
Blood x Sword

After his household goes down in a sea of flames, young Johan barely makes it out alive. Without nothing to lose, he takes up the sword and, after awakening his inner technique, sets off to gain power, skill and bounty if possible, but most importantly, have fun.

CaseStorn · Urban
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4 Chs


After what just transpired, the two friends noticed the drew the attention of everyone around them, students and teachers alike... but none of them had seen why they actually were surprised for, so the duo seemed like a pair of nuts to everyone else.

Johan quickly tried to make up a reason, and spoke

"Hey, are those the New Air Shoes Adidas released?!"

"Oh-, y-yeah! Pretty cool, huh? Ha hah!"

The act didn't fool anyone, but the people stopped paying attention to get back to what they were doing, except for some curious eyes that were still locked onto James and Johan, and moments later, the bell rang to signal that it was time for their class to take science.

"I'll be going, then" Johan said "I just came to say hello, luckily, i still have my phone, i'll tell you where i'll settle in Messenger later, alright?"

"I'll go with you"

"Hm? You sure? Well, Miss Sapphire will understand once you tell her what happened, i guess"

It was time to tackle the elephant in the room now, so James did

"What was that with the blood you did just now? I've never seen anything like it in my life, did you do it yourself, even?"

"I know as much about it as you do, honestly, so nearly nothing... hey, lend me a pencil"

"Hm? Alright, then"

Johan drew blood from his finger with the tip of the pencil and focused on the red liquid for around 6 seconds

The blood he drew just now, it was floating

James' pupils dilated as he saw what was going on in front of him, and he started opening his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but all he could do was stare more. Finally collecting his thoughts, James laughed

"Hah... Haha... that's incredible"

"Wait, let me see..."

The drop of blood shot up into a nearby tree with the speed to pierce it and end up inside the trunk

Johan grinned and spoke

"Shit, that's pretty cool, that's so damn cool, Ha hah!"




A while passed and they were walking down the street to a 7/11 to get some snacks and recharge a bit

"Hey, isn't that ability you have called 'Hemokinesis'? I heard it somewhere"

"I'll call it Blood manipulation, sounds cooler"

As they both enter the store, a beggar grabs James by the calf and pulls on his jeans

"Yo, let go!" 

In a blink, the old man pulled out a shiv from his ragged shirt and rushed to slice James' neck, but next thing, Johan kicks the man in the abdomen and grabs a stone, which he throws at his face, before he tries something that just crossed his mind in the heat of the moment: solidifying the man's blood, which he succesfully does, giving the man thrombosis, and making him fall on the concrete.


Before he loses consciousness, the man utters something

"Give me your... Ro..."

The man loses consciousness, and Johan speaks

"What was that?"

A sudden dizziness hits both Johan and James like a truck, and they fall unconscious as well, right in front of the convenience store


"Where am i?" Johan wakes up in a white room with white furniture and white... everything, seems like it's soundproof as well, as Johan can even hear his heartbeat. As he started walking towards the exit, the room seemed like it was... getting larger, just large enough for him to be in the same distance of the door he already was, and suddenly, he feels a tap on his left shoulder


No one was there, only a white cube on top of a speech podium, which Johan started walking to.

He touched the cube, and information flowed into his brain, somehow, he knew this object was supposed to be a weapon, so, without missing a beat, he said

"Cutlasses are quite nice, i'd say"

The cube then started deforming and transforming, until it changed its color, shape and materials, and thus transforming into a cutlass, like the ones pirates are seen using in media, and after picking it up, Johan gives it a few swings

Swish, Swish, Swish


He sliced as quickly as he could with his decently athletic body, and with decent swordsmanship form, decent to someone who doesn't know how to use a sword, at the very least, as he learned those moves from anime and movies, particularly Samurai Champloo and Kill Bill.

"Now... does this thing have a scabbard?"

Then a scabbard hit him in the head, like someone threw it at him, which left him pretty stunned

"...Guess it does"

He then proceeds to sheathe his cutlass, and a flashing light came from the entrance door, swallowing the whole room in it.