
Blood without Fire

Magic or violence? A story of a young man who was thrown by fate into unknown lands and given an unknown task. Whether he will try to learn about himself or take out his anger on everyone around him remains a mystery. You know who A Song of Ice and Fire belongs to, and my name is definitely not George I am just the author of this fanfic. I'm working on two fanfics in total, so some of you may accuse me of not posting enough. I apologize in advance for that. Gonna do my best to write three chapters a week for each of the two fanfics. Want to know what the piece is about? Read :) Hope you enjoy and yes its throne gaming

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40 Chs


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Over time, Isaia learned how to induce syndromes on his targets in specific parts of their bodies. Thus, through experimentation he discovered that he could cause lacerations on a creature's body in the area he concentrated on the most.

As a result of this discovery, he concluded that the best option was to summon and manipulate the blood that was in the heart.

Initially he had assumed that the best option would be to concentrate and attempt to kill by causing blood pressure in the head, but as it turned out that was an impossible task.

The logical conclusion he came to was that apparently the concentration of blood in the head was not large enough, so it was difficult to control. And the attempt to do so would fail, as it would be a standard murder, which creates turmoil of blood in the victim's body, killing him chaotically. He hadn't done that in a long time for the simple reason that it took too long and drained more energy.

There was enough blood in the heart to be able to concentrate on it and call upon it to cause a kind of detonation of such an important internal organ.

That was all the progress he'd made so far, which wasn't really much if you looked closely, but Isaia was pleased with the gradual progress, albeit slight and slow.

The process itself was involuntary, and each new use of blood manipulation allowed for an even better understanding of his own sensations and abilities, taking it to a new level.

Isaia hoped to one day learn more of the mysteries and secrets of this new feature of his, and set a goal of trying to someday learn how to manipulate that blood specifically in the target's head, minimizing energy expenditure.

The latter, and progress in overall, was the component that allowed him to hunt more often while doubling his energy sources by the end of the week.

The lad, of course, was not deceived and realized that if he used up all of his energy at once, then he would have to exist half-dead again and start from scratch, but this time there was already some skill in the use of ability, so the gathering would be much faster.

If we go into mathematical values, then the following picture emerges. On the very first day, after using his power on one of the two people he met, Isaia had drained his reserves quite a bit. That time, he used the power to its fullest and without any proficiency, and the target died after about four seconds of agony.

It comes out that with double of standard energy values by the end of the week, Isaia is able to manipulate blood at full strength for eight seconds.

This value increased slightly if the lad manipulated the blood in only a small part of the body, namely the heart, making it possible for about ten seconds to be a threat to his victim.

To tell the truth, he had no reliable information that the blood he was calling for was located in the heart. He could only conclude that there was no other place in the chest cavity that could contain as much blood, hence the assumption. Why exactly the heart was the easiest way to kill Isaia had some guesses, but they required confirmation, from which it would be easier to make final conclusions.

Taking the talk of numbers even further, just learning how to kill his target by undermining the heart opened up the possibility for Isaia to stockpile more energy than he was expending, especially as he began to focus more on finding boars which paid even bigger dividends. Getting more energy than it was spent each time, made the hunt more successful and more profitable.

Killing a single hare is of course a much easier task, especially with both animals now dying by heart blast, but the blood gained from doing so is many times less.

Also using the skill on the heart reduced the amount of time needed to kill the target. Thus, if originally it took him about four seconds to take the victim's life, now this time was reduced by at least half, that's how effective it was for the young man to concentrate on a separate part while using the skill itself.

And that's all if you don't take into account the fact that boars are the bullies of the forest who, unlike hares, don't spit at their heels and run away, but rather turn around and look for a "second" to have a fair duel with the one who has infringed on their peaceful grunting.

Prior to this change in proficiency and skill utilization, Isaia was gaining as much energy as he was expending, maybe a little more, but with such an approach, it would take him a month of diligent gathering to reach today's rates.

Isaia couldn't say exactly how much distance he had been able to travel during the week he had spent, he estimated that it would be three hundred or even four hundred kilometers.

Given that he had no need to stop for the night or perform time-consuming activities such as eating or drinking, which in turn leads to the need to stop and satisfy his need to give in to the nature's call, so to speak.

Sometimes he had the strange thought that this manipulation of the blood was a blessing, for he was now a kind of ecologically pure creature that neither consumed anything unnecessary nor emitted anything equally unnecessary.

Trouble came, though, and from a different direction than he had expected. It was impossible to continue his own movement in the forest, because the forest was over, and the distance to the mountains promised at least a few days of walking.

How he would have liked to have a wooded area stretching all the way to the foot of the mountains, but the local landscape, having conspired with fate, decided to arrange another evil joke, spoiling the mood.