
Blood in the Ground - 2/2

Mazzun had just laid down and felt the presence of some trolls in the vicinity, standing up lazily. 'Damn trolls, they'll regret for keeping me from sleeping.' He thinks in a bad mood.

Even letting out curses he got up quickly, the trolls could end up eating the horses and if he had more luck they would eat even the stupid boy.

Without delay, he picked up his long hunting bow by the side of the bed and a quiver with about a dozen arrows. Leaving the room he picked up his spear in the side of the door and went in the direction he felt the presence.

Observing the door exit for a second, something was different there, felt a strange sensation. 'How strange, I feel a little bothered with something here, this presence that I feel bizarre. Later I see it, I can't waste time here, 'thinks Mazzun.

You can easily see that the presence is near the kid's training area. Mazzun moves faster to give no chance for trouble.

Arriving near the training area, Mazzun can easily find the trolls. One was heading toward the boy and there were two others who were a little further away. 'Trolls huh, they're all young, apparently, the boy has noticed their presence, what is he going to do?' Mazzun thinks as he watches.

'The boy must probably run away, they're all Silver, but that troll there is obviously stronger than the others, must be almost as strong as Rong, the boy must know that.' Mazzun curiously observes but, prepares to save the kid's butt. Mazzun felt that the boy was not going to run away, he was not a coward, so it would be good for him to fight and then when it was to be lost, Mazzun would finish the trolls, because the silver level was easy for him to deal quickly with, the old orc thought.

The boy made a beautiful launch and easily discarded the first troll, this left Mazzun a little surprised. But then the other two realized what had happened and ran for he, it would not be long before they reached the boy. Mazzun began to aim with his bow at the older troll, ready to save Maou.

The boy managed to fend off the older troll and by the time he was removed the second arrived and then with a quick movement, surprisingly the boy killed the second. Mazzun was frightened by that way of fighting, it was not what orcs they used to do, but it was effective and beautiful to watch, a feint was performed so close to the movement, but even so, he avoided it and then quickly he finished the troll. Mazzun did not understand how the boy's fighting style changed to this, was not even close to the method he had taught. Orcs face everything from the front and the strong wins, simple, clear that who knows how to best use the weapon has the advantage, but, they do not avoid the attack, did not have a why, they were always the strongest.

But when Mazzun came back to himself he saw that the boy lost his attention and fell into a complicated situation. Disarmed, surely the troll would win, thought Mazzun, he was already prepared to kill the troll with an arrow, but then, an impressive scene unfolded.

Maou could not escape now, the troll was very close, it would be foolish to turn and run, he would die if he did that.

Gritting his teeth, he prepares for the final fight. Maou's eyes expressed his determination, he would win and show that he is a warrior, he would never be humiliated with defeat again, it would be even more humiliating to lose now, for he now possessed the Mark. Not knowing if it was too early for the Mark really strengthens him, Maou gathered an immense amount of courage and willpower. 'Covered with blood from his enemies he would continue to fight, as a warrior must do, never giving up.' That thought passed through Maou's mind, and his eyes shone.

The troll roars indignantly and charges forward, strikes a blow with his right arm which his target deviated by moving backward, boiling with rage, continues with another blow now with his left arm aiming at the head of his enemy, wanting to crush, but, the result is the same, almost, because this time his young opponent dodges to his side passes under his arm. The troll is surprised by the pain coming from his ribs, a roar of pain comes out of his mouth spontaneously.

Maou backs off a bit and assesses the amount of damage he inflicted on the troll, a monster of this possessed a thick leather, it is not so easy to injure him a blunt weapon. But this coup was effective Maou felt this.

The troll spins quickly, outraged at having suffered a wound in the fight against his opponent, but when he turns a sharp pain follows him. The troll lets out another roar of pain as it turns and opens its eye wide in surprise at what was happening. The monster tries to steady his feet but loses his balance because of the pain and ends up having to use his hands for support.

Maou sees the troll show pain as he turns and the moment the monster use his hands for support on the ground, his head is unprotected, Maou jumps forward, rotates in the air using the right leg as an impulse and gives a heavy blow to the opponent's head.

The unlucky troll sees his enemy flying towards him and then he even started to fly and watch the world go spinning and then he finds the darkness.

Mazzun was looking at a scene he had never imagined before, the stupid boy, one of the weakest of the new warriors, fighting 2 trolls of his level and a much more advanced one and winning. The first two were reasonable, the boy had used the weapons in the right way. But the last one, it was absurd, if someone told him he could fight that way he would not believe it and if someone said that a Silver 5 could hurt a Silver 3 monster who was known for his thick leather next to a strong recovery, he would not believe , but now he saw it happen with his own eyes, but, what was more absurd was that the stupid boy sent the troll flying to death with a blow with his leg, with a damn kick a Silver 5 killed a Silver 3 The damn boy still did it all too fast, too fast.'This boy thinks he's a damn war god?' Thought Mazzun, surprised.

The boy started roaring for heavens. He was not satisfied with just this killing, he wanted more, he was there defying his enemies to come to him, a war cry. Mazzun did not notice, but he himself began to roar together.