
Blood-red Passion: The Adventure of my Life

When Ash wished for her life to change, she didn't expect it to change so radically. Who would have thought that the prized locket, given to her by her grandmother, would lead to an extraordinary adventure where she would encounter vampires and werewolves. She would learn that it was dangerous to trust, but deadly if she didn't trust the one who had been sent to save her.

Daminir · Fantasy
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68 Chs

The neighbors

'Let's not talk about that anymore. It's late,' Dave finally conceded.

I yawned as if to agree with him. We both settled on the bed and he snuggled into my back, spooning me. He looped hs top arm aroundmy waist and kissed my neck.

'Sleep tight sweetheart.'

It was the first time that we had adopted such an intimate sleeping position and I could feel his shaft nestled against my ass cheek. How did he want me to sleep in such a position when I had thoughts of doing other things? If I turned just slightly his arm would be touching the side of my breast and if I shifted to the back my bum would be even more snug against his crotch.

Apparently I really had been tired as the next time I opened my eyes, the sun was already high up in the sky. I had slept all through to 9 on the next day. I was home on a Wednesday after so many weeks.

'You're awake sleepyhead?'

Dave was leaning against the doorjamb with his arms crossed over his chest. 'Breakfast is ready.'

'Let me guess, oatmeal or chia pudding with the mysterious flavouring.'

He only smiled and left for the kitchen.

I brushed my teeth and took a quick shower, dressing in a comfortable pair of shorts and a crop top. It felt great not having to rush t go anywhere. As I had predicted, Dave had prepared some oatmeal for me with the coulis on top. I swallowed it in a few bites itself.

'What about your wound? Is it better now?' he asked holding my arm and looking at the bandage. I had almost forgotten about it as I hadn't felt any pain whatsoever. I removed the barrier dressing and Dave pulled off the gauze. His eyes rounded in surprise and he merely smiled enigmatically.

'What happened? Why are you smiling?'

I turned to look at my arm and looked at the wound. But what wound? Apart a scab and some redness, there was no hound. The gash had completely healed! What was the meaning of that?

'So, what were you saying about not being a vampire?'

Speechless, I glared at him but it only made him smile.

'You read minds, you heal fast,' he listed, ticking off on his fingers. 'It's in your blood Ash.'

'Speaking of blood, I don't drink blood, so I can't be a vampire. I didn't have an initiation, remember?' His eyes merely darkened.

'A few days ago, there were many things that you did not believe in. But all these are true. Am I not real?' he asked pulling my hands to his chest and making me touch it. He then brought my fingers to his lips, touching the tip of each. 'Is this not real?' It was as if his touch contained a switch, each time he touched me,I would start feeling warm and tingly all over my body. But I couldn't let him distract me like that. Each time we started a serious conversation, he would touch me and make me forget what I had been thinking about. It was his diversion technique. I steeled myself and took one step backs, then one more step for extra measure.

'What else did you learn yesterday night?' I asked him, trying to calm my racing heart.

He pulled another kitchen chair and sat down on it.

'I checked the footprints left by our two werewolves, they matched with those I found at Nadia's.

I gasped, feeling stunned. They had come so close to us. And then I thought about Christian, Nadia and their two children who had been in grave danger.

'What had they been looking for?'

'Obviously something which they did not find.'

'So you think they'll be back? Oh, I had told Christian that I would be around to help them clear up everything. It completely skipped my mind.' I started feeling guilty for not having helped out my neighbor. I stood up with resolution.

'I'll go now.'

'Wait, I'll come with you. While you talk to Nadia, I'll get to snoop around. Maybe it might let us know what they had been looking for.'

It seemed a bit dishonest to do that, but it was the only way we could get some information.

'Hi Nadia. Sorry I couldn't come earlier.' Nadia looked so distraught and had new lines on her forehead.

'Oh Ash, it's you. Christian has gone to the station to enquire about the case and the kids are at school.'

'Dave is here, as well, to help,' I said, moving aside for him to greet Nadia.

'That's so nice of you. Thanks once again for your help. If it hadn't been for you...' But she couldn't continue her words as she held her fist to her mouth to stop a cry from coming out. Her eyes were brimming with tears and I stepped in to hug her.

The living room had been put in order, but the rooms on the first floor were still a mess apparently.

'You take care of Nadia. I'll see what I can do on the first floor.' I nodded. He needed me to distract Nadia while he snooped. It was not a difficult task as I genuinely liked her.

'So tell me, since when do you live here?'

'We came here just a few weeks after your grandma started living here. And you know what's funny? Your grandmother used to stay here in this house before she moved next door. She wanted a bigger garden.'

That was it, the link we had been looking for. This was why the werewolves had broken into their house, they thought it was Nani's house. I was to be blamed then, indirectly, as I had been the real target. I felt so guilty.

At that moment, Christian came in and he looked shocked to see me. Indeed, he wasn't looking too happy to see me and that made me feel awkward and unwelcome. I tried to send a mental signal to Dave to let him know that Christian had come, but then realised with his hearing, he must already be aware.

At that instant, Dave came in the room, cool as a cucumber. It looked as if he had just come in through the main door. Was that another skill that vampires possessed? That of being good actors? Was he acting when he was with me?

'Dave?' Christian looked even more ill at ease then. I could feel that there was something that he was hiding.

'Ash, I just received a call from Claudia. She needs you now.'

I saw right through Dave and knew that he was merely using this as an excuse. What had he found?

I got up and presented my excuses to Nadia for not having been able to help her.

'I'll be back later,' I promised.

And we both left. I could feel Christian's gaze burning a hole in our backs.

As soon as we reached home, I turned to Dave and asked him, 'Did you find anything?

'How well do you know your neighbours?'

'Well, I babysat one of the kids for a few weeks. That's it. They don't really mingle with people.'

'And Christian?'

'He's a nice man, I guess. It's Nadia's second marriage. After the birth of Luz, she lost her husband.' Instead of Dave providing me with the information I wanted, he was deepening my confusion by asking more qyuestions.

'Why are you asking me this?'

Dave frowned and a hard glint returned to his eyes.

'Your neighbours are lying to you.'