
Chapter 3: Bad Day?

Listening to Mr. B, rattle off the new seating pairs was beyond boring. He kept pairing people up and then changing his mind halfway through. It was becoming aggravating and annoying at this point. And it was doing the exact opposite to help relieve me of this headache.

"Ugh...could he like, hurry the hell up. My feet are killing me!" I rolled my eyes at the girl complaining, of course, I did agree that this process needed to be sped up tremendously but seriously did she think wearing high heels in school was a good choice? This isn't a runway, and you are not here to model.

I shook my head as she continued to complain to her group of friends; laying my head down on Ivy's shoulder, I decided to steal a glance at the new kids. They kept to themselves throughout this ordeal, only giving small smiles and hellos to whoever approached them. 'God...how can ANYONE be this good-looking.' The more I look at them, the more jealousy I feel. Here they are looking, how they looking, being God's gifts to the world, while I sit here looking like Rollie Pollie Ollie. Like was cruel.

I groaned and stood up straight, grabbing the attention of my oddly quiet best friend. "Aurora, I know I'm good-looking, and all but you can't be moaning all over me in the middle of class. It gives me a bad look."

I pinched her arm. "Ow! The hell was that for?!"

"For being nasty! Damned fool."

"Well excuse me. Tuh, don't be mad 'cause you can't have ALL of this!" She gestured to herself and twirled.

"Puh-lease, I've had "ALL" of that and it's not anything special," I replied smugly.

"Oh, no you didn't." Her face was priceless.

"Oh, yes I did. Come at me, bro!" I stuck my tongue out at her.

She narrowed her eyes at me and huffed. "Watch your back, Rory. Watch your back. I know where you sleep at night."

"Now don't be like that baby, you know you looooooooooooove me." I taunted.

"Fuck that...and your love. I won't be treated like this anymore! I'm leaving you!" She stomped her foot down and glared at me.

"Don't leave...baby come back! You can blame it all on me!" I sang obnoxiously.

We both stared at each other, and neither of us able to keep on composure started laughing uncontrollably. "Oh my...you are... such a loser!" Ivy choked out between laughs. We hadn't known there was an audience watching our award-winning performance until Mr. B cleared his throat.

"Well...as interesting as that was. Girls, can you please take your seats now." He pointed towards the seats near the windows while shaking his head at us. Only then did we realize the whole class had been watching us. Staring at us like we'd both grown two heads, even the new kids looked at us strangely. Quickly I grabbed Ivy's arm and pulled her over our seats.

"OMG...that was embarrassing!" She whisper-yelled at me.

"No? You think...ugh. This is all your fault." I whisper-yelled back.

"My fault? How the hell is it my fault? You started singing old commercial pitches at me."

"You started being nasty first."

"No way."

"Yes, way."







"GIRLS!" Mr. B yelled over us.

"Sorry..." We both said quietly as we sunk as far as we could in our seats. The class erupted into laughter at our expense, even the new kids held amusement in their eyes.

Kill us now. Please...


The bell indicating class was over must be the absolute best sound I have ever heard in my life. The Gods above answered my silent prayers. Grabbing all my things I made a beeline to the door and out of the room, dodging the large mass of the student body that now plagued the hallways. Finally making it to my locker, I let out a drawn-out, and exhausted sigh. It wasn't even the afternoon yet and I was already plotting my escape from hell. Seriously who came up with school?

"Dammit, Aurora! When did you turn into speedy Gonzalez?" Ivy ran after me, panting.

I shrugged. "Sorry, but I could not sit there anymore. I felt the whole class still staring at us for the rest of the period."

"Yeah, me too. Let's try not to embarrass ourselves anymore today?" She asked as she opened her locker.

"Yeah, maybe you can. But I guarantee by the time...what time is it?"

Ivy pulled out her phone from her sweater pocket, "it's 11 now."

"By 12, I'm either going to embarrass myself again or piss someone off." I open my locker and exchanged my math books for my art book. "Only good thing is that I have art next, I can sleep. Thank the heavens. This headache is still kicking my ass."

She gave me a confused look. "Still? Shouldn't the Advil have worked by now?"

"It should have, unfortunately, it didn't. Freaking sucks man. Anyway, let me get to class, see you at lunch." I closed my locker and started walking down the hall.

"Later bestie," Ivy called out, after closing her locker.


Art was the best subject this school had to offer next to English. Our art teacher Miss. Jewels' was the nicest person I have ever met in my life. She looked at the world as a large canvas ready to be painted by life choices and experiences. She was full of optimism and wisdom like you wouldn't imagine. She was only 26 but the air around her felt like she had been here for years far beyond that.

I adored having conversations with her because I always learned something new and interesting.

Getting to class with a few minutes to spare, I went to my station by the window and laid my head on my desk. Moaning out when my head came into contact with the cool surface.

"Um..is this the right room for Advanced Art Studies?"

Panic. That's what went through my entire being as my quiet time was interrupted. I shot up out of my chair and fell backward on my butt. "What the freak dude? You scared the hell out of me! What's the big ide...OH."

'OH MY FUCKING GOD IT'S THE NEW GUY!' I stared at him wide-eyed for a moment before scrambling to my feet.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He apologized sincerely.

"No, no. It's fine. Just not having a great day... but yes this is the advanced class."

"Are you sure? I honestly didn't mean to disturb you." There was worry in his eyes and I couldn't help but feel bad. 'No more embarrassment for the day huh..'

This truly isn't my day. I'd give Ivy's left arm to start today over.

And yes, I do mean Ivy's left arm. I need mine. "I mean it, it's fine. No big deal." I smiled.

"Great. I'm glad then." He let out a small sigh of relief before walking over to another station and settling in.

I started to fan my face, knowing it heated tenfold due to that interaction. "Seriously...why me?" I mumbled to myself.

"Huh? Did you say something?" He turned back towards me.

"What? Uh, no? Yes? I mean...ugh. Aurora. I was saying my name is Aurora." I stuttered and stumbled through all of my words.

"Nice to meet you Aurora, I'm Vincent." He replied simply and with a slight wave.

"Nice to meet you too." I offered him a small smile before turning back to my station. I laid my head back on the table and tried to ease my headache.

'Seriously...fuck this day.'