
Love and lust part 1

Annie's pov

My name is Annie. I grew up in a big city in Texas. My parents had a good job. They meet each other at a carnival. They married two years later. They had me on July 14, 1998. Life was great til i lost them. Before i lost them they let me date. I went through a few bad breakups. My mom later in the marriage started feeling a little ill. She had a case of low blood pressure which made her faint and get dizzy every so often. My dad and I use to laugh at it not taking it to seriously. Unfortunately one day the minor illness she had became deadly. As she was cooking dinner for dad would be home soon, She became dizzy and had a little slip. It was just enough to flip the hot pan. Which caused the start of the fire. Normally we would be prepared for this kind of thing. But our fire extinguisher just so happened to be used in a fourth of July mishap. I ran down and tried to help my mom the best i could. But it was just no use. We turned around to run out of the house. But the fire already blocked the front door. My dad just got home to see what was happening. He busted through the door like the hero he was. He caught on fire by doing so, My mom stayed to try to help him and told me to go run for help. By the time i got some help it was too late. They were already dead. Now i'm on my way to live with my only living relative. My uncle rob. He lives in the mountains in North Dakota. I haven't seen him since i was 5. He always sends me presents. He always there without being there. He always calls me. Even though hes a good uncle hes never had any children. Hes never wanted any children. So i'm worried about how he will adapt to parenting me with his busy work schedule. He use to have a girlfriend which would have been better for parenting because a woman's touch. But they broke up three months ago

Rob's Pov

Hi my name is Robert. Only certain people call me rob. I have a successful lumber company and a great family. I have my one and only favorite niece. But with my busy schedule i don't get to see my brother or his family often. Life seemed pretty sweet til i got that call one day. They told me that my brother and his wife got killed in a home fire. After that everything bad seemed to follow. While dealing with the grief of losing my brother my girlfriend for very long years decides to leave me. My only blessing is keeping my favorite niece Annie. I hope i can be a good parent to her. I know i work long hours. Living like a single parent now i have to be careful of when and how i go on dates and even though i know i'm well off i know raising a teen can be expensive especially saving up for college. All i know is that my life is changing drastically and i can never be too prepared even though my nice is arriving tomorrow.