident, wanna make a bet with me?]

'Nah, not betting anything with you, old man. Gambling is a great 'sin', something that I wouldn't even entertain.'

[Hah, just say you're scared, little boy. You always lose important bets with me.]


[Go on, do it kid. You have the chance to beat me up for pushing you around like a peasant.]

'... Has the cooldown for the Mindscape refreshed?'

[Close. You should return back to your home, so we can begin another one-on-one session.]

'Alright, I'll get home, right away. The more Tutoring Sessions I get the stronger I will grow.'

There were moments when I would get lazy and not want to bother with the hassle of straining myself, it felt as if I got accustomed to the essence of a Vampire. In 'Theory' all I was doing was self-preserving my energy for a possible clash with my foes, but it wasn't the face.

Receiving Nosferatu's confirmation that his ability to drag me inside the World of the Sacred Gear was almost ready, I walked back to my accommodation like any human, and in the passing I passed two cloaked 'Nuns' with one in particular that was holding strapped on her back something akin to a Cross. 

They were quite young, but since I was rushing to get back to my accommodation, I didn't focus on them, but hey, they might as well be popular in the Land of the Rising Sun in a Cosplay Festival, but especially in USA in a Comic-Con.

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