
Blood without Fire

Magic or violence? A story of a young man who was thrown by fate into unknown lands and given an unknown task. Whether he will try to learn about himself or take out his anger on everyone around him remains a mystery. You know who A Song of Ice and Fire belongs to, and my name is definitely not George I am just the author of this fanfic. I'm working on two fanfics in total, so some of you may accuse me of not posting enough. I apologize in advance for that. Gonna do my best to write three chapters a week for each of the two fanfics. Want to know what the piece is about? Read :) Hope you enjoy and yes its throne gaming

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40 Chs


What was really of interest and importance was the confirmation that his sensations belonged to something unnatural, even magical, and everything else was secondary and ephemeral. After all, no one can doubt that a person who can sense someone else's presence is not gifted or lucky, take your pick.

He decided that there was no other way out, so he continued to trust his senses. He had already found this hole once he trusted his senses, and that first time with strangers was a random mess, where consciousness of actions was out of the question.

Isaia couldn't think too much about it because of his fatigue and inability to resist the call itself. Of course, he tried to keep himself under control and tried to think that now as he was back in the forest, every action he took was conscious and personal, but in fact his own body left him no choice, demanding urgent and drastic measures.

Gathering all his will into a fist, so that at least this time there would be no mishaps, Isaia began to think about his actions.

He remembered that it was at the moment of his callback to the incoming summoning that actions began to occur, but he had no idea how to use and manipulate them.

Having decided that he had to start somewhere, Isaia sat down near the entrance to the burrow and concentrated on the sensations themselves. It turned out to be much easier than expected, though not without some silly and unforeseen situations.

Slowly yielding to the call, Isaia again felt what was inside, but this time he tried to concentrate on the feeling, and as it later became clear, he made the wrong move. The creature that was inside, sensing the danger began to move and at that moment the lad made another mistake.

Scared of the possibility of missing his goal he unconsciously wanted to stop the movement of what tried to escape, so he subconsciously pressed even harder. As a result, the movement of the creature inside stopped, but the call that had been coming from it all this time also began to weaken.

The only logical explanation for what had happened was a repeat of what had happened earlier with the stranger, namely the mortification of whatever had tried to escape.

What happened next will forever remain in the back alleys of Isaia's memory, who in the future, remembering his actions will feel only primal shame and a desire to kill anyone who dares to even mention this bitter experience.

The thing is that the creature, which eventually turned out to be a rather large hare, managed to move away from the entrance for an additional two meters, eventually deepening into the burrow at a distance of almost five meters. So Isaia had to play a game where his hand was placed as a magnet on the surface of the soil and he moved it trying to feel the direction of the tunnels in the burrow.

As it turned out the tunnel was not straight, thus creating difficulties, and after finding out the new circumstances he had to give up such an idea. going He had to revert to the old methods, and after half an hour he was finally able to reach his goal, pulling out the body of the animal torn in several places. Though the actions themselves presented some difficulties, he still managed to deal with them.

The hare had to be taken out in the old way - digging it up by hand, but not in the literal sense of the word of course. The ground in the forest was quite dense, so Isaia immediately gave up the idea of doing it with his hands.

After a short search, he found a thick enough branch, with the help of which he began to loosen the place, from where previously felt the presence of something inside and began to dig out.

To get it by using the skill itself was unwise, as the young man was convinced by his own experience. Each additional second of using the skill made the feeling of hunger and fatigue even more aggravated, so he immediately gave up the idea of getting the hare using this strange power and began to take primitive measures to solve the problem.

All this time Isaia thought about what had happened to the animal at the moment it was killed. The logical explanation for the hare's attempt to escape, which it almost succeeded in doing, was that it was not under strong enough control.

Trying to be careful not to repeat what had happened to the human earlier, Isaia loosened his grip on the skill, this time consciously using this strange ability, which only alarmed the hare and it tried to run away.

The first time, having been close enough to the humans during the encounter with those two near the settlement, and having no idea what was going on, he had fully given in to the call, never expecting to go through what had happened to the poor man. Accordingly, the skill was used unconsciously and in full force, as far as Isaia could judge.

On the hare, in particular in the first second, the skill was applied too weakly, from which he was even able to move, alarmed by the sudden sensations.

The other aspect that consisted in using the lad's own hand as a magnet was only out of a desire to make the task easier. Despite the fact that he had given up the very idea, due to his deteriorating health, he still drew some conclusions for himself. The whole process of manipulation and movement was carried out on an instinctive level.

The hare moved as if obeying the young man's wishes, but not understanding how it all worked made him make mistakes, from which he decided to find a way out in a primitive action, namely by putting his hand and concentrating through it. In this way it was easier for him to visualize the action he wanted to perform, but he clearly felt and knew that it was only self-deception and that hand movements were not necessary.

*Going back to the moment of getting the hare carcass out of the hole.*

- I HAVE A MAGICAL SKILL!!!-Shouting these words, with clenched fists raised to the sky, he almost started dancing. Only when he saw the result of his actions did he fully understand, which slowly lifted his spirits, putting a smile from ear to ear on the young man's face.

Neither morality, nor public opinion, nor fear of the new and unknown, only pure admiration for what he had done was in Isaia's eyes. Being an ordinary man yesterday, and possessing something unique, something that others would call magical, made his blood boil.

Earlier, even at the moment of killing the hare and in the process of digging up, he could not properly realize everything, because the mind refused to believe in what was happening and it was necessary to complete the whole procedure of digging up and confirmation.

Now he was trembling at the thought of having something magical at his disposal, even though he realized he didn't know how to use it properly. The admiration was of such magnitude that it leveled out absolutely everything.

It didn't even matter how others would perceive such an inhuman and bloodthirsty skill. What he had just done clearly indicated that what had happened to the stranger earlier was his doing, and so logically speaking he was the cause of another man's death, albeit unknowingly and unwillingly.

Plus, there was the factor that magic was hard to prove. If someone tried to tie him to what had happened, he would deny his own involvement with every fiber of his being. It was partly true that he didn't want to kill that poor man, but it would be best to maintain the attitude that he had nothing to do with it, and that magic is just a fiction.

The only thing of value to Isaia was the fulfillment of his dream of possessing something unique and magical. However, not knowing all aspects of what he had received brought the lad back down to earth rather quickly, forcing him to think and reason. A skill is a skill, but the situation he found himself in was a bit unsettling.

In the moment of his shouting, Isaia even forgot the place he was in, for the something he had received overshadowed all other feelings, even the fear and fatigue that had accompanied him all this time. Fortunately, this little incident did not cause any dire consequences.