
The walk

Hi my name is Isabella Smith. I was born August 24, 2000, and I am 17. I have one sister and no brothers and I am a vampire. Yes I know it sounds crazy but let me take you to the beginning. 3 years ago when my boyfriend changed me.

August 23, 2017.

The day before my 17th birthday i meet a boy. His name was Ryleigh Tover he was really cute and sweet. Well I didn't just meet him we meet a week ago. But we already know every thing about each other except his big secret. The day before my 17th birthday he asked me to be his girlfriend. And I said nervously "Yes of course", and I wish I never did.

August 24, 2017

The day my life changed forever my birthday my party was great. After the party my boyfriend asked my mom and dad is we could go on a walk. And my parents said "Yes of course you two haven't had any privet time all day". And those were the last words I heard my mother say before I changed and with my life. Before the walk my older sister gave me some pepper spray because she didn't trust my boyfriend. I took the spray but I wish I had listened to her.