

I was very afraid. Everything was ruined. It was because of me. I didn't know what to do or what to do.

Emir Asaf ...

How much could I trust him? He was a cop, and he was observing in a way that could keep us in everything we do. I could not think of anyone who could survive this game. Everyone ended up in death. Like them, we would have died in the toilet, in the gym, or in an empty classroom, with every cut off the neck washed by our blood.

The thoughts in my mind were shattered with the sound of the phone ringing. When I picked up the phone with my shaking hands, I saw the unknown number and I would open the phone slowly and see it in my ear.

"E-Sir?" I said in a shaky voice.

"Your end is coming Biray, your end is coming." he said, and when I heard the "dıt-dıt" sound from the phone, I realized that he had turned it off.

I turned around in the empty street and started yelling.

"Where are you, where are you from God? What do you want from us?" I saw a silhouette beside the house at the end of the street and started running towards it.

As I got to the side of the house, I was gasping, I cautiously started to pace to the other side of the house and slowly turned my head.

my turn and scream was one.