
Blood Wars: The First Bout

200 years ago, the world was engulfed by a blanket of diverse monsters known as "Dhekaids". Throughout the generation, humanity protected itself by building the Seven Towers, each surrounded by large walls that cover the entire continent. Interested by the origin of the outside world, Aran Crossford enrolled at Fosier Academy to set out a journey outside the walls in order to solve the truth about Dhekaids. Can he save the world from the apocalypse?

CyrixIsUplifted · Fantasy
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220 Chs

The Red Moon

"Commander!" Towards the field, a member of the scouting team can be seen in the distance while calling the commander of the knights.

The commander averted his gaze from the forest to hear what the scout will report about the situation.

"What is it?" He asked with a fierce expression. The scouting member stopped in his tracks as he began to pant after running.

"We have a problem! The vampires are using blood pacts to prolong their life. It will be seriously difficult to wipe them out with our current weapons. The execution of these monsters should be set to an alarming level." He proposed while fidgeting his arms. The commander placed his left hand on his chin to think for a while.

"Blood pact, huh?" He muttered.

Blood pacts are a type of defensive form for vampires. They often use their blood to strengthen their defense or to manipulate or control those who are consumed. With the blood pact activation, they wouldn't be able to slice a vampire and the risk is more than what they should handle. If they want to shatter the blood pact, they would need to kill the caster.

Throughout the forest, at least twenty knights are presently fighting the vampires as vanguards. They all had their spears and shields ready but the vampires are quick enough to scratch and bite them.

"I want you to go back to the capital and inform Nash Sterling about our situation. Tell him that we are not fighting the Jurah organization, we're dealing with some nuisance that might cause more trouble if we let them attack freely. Go quickly and take the C-route to avoid any commotions. We don't want to make the villagers panic. If they knew that there will be attackers tonight, it might cause traffic and people will die." The commander gave his order. Two scout members were assigned to go to the capital after that.

"Yes Sir!" Both responded with might. After that, they took the route on the left to avoid the river that leads to the nearby battlefield between the vampires and the other knights. The Commander stayed on the rear to gather the other knights.

"How many vampires are we dealing with?" He asked. One of the knights stepped in front of him to report.

"Based on the report, there are twenty vampires on the frontline and we are currently dealing with them right now. The other ten is in position in the southeast area of the forest. They could be saving those ten for the last clash. We don't know for sure what they are planning."

"So we are dealing with thirty. That's good enough, we don't have to worry about the numbers. We need to plan another strategy for dealing with their blood pact abilities. We won't be able to beat them unless we have a secondary plan that focuses on countering their attacks instead of stopping them."

For the knights, even if they know a way to stop them temporarily, it wouldn't help much longer. Countering the vampire's abilities would be the wisest choice and went straight for the kill to stop their advancement. Immobilizing them will only secure the place but it wouldn't stop them from attacking the nearby villages.

The forest of Viara. A large forest, located in the southeast area outside of the central capital. This forest is residence to many Dhekaids and one of them is vampires. The forest is large that most people don't dare to go inside it. The reason why is because, with large forests, the chances of getting attacked by Dhekaids who lurk inside it are high and most towns inside the forest are hard to find. Estimating from three to five towns are supposed to be stationed inside as of now. Other than that, there are numerous reports of vampires being able to scout the forest freely and wait for people so they can suck their blood.

It is often known that the forest is partially explored and that, there are many hideouts and secret places that haven't been discovered yet. That is the reason why most knights and other scouts are displaying different kinds of routes to take in order to learn the whole path inside the forest. There are three routes that have been accounted for the forest:

The first that was established was, Route A. Also known as "A-route". This route was the first-ever route to have been lined up within the forest. It is considered the main path since there are more subsequent paths after you take route A. It is located in the center surrounded by large trees exceeding up to the northside area of the forest. The knights have to build a sign in order to describe what route people they are taking.

The next route was Route B. Also known as the "B-route". This route is a secondary path near the first route that connects to the town inside the forest. It is a 5-kilometer path that leads to the villages but there are also subsequent paths to take once you're inside. The other branch is still unknown and the other knights are not entirely sure whether it connects to the first route up to the field or maybe there are more places inside the forest that are still unexplored. Either way, it is difficult to find more information as there are no scouting members that declare an all-out expedition to the forest. It is a work in progress type of mission and there are risks once they have started it.

The last route was established not long ago after the lycanthrope incident. Route C is also known as the C-route. This route is the quickest to navigate from the forest and it connects near to the capital within the horizon. These are evaluated as shortcuts because of their unconnected lines that are far from the danger zone. The path has been covered by many knights already and it is safe to assume that people can now use this path in order to gather resources from the forest without worrying about creatures that might attack them.

Moving on, the commander has formed three groups with the remaining knights. They all shared an equal amount of vanguard knights.

"Anything is possible if we study the nature of the enemy. The blood pact can be dealt with once we've cornered them. Helping the other knights on the front line will be the job for the first group. The second group will act as a decoy for other vampires who's in position. I will lead the third group and will strike the remaining vampires if possible. Reinforcement will be here any time soon so we must buy some time and distract them in order to hide our true plan. Am I clear?" The commander presented the plan.

"Yes Sir!" All of the knights have responded with a loud and clear voice. As soon as they started packing up, they all went into the first route which is route A with the commander being on the third group at the rear.


Meanwhile, inside the sanatorium. Aran can be found sitting on the chair while looking at Lisa.

Her arms and legs are dressed with gauzes and her face has bandages to treat the wounds. Her body is still weak but she is not pale anymore. It looks like the bleeding stopped as well. Aran has been taking care of her for a while as per Nash's guidance.

"Lisa..." Aran mumbled her name as he watches Lisa on the bed. He feels bad about what she has gone through and is still feeling ill about what he saw back on the alleyway.

After a few hours, Lisa's hand started moving and she gained consciousness. Aran noticed this and he stood up from his chair. He quickly called someone from the outside to check on her. The lady went into her room to see how is she feeling. Aran was really glad that he felt happy inside. He couldn't imagine losing his childhood friend right in front of him just like what happened to his father.

"She's going to be okay. Her wounds are still healing and her body is weak but she will be fine as long as she eats properly and rests. We can't be sure when will she have to go back but, if you can, please take care of her and notify me if anything happens." The lady instructed Aran to be her assistant to take care of Lisa.

"Yes, Ma'am." He responded. The lady went out of the room as she closed the door and the two were left inside. Aran stood beside her. He grabbed Lisa's right hand and gripped it tightly. He decided not to let go until she's fine.

"I'm..." Lisa started to speak. She smiled, relieved by the fact that the person who was so important saved her.

"I'm glad that you're alive, Aran." She continued. Aran teared up as soon as she heard those words.

"Mmm, me too, I'm really glad that you're okay. I'm so sorry that I didn't get to come with you back to the village." He responded. Lisa coughed a little but she tried her best to support her body. Aran quickly grabbed some tissue and gave it to her. He sat on the chair once again while monitoring her condition.

"I'm fine... Don't you worry about me."

"No, you're still feeling ill." He reprimanded.

He couldn't count how many hours he's been awake while trying to figure out where she could be. He tried simulating a lot of events that might happen but he didn't expect that he would find her on the verge of death. Being made as a slave for the thugs outside was a frightening experience for Lisa.

"Aran, Thank you so much for saving me. I thought that you were already dead... I was so... so lonely. I couldn't sleep very well knowing that both you and my father are nowhere beside me..." Lisa thanked him again.

"I didn't do anything, you should thank my master," Aran replied with a smile. He knew for sure that he didn't have anything to offer. Nash Sterling was the one who made this encounter possible. He was the one who saved the two of them. He didn't do anything.

"No really, thank you so much. I hate that you got to see me in that kind of situation. I really have no choice."

"Lisa, what happened? Can you please tell me?" Aran asked her with a soft voice. Her expression remained stiff as she looked at him. It was hard for her to recall the nightmarish event but she needs to be honest with him.

"When we were playing tag back in the forest, I... I noticed the footprints and I followed it." even with the difficulty of speaking, she tried her best to tell what happened to Aran.

He moved his chair to Lisa and he leaned his face closely near her side in order to hear what she is saying. For a moment, Lisa's cheeks blushed. She didn't expect Aran to move closely beside her and she was distracted for a moment.

"Sorry, I couldn't hear better, please go on," Aran didn't seem to notice her surprised reaction and was glad. Lisa continued.

"Ehem, I followed those footprints. It was very large and there are a lot of scratches everywhere. I followed it until I reached the end only to see that it was a pack of Human-sized werewolves with robes. I knew that there's something wrong because they were monitoring the village when I and my father went in the morning. At first, I thought it would be better to run and hide, but I knew all along that my father is in the village so I have to tell him." She said.

Back when they were chasing each other, Lisa immediately saw what was going on and decided to find his father. She ran back without informing Aran and that was the reason why he spent hours looking for her.

"I ran quickly on the lodge and I took the shortcut that we used when we were playing. I got back to the village and I told my father what I saw. He didn't believe me at first but someone shouted that the werewolves have attacked the gates. My father and I packed up our things and we went outside. He tried to protect me from the wolves but he was scratched. Even so, he managed to fend off the wolves, and then after that, a group of knights went in to save us and they treated my father. We were so lucky back then." She continued.

Aran lost the part where the knights have helped them. He didn't hear what Lisa was saying due to the fact that he remembered how his father died because of the same group of knights arriving lately on the scene. Their formation was intact but not spread enough to defend the whole village and so that might be the reason why he is angry about them.

"Aran?" Lisa noticed the fierce expression and called into him. He realized that he was beginning to lose himself again.

"Sorry, I got confused for a little, so what happened after that?" Aran composed himself and asked her again.

"Well, I think you already know how it goes. We were brought into the carriage when morning came and we boarded it until we arrived at the capital." She said.

"I know, but why did you do that?" Aran asked the other question he was referring to. Lisa became silent for a second thinking about what she has done. Her frowned expression tells that she is blaming herself and that she bothered people just for the sake of saving her.

"My father was treated, the money of the capital was used for the victims of the attack. But he has another illness that he has been enduring for the last six months and that backfired when he was attacked. It weakened his body and he wasn't able to stay conscious. Our house doesn't know about my father's condition because he kept them a secret, even to my mother. And he didn't bring any guards or money with him when we left to visit the village. We were in disguise that time." Lisa explained.

Aran gasped as soon as he heard the reason. It explains why the sanatorium hasn't been proceeding with his father's treatment. When a noble go for a medical check-up, they should be immediately treated. But that was not the case for Lisa's father as they have no idea that they were involved in the incident last time. Adding the fact that they were in disguise so it was naturally conceived that they were part of the village as well and they didn't get to access the Alliere's affiliation.

"The law indicates that the capital's income can be used on the victims to treat the injury, but they are not used for additional illnesses that are irrelevant from the attack. We can't tell them that we were nobles and that we snuck up to go outside of the capital because that would incite a punishment for our house. And we don't really have any money to pay for his additional treatment and medicine. That's why I tried to find something outside and there were guys who proposed a deal with me. They said they can give me money as long as I do their work for them." It hurts for her to tell all of these things. But she can't do anything.

"Then why didn't you go home? You could've asked your mother for help in order to treat Mr. Vritta. Lisa, do you know what you have put yourself in? You became a slave for that selfish reason of wanting to preserve the secret illness of your father! Even if he doesn't tell anyone, there would be a time where he would reveal it and that's not a reason to make you go out of the way and earn money by yourself."

Aran raised his voice as he scolded her. Lisa couldn't hide her frustration at herself as well. She knew that the offer would lead her to a dangerous path yet she still decided to accept it because of the risks and her promise that she wouldn't let anyone know that her father is sick. Aside from that, even if they were known to have been gone outside without permission, the punishment for them would be mild considering that they were a victim of that incident and her father is an important figure for the whole kingdom. He could pay them if he wanted to.

"I..." Lisa couldn't find the words for her excuse. She started tearing up, no longer able to hide her real feelings about the situation. Not only did she cause enough trouble for her family, but she also barely made it out alive. If it wasn't for Aran's sharp awareness, Lisa wouldn't be here right now and that would be a devastating loss for Alliere.

Noticing this, Aran felt bad about reprimanding her intensely but that was the right thing to do. No one would tell what her mistakes are because she is the only one who decided to do it. But Aran saw right through her.

"Sorry, Lisa. I should have insisted on finding you as quickly as I could. But, you don't have to worry about that now." Aran felt apologetic because he made her cry but he assured her immediately. He placed his left hand on Lisa's head and stroked it.

"What do you mean?" She asked while sniffing.

"My master took care of it. He paid for the treatment that your father will receive for whatever illness he has. He even paid for your stay here. So yes, you don't have to work so hard now. You just need to relax. He didn't mention anything about your situation as well. I can assure you that we can trust him." Aran's words were as soft as a flower petal. He continued on stroking her head as he closed his eyes with a gentle smile on his face.

Lisa's tears flowed down after realizing the good news. She couldn't help but feel joyful about it.

"Thank you, Aran... I'm sure you did something to make this happen..." She struggled with her words while crying but Aran knows that she is grateful for this. She was lonely. It felt like the light that was received was beginning to fade. But the boy named Aran stood beside her and kept that light from dying.

After recalling and apologizing, they spend the rest of the night sleeping next to each other with Lisa's head leaning on his shoulder. He noticed how happy she is now that there is nothing to worry about anymore. He gazed through the window and he saw that the moon was red.

"That is..."


With the events in the forest of Viara, 1/4 of the forces has been eliminated with twenty-five vampires left. It is crucial for the vanguards to continue but they were cornered.

"This is bad! Even with numerous hits, they won't die. We cannot outdo their blood pact abilities!" one of the knights has reported.

"Focus on what you have to do, do not let them pass this route. We're going to deal with it until reinforcements arrive!" The commander kept his cool as he ordered everyone.

"Yes Sir!" All of them have responded.

"Nash... I'm counting on you."