
Bloodbound Judgment (2)

Chapter 41: Bloodbound Judgment (2)

She helped Irina stand up as she also got up, and the sight of Orlok eying for the blue-haired nun clashing like there wasn't a tomorrow against Wisborg made her react by sending a Holy Nail in his direction.

'Hmph, in your dreams, you vampire scum. That young girl is winning against your bastard partner and you think you can swing the balance by joining his side now that we're exhausted?'

Orlok's attention snapped to Jeanne as her Holy Nail streaked towards him, his eyes widening in surprise at her unexpected attack. With a swift motion, he deflected the nail with his demonic sword now that there wasn't much Mana imbuing the Holy Artifact, a hint of annoyance flashing across his face.

"You little pest," Orlok snarled, his voice laced with contempt as he turned his gaze back towards Irina and Xenovia's ongoing battle. "Trying to interfere, are you?"

"Your threats mean nothing to me, scum,"

Xenovia was conscious of everything happening over on Irina's battlefield, but her hands were also tied down by Wisborg who was truly an Immortal Berserker who would even reattach missing limbs that she cut using Excalibur Destruction. 

She wanted to get this fight done as fast as possible so she could assist Irina in defeating Orlok who clearly was superior to Wisborg. In this, she began pushing herself more and more, but the bloodthirsty Berserker was akin to a cockroach incapable of dying.

Her frustration reached its highest points, spilling over when he saw Irina battered, wounded and with blood dripping from her wounds as she took on her Bushido Samurai Strong Stance, ready to give her life if this meant defeating the Lasombra Vampire. With her remaining Holy Power that was flashing weakly from being exhausted 

"Enough!" Xenovia's voice boomed as she unleashed a devastating strike, the holy energy of Excalibur Destruction crackling with power as it descended towards Wisborg with unstoppable force, deciding to end their clash once and for all.

Wisborg's bloodthirsty eyes widened in shock as he realized the danger too late. With a thunderous impact, Xenovia's blade struck his chest, delivering a deep wound that seemed akin to a Lumberjack doing the final blow to a tree.

Her slash sent shockwaves rippling through the air as it collided with the vampire's demonic form. The force of the blow sent Wisborg hurtling backwards, crashing into the ground with a resounding thud.

Then with enough space to maneuver, she charged at Orlok who turned to meet her Excalibur, and after some back and forth, she disengaged and reached Irina who was breathing labored.

 "Are you two alright?" 

"I could be better, but that bastard is quite powerful. High-Class opponents are different from Middle-Class or Low-Class."

Xenovia nodded in response, relief flooding her senses knowing that Irina wasn't too wounded and could still hold herself up. Now that she took care of Wisborg in her own way, they could stand a fighting chance against Orlok.

"Stay back, Irina. I will finish this job in a flash."

Irina took a step forward, trying to stay strong, but the long blue-haired girl simply barred her with an extended hand. Then out of nowhere, she started chanting a prayer which sent slight trembles in the space that her extended hand could touch.

"What are you doing Xenovia? Is this your Ultimate Ability?"

"In a way. I'm still struggling to control this Sword, but only 10 seconds would be enough to kill this vampire scum. Rather suffer the consequences after I kill those Vampires instead of seeing you get hurt, Irina."

Resuming her prayer, a pocket space was opened up, revealing the handle of a sword exuding a large quantity of Holy Power.

"Petra, Basilius, Dionysus, and Mary the Holy Mother, hear my voice…"

"In the name of the Saint which rests within this blade I will unleash the Holy Sword …

While the dimension pocket that sealed the Holy Sword started to reveal its Holy figure and Orlok was charging up his own demonic power to face off against Xenovia, from outside of the Sealing Barrier that the Lasombra Vampires put in place a powerful impact got through.

The impact was so loud that the shockwaves almost caused an instability in the pocket dimension, sealing Xenovia's Excalibur. Then before everyone's eyes, the outside world was revealing while shards of demonic energy began scattering around Graz with the background of the Holy Ward in the picture, looming omnisciently above them.

Xenovia felt a malicious demonic power that overshadowed the Lasombra Vampires presence, and just when the thought of another enemy appearing she grabbed hold of Durandal and almost withdrew it from its 'scabbard' but was stopped by a large hand who inserted the sword back.

"You've done enough, young Exorcists. Let me take care of the rest."

She looked at the newcomer, and the dread she felt couldn't be explained in proper words. She felt suffocating in the presence of this demonic power, as if she was in the presence of a Demon King, not that she ever experienced this first-hand, but the raw amount of demonic power this individual was releasing was numbing.

Right before the combatants, a man wearing an armored attire with all of its pieces being composed from blood tissues, from the deepest crimson to a murky, onyx substance that crystallizes in the shape of the armor plates. 

He had medium length ink-black hair styled in a windswept manner, framing his strikingly handsome face with sharp, angular features. His eyes, a piercing shade of crimson, glowed with an otherworldly intensity as he surveyed the battlefield with a sense of calm authority.

Xenovia felt a shiver run down her spine as she locked eyes with the newcomer, her instincts screaming at her to flee. But despite the overwhelming sense of dread that washed over her, she found herself unable to tear her gaze away from him, her curiosity piqued by the enigmatic presence he exuded.

As he stepped forward, the ground beneath him seemed to tremble with each deliberate stride, blood began to surface out of nowhere making the air almost suffocating as raw power emanated from his form.

Xenovia could see how the man didn't spare a much of a glance toward the Lasombra Vampires, and instead walked toward Irina and the blonde woman, and turning alerted thinking he was an enemy, she was about to speak out but stopped when noticing Jeanne relieved expression, almost peaceful.

Similarly, Irina felt that Jeanne nolonger was tense as when facing the Lasombra Vampires, and allowed her knees to get weak, shifting into a freefall to the ground.

"You must be Carl," Irina said, her voice barely above a whisper as she addressed the newcomer. "We've been expecting you." 

Yet, Carl vanished from her sight and arrived right beside Jeanne, supporting her so she wouldn't fall to the ground.

Jeanne's eyes shimmered with a mixture of relief and adoration as she looked up at Carl, her savior, her protector and the one she loved more than anything in the world. "Carl, you're here," she whispered, her voice filled with a sense of gratitude and longing.

Carl's expression softened as he gently brushed a stray strand of golden hair away from Jeanne's face, his touch tender and reassuring. "Jeanne, I'm sorry that you had to be dragged into my problems. I've seen everything, experienced everything. You've done well, and fought valiantly."

 "You have nothing to fear, my dear. I will always be by your side."

Jeanne leaned into his touch, finding solace in the warmth of his embrace. "There's no need to apologize, darling," she said softly. "I would do anything to keep you safe against those Vampire Scum, no matter the cost."

"You've worried me a bit. It took you longer than I expected, and you see, those young nuns suffered a lot facing those bastards."

"Don't worry, Jeanne. I've been slowed down by a bunch of rats who thought they could kill me. I owe you an explanation for all of this mess, and it will be up to you, if you're willing to associate with a man like myself going forward."

Jeanne looked up at Carl, her expression a mixture of relief and gratitude. Despite the chaos and danger surrounding them, she found herself strangely comforted by his presence, as if his mere touch could banish the darkness bound to consume her.

"You don't owe me anything, Carl," she replied, her voice soft but resolute. "It was my own choice. I chose to stand by your side, and I would do so again without hesitation. Whatever troubles you may face, know that I am here for you."

"You've rescued me from a dark place, multiple times. And… I couldn't let those scum hurt you."

Carl's gaze softened at her words, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "That's quite the surprise for me, Jeanne," he said, his voice filled with genuine warmth. "You showing your loyalty means more to me than you know."

Still in his embrace, Jeanne in her solace couldn't help but smile gently, empathizing with Carl who was a Vampire that most likely got betrayed by countless people and rarely showed his true colors to others. She could hear the genuineness in his tone, and seeing his handsome appearance in his armor outfit that made him a Dark Knight, he appeared like a fabled 'Knight' only that he was a Black one. 

With all of those emotions colliding in her heart, she couldn't help but confess her love. "I love you, Carl. I don't know what I would do without you now that I found you."

Carl was aware that Jeanne had feelings for him, from the first night they shared together, she was compatible with him in bed, but even outside when talking, maybe she matched with his true age. Still he couldn't quite reciprocate her raw emotions. 

He wasn't as indifferent to her feelings as he initially was in their first outings, and along their dates he started building a connection on a personal level, something to remind him of his human-side instead of his new Vampiric life that was filled with a path of Death and Suffering.

God forbid, he might as well be the Final Boss/Villain of this Timeline if Issei Hyoudo so decides to pick a fight with him over some lost booty and pairs of tits.

"Hearing this puts a smile on my lips." With a final, tender kiss pressed to Jeanne's forehead, "However, let's catch-up after I exterminate those annoying pests."

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