
Blood Towers

We've been told that war is as old as human kind. What would you say if I told you it was much, much older. Throughout the history of all existence the desire to rule has been instinctual in all living beings. No one, wants to be a slave. To that end war has ravaged the cosmos since intelligent life began to spread itself across the universe. Those born of higher planes invading and conquering those below them wildly until a treaty of the strongest beings finally brought some order to the slaughter. No longer would those of a higher order be allowed to wantonly murder their way across the galaxies. A universal system was put in place to regulate the ascension wars, wherein the lower planes would be granted the ability to evolve and resist the higher planes via the Blood Towers. Conduits of universal power that were both blessing and curse. They indicated both the triggering of your planes evolution, as well as its imminent destruction should you fail to resist.

Billy_Bunn_5040 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

First floor (part 1)

The evening passed quickly, the cold night giving way to a bright clear morning. The city was bustling with activity, as most people near the tower were coming to watch the newest delvers attempt their first tower.

It was always a big deal when a new class of delvers came of age. But this group was special due to the large number of aristocratic children involved, not least of which was the city lords son.

As the meeting time drew closer more and more people began crowding into the central courtyard in front of the guild building. Some were commoners just hoping to get a glimpse of those they deemed above them. Others were from the large families hoping to create more friendly ties with those whose children come out with a higher grade ability.

It was easy to distinguish between the two groups as there was a sizable gap, as though the big families fount it abhorrent to be within 5 meters of those below their station. Not only that, there was also the manor of dress to be considered, and the stick that was perpetually stuck up one sides rear end.

Standing in front of the crowd, just before the guild hall steps, was a group of about 20 students. All decked out in whatever equipment they had. As almost all of them came from influential families, their equipment was the best money could buy. All of it was E grade, they couldn't have anything higher as it was impossible for the unawakened to use it, but it was still leaps and bounds better than F grade equipment. E grade is where things began to be infused with a bit of power, granting the bearer some bonuses to their attributes, significantly boosting their chances of success and survival.

The attributes of each of these new delvers was still a mystery, they had yet to integrate into the universal system. But the average should be around 5 for each physical attribute, and anywhere from 1-5 for the spiritual/mental attributes. The reason E grade equipment was so valuable for new delvers was that it boosted said attributes by 1-2 points per piece. Meaning that with a full 5 piece set, it will boost your attributes by almost triple.

Joseph, of course, did not have these things but he wasn't worried. He was confident in the training he received, and was determined to make a good showing of himself.

It was just before meeting time when a hush fell over the crowd. Doren, the city lord, had just arrived with a full entourage. He himself was decked out in no less than B grade equipment, you could tell by the slight glow that came off of his body. B grade was incredibly rare and expensive, the boosts it gave were astronomical especially set equipment, which it seemed like it was.

Doren strode proudly through the center aisle as though it had been made for him, the people on both sides bowed in deference to him, though one side was significantly lower than the other. His son Olsen also strode pridefully, puffing out his chest and relishing in the feeling of power he had when others bowed to him. Of course no one there was bowing to the spoiled idiot, but no one was willing to offend him either so they permitted his impertinent attitude. What else were they supposed to do?

After arriving Olsen pushed his way through the group of students, making a point to roughly shove Joseph as he passed and stood at the front. Joseph simply ignored him, preferring to allow karma to take its course. Bullies typically don't have pleasant endings.

A few moment pass after everyone settles in when the grand doors open to reveal Aden at the top of the steps. He strode forward meaningfully as he surveyed the crowd that had gathered. He gave a slight nod of recognition to the city lord, they technically had the same noble rank as per the rules of the kingdom, so it wasn't required that he bow. Also, as much as Doren spoiled his son, he was arguably a good city lord and had earned a modicum of respect from Aden for his good deeds.

Doren returned the nod and stood silently by whilst awaiting the proceedings to begin.

"Welcome!" Adens deep and commanding voice echoed in the surrounding area, drawing everyone's attention. "We are gathered here for the greatest moment of these your peoples lives…their awakening!"

When this was said a loud cheer sounded from the crowd. It was the delvers that protected them from the towers, and brought prosperity to their homes. It was delvers who allowed them to live day to day, and each one was important.

While this was the general state of those who've awakened, that only held true for those whose ability was C grade or above, anything below that was seen as useless, and those who had such abilities found it difficult to survive. Yes they were much stronger than those without abilities but it didn't matter, their only option was to delve low level towers for a living, and doing so didn't contribute very much as those resources were already abundant.

So this was the biggest reason those children who belong to large families were so desperate to have a high grade. If not…we'll the implications can be imagined.

After the cheering quieted Aden continued, "we will now depart for the F ranked goblins tower located just east of our current location. If you have anything to say to your loved ones say it now…you may not get a chance again."

All the children then dispersed towards their families, receiving hugs from their mothers and stern warnings and encouragement from the fathers.

Meanwhile Joseph walked up the steps towards Aden, arriving before him Joseph bowed his head slightly and said, "You don't need to worry father, you trained me well. I will come back soon."

A small chuckle escaped from Adens mouth, heaving a great sigh he placed his hand on Joseph's shoulder. "See that you do boy, there is still much to be done."

Nodding his head Joseph returned to his place and waited patiently until all the others were gathered.

After a few minutes everyone was done and Aden lead them all on a 10 minute walk to the front of the tower.

It was a large black stone structure, rising nearly 10 meters above the ground, it was imposing to say the least. With a large brass knocker set into what appeared to be a goblins head set in the door. There was also a single shining clear crystal set above the door, indicating this was an F ranked dungeon.

Upon reaching it Aden gathered everyone in the front to explain how to enter, and what to do once inside.

"Now remember, each towers grade is determined not by how big it is, but by the number of crystals shining above the door. The color of the crystal indicates how close the tower is to releasing a monster tide. White or clear means no danger, blue is mild danger, yellow is mid, orange is high, and red is immediate danger."

The students had all heard this before, but it was traditional to explain all this on the first delving venture of a new class. Most didn't really pay attention but the crowd still loved to listen. It reminded them of the first time they went through, and the hope they once had.

"Now also please remember that even though this is the lowest ranked tower you must remain vigilant. Anyone could die at any time due to carelessness. The monsters inside are unlike anything you may have fought until now. They are ruthless, cunning, and bloodthirsty, and they will not hesitate to take your lives if you let them."

This sobering message finally brought the reality of the situation home for some of the first timers. They found themselves becoming nervous and hesitant to go in, after all no one really wanted to risk their lives. Especially those kids who had lived a pampered life until now. Only Joseph seemed relatively unfazed, this was the reality that was drilled into his head since he was 5 years old. Made all the more real due to the loss of his parents.

"Now let's begin!" At Adens shout the first student, which happened to be Olsen, came forward and touched the handle hanging from the goblins mouth.

There was a brief flash and he was gone, having been transported to the first floor of the tower.

As the students continued to enter one by one, the only thought in Joseph's mind was, "And so it begins."