
Blood Moon: Collared and Bound

Lupita hated the moon, she hated fire, the blood, the vampires, the werewolves, the gods, magic, death. She hated everything! Everything had gone downhill since that day. That horrid day in the forest. Dark forces would be on her tail since that day. Creatures of death and destruction would try and claw their way back to her. She had to always be alert, always cold, always ready to kill. But how come one simple, newborn, vampire girl decides to turn that all upside down? How can a creature of the dark be the source of life? How can a creature of death be the reason for life? How come death and life get along?

Fluffy_Werewolf · LGBT+
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20 Chs


𝘛𝘞: 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘢𝘳, 𝘴𝘭𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢 𝘸𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘶𝘱 𝘸𝘢𝘳 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘧𝘧.

They walked out and Lupita was immediately embraced.

"Are you ok?! Are you hurt? Did they do something to you? Did they give you detention? Did you get expelled? Did Jack shout at you?"

"Stop! Too many words!" Lupita interrupted and looked down. Of course, it was Jazmyn.

"Sorry, I forgot," Jazmyn said but barely pulled away from the hug. It wasn't uncomfortable at all, which Lupita found very strange.

"She got detention after school," Elizabeth said and Jazmyn pulled away. It left Lupita feeling weirdly cold. She didn't like it.

"What do you have to do?" Jazmyn asked and looked at her mother then back at Lupita.

"I have to show up to the... what was it called again?" Lupita had never been good with what things were called in English, they were all weird.

"Gym hall," Elizabeth helped and Lupita gave her a small smile.

"Well, first day and you end up in a fight... still better than my first day," Jazmyn said and took Lupita's hand and began dragging her away.

"What happened on your first day?" Lupita asked.

"I do not want to talk about it," Jazmyn answered and kept dragging her around until they reached a classroom where Jazmyn led her to two desks where they sat down beside each other.

They were in another classroom and another teacher stood in front of them. He was tall, pale, and had a rough black beard.

"Ok class, today you will learn a little about your history with the vampires. We just have to wait a few minutes for our next teacher to arrive and then we will start the lesson." He talked like he was awake and ready, but at the same time exhausted, a telltale sign he was a vampire.

"Why do we have two teachers for this subject? And why do we have two history subjects?" Lupita asked.

"This is the specific history between us and the vampires. We have more history with them and it is important we learn. We have two teachers because the founder of the school thought just having one would make the class biased. We have seen some live arguments this way," Jazmyn answered and took out her books.

"What does 'biased' mean?" Lupita asked and tilted her head.

"It means that... you only hear one side, and then you only hear the bad or good side from that person's perspective. And if the person wants you to hate the other side, they will tell it in that way and try to get you on their side. Do you understand?"

"Yes, thank you," Lupita nodded and looked back to the front as a new teacher stepped in. He was also tall, almost taller than the vampire. He had messy, fluffy, blonde hair, a big beard and he was wearing a tank top that showed off his muscular arms.

"Sorry, I'm late. Had a little trouble," he said in a low, gruff voice. Definitely a werewolf then.

"Let us get the class started then," the vampire said and gave the man a dirty but kind look. How was that even possible? "Now, who remembers in which year the great war started?"

That know-it-all girl raised her hand and Lupita did as well, just to piss her off.

"You, in the back," the vampire said and pointed at Lupita. She could smell the anger seeping out of the girl.

"1583," Lupita said confidently. She had learned about this in her old pack.

"Correct," the werewolf teacher said, she just now realized they never introduced themselves.

"And in what year did it end?" The vampire asked.

The girl raised her hand again and sent Lupita a dirty look.

"Caitlyn?" The werewolf asked.

"1654," she said in a high-pitched voice. How was she a werewolf?


"It never ended," Lupita said while raising her hand.

"Of course it did. If not we would still be in hiding," Caitlyn said with a scoff in her voice.

"We are still in hiding. Maybe not as severe but we still are. Vampires still hunt us and we still hunt vampires. Humans hunt both of us but that isn't anything new. We aren't done with the war, it has just died down," Lupita said.

The war was certainly not over in her old pack. She remembered learning all the weak spots of a vampire even at an early age. They learned how they defended themselves, which places to cover up as to not be bitten, even how to defang one. They were always preparing for war.

"That is a great observation but I am afraid that is incorrect," the werewolf said in a cheery tone. He reminded Lupita of one of those yellow dogs she would see out on the streets. "The war ended years ago when the werewolves and vampires made a truce with each other on a blood moon night. They promised to never fight with each other again and to help the other if needed. Though that didn't take place until the second world war."

Did this guy live under a rock or something? They were far from that kind of peace. Vampires hunted werewolves and in turn, werewolves hunted vampires. They did not get along, and a "truce" under the full moon would not fix that. Especially under the blood moon.

The vampire was surprisingly quiet during all this and just... stared at Lupita, his red eyes burning into the side of her head. What did he want? Or more importantly, what did he know?

"Let us continue. So the vampires..."

Lupita tuned him out the rest of the class. She already knew everything. The vampires lived off human blood, they got the taste of werewolf blood which made them more powerful and they tried to get more werewolves so that they would always stay like that. They would cut off their ears and often their hands and legs too so they couldn't escape. Other times they did some hideous stuff to their throats which caused them to not be able to howl for help. Many were captured as slaves and used for either pleasure or feeding for vampires.

It was gruesome and the werewolves almost went extinct. That was before they decided to fight. It went horrible at first and many were killed, but then, after a miracle, some gained supernatural powers. They could turn into wolves despite it not being a full moon, they had strength ten times the normal werewolf and some were granted powers similar to vampires or witches.

The tides turned and they managed to win over the vampires. The so-called "truce" was only an agreement that the vampires wouldn't hunt and drink a werewolf's blood and that werewolves wouldn't hunt and kill vampires with their supernatural strength.

The "truce" was still active, but there were also both vampires and werewolves that hunted and killed each other, whether that was for sport or to show dominance over the other. They weren't at peace, just tolerating the other. And who knew how long that would last.

"Now, who can tell me what they cut off the werewolves so they wouldn't be able to escape?" the vampire asked.

The annoying girl raised her hand and so did Lupita.

"The girl in the back. Can you please tell us your name?" the werewolf asked.

"My name is Lupita and the answer is their feet or legs and their hands. Also, they would strangle them or burn their throat so bad that they weren't able to howl for help," Lupita answered in an unbothered tone. There were several terrified looks around the room and many grabbed their throats or began to rub their wrists.

"Good job," the werewolf complimented. "By the way, my name is Bob, you can refer to me as just that or Mr. Bob, and this is-"

"Mr. James," the vampire said coldly. "Where are you from?"

"Norway," Lupita answered and shifted under his red gaze.

"And what is your pack's name?"

"She doesn't have one!" the annoying girl shouted.

"Ah, I see," the vampire said and turned to the board and began to talk again.

'I see?' What did that mean?

The rest of the class was boring and they just repeated everything Lupita already knew. Death, death, and more death. Though, Lupita did get surprised over how terrified all the students were at hearing all this. Did they just learn about this? She learned about it when she was 8, and with very graphic images and reenactments at that.

The bell rang again and Lupita followed Jazmyn to the next class. This cycle continued for three more hours until Jazmyn said the words Lupita had been dreaming of the entire day.

"School is over!"

"Thank the gods," Lupita whispered as they walked out of the school.

"You have to go to the gym hall though," Jazmyn teases.

Lupita stopped and gave Jazmyn a dirty look. "Where is it?" she asked reluctantly.

"Mom will show you, I have football practice so I have to go," Jazmyn said and waved at her before running off.

"Follow me."

Lupita raised her fist and got into a fighting stance but saw Elizabeth walk past her and gesture with her hand for her to follow. What was it with this family and wanting to scare the wolf out of her?

The gym hall was up a hill and it looked just like a long, big house. Elizabeth entered first, through a pair of glass doors, and walked through a few halls until she reached another set of glass doors which she pushed open to reveal a ginormous open space with polished wood tiles on the floor, wooden benches at the sides, a few doors on the other sides, and a big door near the doors where they currently stood in.

Elizabeth walked over to the weird door and pushed it upwards so it slid in under the roof.

"Here," she said and motioned for Lupita to come over, which she did. "I believe you have to sort out a few things."

Lupita looked into the room. There were big, orange-ish balls everywhere, others were black and white, some were big, others small. There was a big, thick, blue matt on the floor. Weird cones everywhere and bins.

"The big, blue matt goes against the wall, the balls go in their respective containers, and the cones go in the corner," Elizabeth explained and patted Lupita on the shoulder. "I will be on the field outside of here that you might have seen, call for me if you need any help."

"By call, do you mean howl or walk out and up to you?" Lupita asked. Back home she would usually just howl for help but she wasn't sure if they knew the difference between howls here.

"Come out and ask me," Elizabeth said with a chuckle in her voice and left through the doors.

Lupita looked back at the mess and sighed. This could take a while to fix up.

Taking a quick look around, making sure no one was near, Lupita pulled off her long-sleeved sweater and kicked off her shoes. After finally getting free from the dreaded fabric, she began to work. First, she began to sort all the balls in their respective bins. (She had no idea what any of them were for or what they were called but she tried her best). Second, she moved all the cones into the corner, and finally, she pushed the mat against the wall. That was the most difficult part, but it wasn't hard.

Lupita jogged out of the room and looked up at the weird clock on the wall. She wanted to see how long she took but she had no idea what it said. What kind of clock says 14:20?


Lupita turned around and wanted to groan. It was the vampire from before. The one that had punched her.

"What?" Lupita said while putting on her shirt and trying her best not to sound too mad or upset, but still having a growl in her voice. She didn't want to anger this girl further, but she didn't want to bow down like a common dog.

"I... well... I just wanted to say sorry for punching you earlier," she said in an unbothered yet nervous tone.

Lupita pursed her lips and looked at the girl. She really hated vampires, they didn't smell anything but death and blood. But this one didn't. She had a... strange smell. It was in some strange way comforting. This girl was weird.

"It's fine," Lupita finally said and looked down at the girl's hands which were covered in silver rings. How hadn't she smelled those before? "No wonder my face stung a lot. There was no way those lanky arms would be able to hurt me."

The girl looked up and then pulled off some rings from one hand and stuffed them in her pocket before she pulled her hand out.

"Let's make a deal, you don't bully me, I won't hit you?" she offered with a raised eyebrow.

Lupita stared at her now bare hand. It was a lot smaller than her own. She didn't have long nails. It was also pale like the rest of her body and there were no indents of where the rings had been.

Wait, why was she analyzing this girl's hand?

Lupita pulled her hand out and shook the other girl's hand. A strange sensation coursed through her entire body. She felt warm... and happy. Everything suddenly seemed to go silent as she stared at the girl in front of her who seemingly was experiencing the same, weird feeling.

The two girls stared into each other's eyes. Lupita thought the girl had gotten some color in her cheeks, which was quite possible since she wasn't fully a vampire yet, but it was still strange. Her eyes were also insanely beautiful, just simple, bright gray with a few spots of red.

The feeling didn't fade but only seemed to get stronger the longer they stared at each other. Lupita was trying her best to remember where she had learned about this feeling, but every time she seemed to remember, she was swept away by another wave of warmth.


They sprung away from each other and Lupita blushed at how close they had actually been.

The feeling was gone the second they broke eye contact. Lupita missed it.

"Hi, Jazmyn!" Lupita said nervously and tried her best not to look at the vampire girl. What had happened?

"Just wanted to check on you," Jazmyn said and sent the vampire a dirty look.

"I'm good," Lupita said and glanced at the undead girl. She was returning the look with equal hatred.

"Good, let's leave, we don't want to be near those," Jazmyn said and walked up to them, took Lupita by the arm, and dragged her out.

Lupita glanced back at the vampire who was placing the rings back on her fingers. She couldn't explain it, but she missed being near her. Why though? Vampires were... evil. Yes, they were evil.

Lupita took a deep breath and steadied herself. She hated vampires, a single handshake couldn't change what they had done.

I just started school, I hope I will still have time to post, and I think I will start posting on Saturday and Sunday.

Fluffy_Werewolfcreators' thoughts