
Blood without Fire

Magic or violence? A story of a young man who was thrown by fate into unknown lands and given an unknown task. Whether he will try to learn about himself or take out his anger on everyone around him remains a mystery. You know who A Song of Ice and Fire belongs to, and my name is definitely not George I am just the author of this fanfic. I'm working on two fanfics in total, so some of you may accuse me of not posting enough. I apologize in advance for that. Gonna do my best to write three chapters a week for each of the two fanfics. Want to know what the piece is about? Read :) Hope you enjoy and yes its throne gaming

RHpositive · Movies
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40 Chs


Hey, guys. I realize the start is quite slow, but there are reasons for that and it's not because the author wants to be boring. Many authors do not tell the reader all sides of their MC, showing his behavior and order of thoughts, but after two hundred chapters suddenly start writing such that you sit dumbfounded with one question: "and is this MC supposed to behave like this?". So I ask for your understanding, well, and of course this is a read for those who want to slowly immerse themselves in the mood of Planetos.

Here is new chapter, hope you like it.

Having a clear plan in his head and seeing the swarming in the foliage, assuming the potential target was there, Isaia sprinted and began to execute his plan.

The ugly expression that appeared on his face was almost impossible to describe. It wasn't particularly model-like or beautiful, and given the situation he was in, it only made him cringe and become even more undesirable to look at. It was only at the very moment of approach that Isaia realized one colossal error in his plan, namely the calculation that the target would again be the hare.

The first two attempts and the hares encountered each time confused the guy, making him forget that the forest was full of not only jumping inadequates, but also much more ferocious or dangerous creatures. And so, as he leapt at his prey while activating his ability, he came upon the supposed 'hare', but the long-eared one was no ordinary one.

The hare, which refused to recognize itself as such, had fangs and grunted constantly, showing its contentment with the food found in the soil, searching for what it alone knew. Isaia was no expert on the diet of boars, and could not know that they were good enough scouts when it came to finding hiding places for various mushroom formations or rhizomes. Maybe the boar was looking for a small rodent or a lizard, but he could not know the diet and preferences of this animal, because he had never shown interest in obtaining such information.

The boar, which had been under the power of the ability for a second or two, as well as all the previous victims of the skill application experiments, fell on its side.

This time even the wounds on the body were absent, which happened for the first time. The man and the hare were practically torn in many places, while the boar had only visible damage in the area of the eye sockets, with a trickle of blood protruding from it.

Isaia felt tired again, and knowing the panacea for getting rid of it, he approached the carcass of the animal, which was seven or eight times the size of the hare, and put his hand on the eyes, even pressing them a little, so that more blood would come out.

It did come out, but not from the pressure or effort of the hand, but in an unnatural and mystical way, yielding to the hand of the young man, as if there was a magnet there, and with the touch to the source of the blood it activated and began to attract it with a rapid and powerful flow. Just a few brief moments was enough, and barely settled form of the beast became visible.

Apparently, all the blood had gone out, leaving behind only an empty shell of flesh, skin and bones, without any blood in them, hence the shrinking of its proportions.

The correctness of the conjecture was confirmed and paid off with the received energy, because Isaia's body finally stopped pining from fatigue and hunger.

Of course, the sensation was not the same as he had felt when he first came to these places, it was a total relaxation and carelessness compared to what he had felt during the last hour. Now it was as if a third of his strength had been restored, which meant that it would take three of these boars, and probably about fifteen rabbits, to regain his strength completely.

Given the boar he had just devoured, then surely there were less than a dozen hares left to catch. With these thoughts, he once again began to rely on his sensations, leaving thoughts of other, more pressing things and further planning for when he had fully satisfied his needs, having once again gotten his body relaxed enough to allow him to accomplish what he had planned in a more relaxed state.

And so the whole night passed, in pursuit of wild fauna and prey, so that at last by noon of the next day he could satisfy his hunger and get rid of any fatigue. It was also becoming strange, for with each passing moment and the realization that followed it, there was a lack of fatigue that should have come over Isaia.

The whole night spent in running after the animals in the forest, ignoring for a long time such importance as sleep and its necessity, should have left its mark, but it did not. It was as if sleep was not required at all and it was a requirement for further experiments and tests.

This of course came not without some mishaps, which made Isaia realize that the one he had met for the first time was not a boar, but a piglet.

Even with his added experience and caution, he was caught off guard and almost paid a heavy price for his oversight. For the first time in his life he saw a boar, which would give a head start even to a bear, because its height in the withers actually reached at least one and a half meters, or maybe there were figures much more decent, Isaia did not take exact measurements due to circumstances.

It was up to the young man's shoulder, which at first caused confusion, from which one is only startled, with a bafflement that makes one lose precious moments. It was a blessing that the creature could not climb trees. There was a reason why Isaia needed to climb the tree, for a skill that had never failed until now had finally misfired.


The giant only paused for a moment when Isaia tried to make a corpse out of him to serve as an additional source of blood, and immediately tried to respond by condemning the young man to the same fate.

Luckily, all this was happening in the forest, and he managed to climb up on a branch and wait for the beast to calm down and give up the idea of making the unsophisticated guy his breakfast, if of course the boar would stoop to snacking on a weak human.

The failed attempt to kill the boar made Isaia return to where he had started it all, namely the feelings of hunger and exhaustion that made even climbing the tree difficult accomplishment. Otherwise, he would probably have climbed it with catlike agility, if he had been full of strength and stamina.

Apparently, an important aspect of all this is the correct planning. You should always try to keep some dividends for yourself, because if you constantly spend more than you get from the beast, then there is no point in searching for prey, it is better to continue just hungry and tired trampling.

There really are such large boars in the world, and don't forget that Isaia has no idea where he ended up, from what exactly this behavior is at first. And guys, if you like it, leave your daily stones in that pile ;)

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