
Blood Moon Mate

Every year since he became an Alpha, Alpha Bruno throws a ball in the hopes that he will some go find his mate. After years of being tiresomely unsuccessful, Bruno decides that this is the last ball he will throw. Coincidentally, this also the first year that Alpha James Lune is forcing his daughter, Amelia, to go. She has never wanted for anything more then finding her mate. So this story is what happens when fate puts these two together as soul mates...

Megan_Yant · Fantasy
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8 Chs

3: The Acceptance

Amelia's POV

I left my father at our table as I went to get a drink. We had been dancing since we arrived, two hours ago and my feet had begun to hurt. I got two glasses of water from a surprised bartender and walked back to our table. It was just my father and me at our table.

Each pack was given the number of tables needed for the people that wanted to attend. High ranking members are usually the ones to jump at the idea of finding their mates. Our pack's Beta and Third are my father's age and found their mates when they were 18 as most did. Their children have not yet to come of age, I am the oldest of the upper-level people. All the other wolves my age chose not to come this because they said it was lame. I had no choice, no matter my idea of the ball my standing called for attention and my pack would need an Alpha male when my day to rule finally came.

When I reached my father, he was staring off into the dance floor. I knew that he was probably remembering the night that he met mom and the countless times that they had come here together to watch members of their pack find the love of their lives. I placed the glasses down on the table and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. He wrapped his hands around my forearms and patted them.

" I can still see her twirling around the room in that dress. I can still remember every moment of the night we met. The way she had her hair, what makeup she wore, what jewelry she had on...I remember everything," he said as tears gathered in his eyes.

" Remember then. Remember everything that you loved about Mom because that is the only way we can keep her alive...with the memories that we have and mementos that she left behind," I said.

I took my seat next to him and downed my water. It was getting later and I knew what was coming. The mate dance, where you either find your mate or are left pathetically alone. We reminisced about the things that my mom so amazing and I tried hard to forget that I was going to have to dance with a bunch of random strangers.

Then I heard the mate dance song start to play so I reluctantly made my way out to the dance floor and stood in front of my first partner. As the first verse started so did the dance, we would perform the same, simple dance until the end of the song or no mated pairs were left.

As I danced, there was a sinking feeling in my heart because I had danced with almost everybody and I had yet to find the one. There were five women and five men left and I was done with this useless charade. I had been groped by way too many horny wolves that had later found their mates. I looked up at the crystal chandelier that hung gracefully from the ceiling. The way the light bounced off of it was exquisite.

I didn't even have to look where I was going to know this dance, my father had been teaching it to me since I turned sixteen...I could do it in my sleep.

Then I felt it. I joined hands with a man and there were sparks. I looked away from the chandelier and back to where my last partner stood. My wolf woke up and went crazy like she had when we arrived. I felt the rough hands of the man that stood before me and there was magic. I know that sounds really cliche, but I couldn't hear anything except blood rushing towards my face and I couldn't see anything other than his deep brown eyes that stared into mine.

"Mate" I heard Anabelle say.

I heard the last note play and then I was quickly pulled off of the dance floor. I was pulled right to the back, corner wall. My mate released my hand and braced himself against the wall. I stood next to him, my hands threaded together and a slight pink tinge to my cheeks. I could see everyone ripple, every curve of his muscular arms through the tight suit jacket that he was wearing. I was at odds...I wasn't sure what to do. Should I comfort him or should just let him alone for a second?

I heard him whisper something for only the two of us to hear before I could collect my thoughts.

" Beautiful," he uttered in a breathy voice.

Before I could control myself, a word burst from my lips that would definitely send the whole room into chaos.

" Mate," I said just a little too loud. I heard a collective gasp from everyone in the room.

I saw my father's face change to one of disgust and anger. He started to walk over here I could see no good will in his eyes. His long strides and strong will got him to me in a matter of seconds. When he reached me, he completely disregarded my mate and wrapped his hand around my bicep. He tried to pull me away from my mate that had yet to collect himself, he was in...distress so Anabelle would not be leaving his side. My feet wouldn't move but my father only tried harder, he may have gotten me a few centimeters before my mate was on alert.

Bruno's POV

From my peripheral vision, I could see my mate standing just next to me. As long as she was still next to me I knew that I would be ok, as soon as I get over the initial shock of finding her. I focused on my breathing but never really took my eyes off of her. As soon as I regained my composure, I saw someone trying to pull my mate away from me. I turned so I could fully see the situation that was playing out in front of me. There was another man's hand wrapped around my mates' bicep, he was trying to take her from me.

Immediately Derek jumped to action, pushing through the blocks and taking full control. He rushed forward and ripped this man's hand off of her. He pushed our mate behind us and took a protective stance in front of her. The man still stood in front of us glaring and I could tell that he disapproved of me for some reason.

" Amelia, get away from that man," the man said.

" No. You know as well as everyone else in this hall that he is my mate, so I don't think I will be going anywhere Dad," Amelia replied. What an exquisite name...it matches her personality perfectly.

" Amelia this is not up to discussion. Do you even know the man that you stand behind?" the man declares.

" Enlighten me, Father," she says sarcastically. This gets a rise out of her father. growl warningly at him, making sure he doesn't get any ideas.

" The man that you cower behind is Alpha Bruno Anderson of the Blood Moon Pack. You know very well what he is capable of doing...what he has done," her father said.

I looked behind me to see that she didn't even waver. She still stood behind me and I had hope nothing her father said would make her leave.

" I know who he is and frankly I don't care. He is my mate and I will not reject because of some rumors, most of which have proven to be complete rubbish, that have circulated the packs," she said.

She then walked out from behind me and put herself in between me and her father.

" I go wherever he goes," she said with an edge of finality.

I see her father's eyes darken, but his gaze softens. He doesn't want to lose her...

Amelia then turns around so she is facing me and I look down into her stunning eyes. They hold an unreadable emotion and are full of emotions that I can barely pick out. There is strength in the storm that rages in her eyes.

"I, Amelia Lune, daughter of James Lune and heir to the Full Moon Pack, accept Bruno Anderson, as my mate," she said it with a smile.

"I, Bruno Anderson, Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack, accept you Amelia Lune, as my mate" I replied, there was unbreakable smile stretched across my face and all this just because of the women that stood before me.

I looked at her father once again and saw defeat behind the facade of anger he was trying to hold. I could not worry myself about Amelia's' father's feelings, I need to know more about her. I wrapped her hand in my own and pulled her away from the crowd to the back garden. We walked around the various foliage and enjoyed each other's company. We talked about everything. There weren't any awkward silences and unlike everyone else I had met, she didn't judge me by my reputation.