
Blood Moon Awakening; Blood and Bones

John passes away after cutting his finger. An angel, who found the situation humorous, thought he would be the perfect candidate for a magical world. John wakes up believing that he is in a dream and decides to make the most of it. The angel sends him to this new world as Veronica Dracula, the Vampire Queen. Veronica is the only vampire in this world. After rescuing Lilith and making her her first follower, Veronica discovers creatures known as bone fairies that stir up conflicts so they can collect the bones of the dead. One particular bone fairy, known as Viper, takes a special interest in Veronica and often tries to either cause her trouble or even kill her to get her bones. Veronica realizes that bone fairies are essential to the world, so she works to prevent as many conflicts as possible by gathering allies. ----- Note This is my first novel, well I think it's technically a novella, so don't expect much. while this is my first one to be honest I am excited for it. The cover of basically a collage of AI generated art. This is an ongoing project. I believe most people know what this means. I'm pretty sure there will be a point writers block is going to hit, so if it does I just ask for patients. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoy writing it.

S_A_Sylph · Fantasy
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IV: Detour to Dwaf-burg

Veronica directed Lilith to the pond's edge. "Before we move on, you need to take a shower!" She gestured to the shower head emerging from the ground. "This is my own invention, the Flower Shower," she announced as the flower sprayed water.

"Oh!" Lilith was astounded to witness something from the dwarven kingdom. "It's like a refreshing shower in the open air."

Veronica was disappointed, realizing she wouldn't be able to surprise Lilith with something from her world. She asked, "Oh, so there are already showers here?"

Lilith nervously chuckled, not wanting to agitate Veronica. "Well, no, it's only available in the dwarven kingdom. Those dwarves are always inventing new things," she said, her face lighting up with enthusiasm. "But I've never seen anything like this one before!" She then glanced at Veronica. "What about my outfit?"

Veronica thought to herself that she could clean and mend clothes and other items if they were put in her bat storage. "Just leave them here and I'll take care of them," she said as she grew another vine.

Lilith did as she was commanded, she hadn't had a bath in weeks and a shower longer than that. As Lilith ran her hand under the water it was surprisingly warm. She quickly climbed into the vine like shower pan, she hadn't felt this sensation in weeks and she was loving it.

Veronica sat under a large rosebush and opened her status screen. As she scrolled through, she noticed her unique ability. When she realized what it was, she realized how it was all connected. The angel, her changed appearance, and the strange pop-up windows were all from her favorite video game; she was the character featured on the cover art.

Veronica exclaimed to herself, "That's it! I'm Veronica Dracula, the renegade queen!" She recalled the stories she had heard about the legendary character from Blood Moon Wars. It was said that she had a special power, Splice Fang. Veronica recalled the abilities she had acquired over the last few days and realized it was true. "Splice Fang was applied to the Vampiric Vines, and the bat swarm!" After putting away the information page, Veronica noticed something that looked familiar near the pond.

Veronica ascended and left a bat to guard Lilith as she flew across the pond. Upon her arrival, Veronica was reminded of the second blood rose she had slain while waiting for the manticore. She quickly tucked the creature away. As the bats took in the creature, Veronica noticed something lying on the ground. It was a set of mostly leather armor with a metal chest plate and a leather coat, giving it a vampiric look. Veronica thought this was her style, but she doubted her new form would be able to pull it off. So instead, she stored it away, wondering if Lilith would look good in it.

Upon returning to the opposite shore, Veronica noticed that the shower had disappeared. She then spotted Lilith in the process of getting dressed. "I'm sorry!" Veronica exclaimed, her face reddening with embarrassment.

Lilith finished getting dressed and said, "That's fine. We're both women, after all."

Veronica reflected on the fact that she used to be a man's as she gathered her composure. "Yes," she replied, as the bats removed the armor she had just acquired, "regardless, accept this as an apology."

Lilith was astonished by the quality of the armor, even though the style was unfamiliar to her. Once she had donned the set, she declared to Veronica, "It comes with a hood!" She then pulled the hood over her head and exclaimed, "I can hide my animal ears with this!"

Veronica spun around exhilarated with anticipation for the next adventure ahead. She was about to go to a place with a highly evolved culture that could create showers. "Onward to Dwaf-burg!" She announced, prepared to depart from the forest.

Lilith sighed, not wanting to burst Veronica's bubble. "We'll have to make a stop at Boom Town first," she said. Veronica's face fell, and Lilith continued, "Even if we go straight to Dwaf-burg, it'll take us two and a half weeks. I have to do my quest before anything else, so it would take us just as long either way." She began to gather her things to set off into the forest.

Veronica asked Lilith as she moved closer, "How long would it take us to get there if we flew?"

"Are you crazy?" Lilith said standing up. "Only dragons can fly. I heard to takes them a couple days to travel between cities, but that's hard to believe."

As her wings grew, she exclaimed, "I can take us both to the skies!"

Veronica's wings unfurled, revealing their magnificent span. Lilith's eyes widened in awe as she watched Veronica's transformation. "You...you can fly?" she stammered, unable to believe what she was seeing.

Veronica nodded, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Yes, Lilith. I have the power to fly now. And I can take us to Boom Town in a fraction of the time it would take on foot."

Lilith's excitement grew, her heart pounding with anticipation. "That's incredible! I never thought I'd be able to soar through the skies like the dragons."

Veronica extended her hand towards Lilith. "Well, my dear Lilith, hold on tight. We're about to embark on a journey like no other."

With a mixture of excitement and trepidation, Lilith grasped Veronica's hand, feeling the warmth and strength emanating from her. And in an instant, they were airborne, leaving the forest behind as they soared towards the horizon.

As they flew higher and higher, Lilith couldn't help but marvel at the breathtaking view below. The world stretched out before them, its beauty and vastness unfathomable. She felt a sense of freedom she had never experienced before, her worries and fears dissipating with each passing moment.

Veronica guided them effortlessly through the clouds, her wings beating with a rhythmic grace. Lilith couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration for her companion. She had thought Veronica was just a simple forest witch, but now she realized there was so much more to her.

Hours passed, and the sun began to set, casting a golden glow across the sky. Veronica gently descended towards a small clearing nestled amidst the trees. As they touched down, Lilith released Veronica's hand, her legs wobbling slightly from the exhilarating flight.

Veronica turned to Lilith, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Well, Lilith, what do you think? Flying isn't so bad, is it?"

Lilith grinned, her heart still racing from the adventure. "No, Veronica, it's incredible! I never imagined I would be able to experience something like this."

Veronica chuckled, a twinkle of mischief in her eyes. "Well, my dear, this is just the beginning. We have many more surprises and adventures awaiting us."

Lilith's eyes widened, her curiosity piqued. "What do you mean, Veronica? What other surprises do you have in store for me?"

Veronica's smile widened, her voice filled with anticipation. "Oh, Lilith, you have no idea. But one thing's for certain, our journey together is going to be filled with twists and turns, and I can't wait to see where it takes us."

As they settled down for the night, Lilith couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and wonder. She had embarked on this journey with the hope of finding her missing sister, but little did she know that she would also discover a world of magic, adventure, and a bond with Veronica that would forever change her life.

And so, under the starlit sky, Lilith and Veronica drifted off to sleep, their dreams filled with the promise of a future filled with unexpected twists and extraordinary discoveries.

As Veronica and Lilith entered the town, Veronica noticed the walls had been recently reinforced with wood. It was evident they had recently withstood a siege. As they walked down the muddy street, Veronica saw people on the side of the road, appearing to be exhausted and disheveled. When they arrived at a large wooden structure in the center of the town, Veronica paused, hearing murmurs emanating from within.

A child's voice echoed from the alleyway, asking, "Mama, are the scary people coming back?"

The woman replied, her voice trembling, "Daddy and his buddies will look after us, sweetheart."

Lilith firmly grasped Veronica's arm, preventing her from wandering away. "We'll be able to find out more information at the guildhall," she suggested. "I'm sure the guild master has a plan in place." She added pulling her away.

As Veronica and Lilith entered the guildhall, they were met with a somber atmosphere. The guild master, a stern-looking man with graying hair, stood at the front of the room addressing a group of adventurers.

"We have received reports of a powerful enemy force approaching Boom Town," the guild master announced, his voice filled with urgency. "They are led by a notorious warlord known as General Malachi. We must prepare for battle."

Lilith's eyes widened in shock. "General Malachi? He's one of the most feared and ruthless warlords in the kingdom. How did he manage to gather such a large force?"

The guild master sighed heavily. "It seems that General Malachi has made a pact with a dark sorcerer, granting him unimaginable power. They have been terrorizing towns and villages, leaving destruction in their wake."

Lilith's face paled, her voice barely a whisper. "What...what does this mean for Boom Town?"

The guild master's gaze hardened. "We will not let them take this town without a fight. We have been preparing for their arrival, fortifying our defenses and gathering as many able-bodied fighters as possible."

Veronica's mind raced, her unique abilities suddenly taking on a new significance. "I can help," she declared, determination shining in her eyes. "I have powers that can turn the tide of battle. Lilith and I will join the fight."

The guild master looked at Veronica, his expression a mix of surprise and hope. "If what you say is true, then we could certainly use your help. But be warned, General Malachi is a formidable opponent. Many have tried to defeat him and failed."

Veronica nodded, her resolve unwavering. "We will do whatever it takes to protect this town and its people."

As the guild master began to assign them their roles in the upcoming battle, Veronica couldn't help but feel a surge of adrenaline. This was not the adventure she had expected, but it was one that she was ready to face head-on. Little did she know, this battle would not only test her newfound powers but also reveal a shocking truth about this land.

Lilith observed the field outside of town when Veronica approached the wall. "What are you up to?" she inquired.

Veronica leaned against the wall as she responded, "I had prepared a small surprise for our 'guests'. When I battled with that manticore I wondered how strong I could make my spell. It was not as powerful as it was when I faced the dragon, but I think that time was different somehow."

Lilith raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "What kind of surprise are you talking about?"

Veronica smirked mischievously. "Well, you know how I can control vines and plants, right? I've been experimenting with a new spell, one that can summon an army of thorny vines to entangle our enemies."

Lilith's eyes widened in surprise. "An army of vines? That sounds incredible! How many can you summon?"

Veronica shrugged, a playful glint in her eyes. "I'm not sure yet, but I've been practicing and I think I can summon at least a dozen. It should be enough to give our enemies a run for their money."

Lilith couldn't help but grin, excitement bubbling within her. "That's amazing, Veronica! With your vines and my combat skills, we'll be unstoppable."

Veronica nodded, a sense of determination settling over her. "That's the plan. We'll fight alongside the other adventurers and defend this town with everything we've got."

As they prepared for the upcoming battle, Lilith couldn't help but feel a surge of adrenaline. This unexpected twist in their journey had turned it into something far more dangerous and thrilling than she could have ever imagined. Little did she know, this battle would not only test their abilities but also reveal a shocking truth about the true nature of their powers and their connection to this world.

As the sun set on the horizon, a faint light shone through the trees. A group of individuals then emerged from the forest, each one carrying a flaming torch. In the center of the group was a towering figure wearing intimidating armor and grasping a giant sword. He raised the sword above his head and the group began to run forward. As the last person left the forest, the large man followed suit and ran off with the group.

Lilith directed her attention to Veronica and asked, "Don't you think you should cast your spell?"

Veronica watched as the mob of people raced in her direction. Even though it was too dark to make out their features, she could feel their eagerness to fight. The adventurers shouted for her to cast a spell, but Veronica felt a thrill of anticipation. Suddenly, as the first person stepped into the light of the town, vines sprang up from the ground and wrapped around the attackers, restraining them. The leader of the group stepped forward, brandishing his sword in Veronica's direction.

The attackers were unable to move forward as thick vines suddenly sprouted up from the ground, encircling them. The giant of a man then stepped up to Veronica, brandishing his sword and declaring, "I, General Malachi, challenge you to a duel!"

Veronica chuckled at the man. "Why would I want to do that?" She asked leaning on the top of the village wall. "I mean I have everyone captured except for you. Plus I don't like fighting really."

Lilith jumped down from the wall standing in front of the gate, "Veronica is very powerful, these vines are not even a fraction of her power, but she doesn't use it for evil. I know she can find a peaceful solution."

Malachi burst out in laughter, saying, "Do you realize who I am, young lady? My reputation is so well-known that when we crossed the mountains, the entire town already knew me. I am the Warlord Malachi and you will surrender or die!"

At that moment, Malachi raised his arm, causing a commotion in the group of people assembled at the entrance. A man suddenly pushed through the crowd, carrying a small child in his arms and holding a knife to her throat. "I managed to grab one of the brats, boss," he said with a smirk. "Her mom's quite a beauty too; she'd be great for you, boss

Veronica heard the desperate cries of the little girl and recognized her voice from earlier in the day. She saw a man in the crowd who was obviously disturbed by the situation and she clenched her fists. "If you release her, I'll take you on."

Malachi grabbed the child away from the man, holding their arm firmly he declared, "What if I don't want to fight this time?" His loud laughter echoed throughout the area.

Veronica's eyes narrowed, her voice filled with determination. "Release the child, and I will face you, Malachi. But know this, if any harm comes to her, I will show no mercy."

Malachi smirked, his grip on the child tightening. "You think you can intimidate me, witch? I've faced far greater opponents than you."

Veronica took a step forward, her voice steady and unwavering. "I am not a witch. I am Veronica Dracula, the renegade vampire queen. And I will protect the innocent at any cost."

With a swift motion, Veronica extended her hand towards Malachi, her eyes glowing with an otherworldly power. Vines erupted from the ground, wrapping around Malachi's arm and forcing him to release the child. The crowd gasped in awe as the child was safely freed.

Malachi's face contorted with rage as he struggled against the vines. "You will pay for this, witch!" he growled.

Veronica's voice was filled with a newfound confidence. "No, Malachi. It is you who will pay for your crimes. Your reign of terror ends here."

With a flick of her wrist, Veronica commanded the vines to tighten their grip on Malachi, immobilizing him completely. The crowd erupted in cheers as they witnessed the defeat of the feared warlord.

As the dust settled, Lilith approached Veronica, her eyes shining with admiration. "That was incredible, Veronica. You truly are a force to be reckoned with."

Malachi began to snicker before erupting into a thunderous laughter. "You fools have no idea who hired me, right?" He stared at Veronica, trying to intimidate her. "The most wicked bone fairy of all, Viper!" His laughter intensified as the people became more and more anxious. Malachi glanced at Lilith, and his eyes displayed a crazed expression. "I might have messed up this mission, but that foolish slave can make up for last time!"

Veronica snatched the arrow that had just pierced the tree line, only inches away from Lilith's face. When Lilith saw how close to death she had just been, she stumbled backwards, a look of shock on her face. As Veronica examined the arrow, she quickly recognized the design, it was the same one that had almost killed Lilith before. Filled with fury, Veronica angrily snapped the arrow in half.

Veronica was still seething as she came up to Malachi. She gestured with her hand and the vines around him tightened a bit. "Who is this Viper person," she demanded, "and while your at it where is your hideout?"

Malachi's laughter abruptly ceased as he realized the gravity of the situation. He glanced nervously at the crowd, his eyes darting from face to face. "I...I can't tell you," he stammered, fear evident in his voice. "Viper will kill me if I reveal anything."

Veronica's eyes narrowed, her voice filled with determination. "You will tell me everything, Malachi. And if you refuse, I will make sure you suffer for your crimes."

Malachi's face paled, his voice barely a whisper. "Alright, alright! I'll tell you everything, just please spare me."

Veronica released her grip on the vines, allowing Malachi to slump to the ground. She knelt down beside him, her eyes locked with his. "Start talking," she commanded, her voice cold and unwavering.

Malachi took a deep breath, his voice trembling. "Viper is a powerful bone fairy who controls a network of criminals and mercenaries. She's been terrorizing the kingdom for years, taking control of towns and villages, and using them for his own gain."

Veronica's eyes narrowed, her mind racing with possibilities. "And where is she right now?"

Malachi's face contorted in distress as he uttered, "She's at my hideout," His voice shook with terror as he began to pant, "but I can't tell you. If I do, she's sure to harm all of us. She's not like the other bone fairies. They'll wait until someone dies before taking their remains and laying them to rest. She doesn't care about that. She'll take the bones of a living person and disregard any afterlife. I've never heard of her putting anyone to rest." His gaze shifted to Veronica and he said, "You'll have to kill me."

Veronica moved closer to Malachi, using her vines to keep his arms at bay. She spoke in a menacing tone, "As a vampire, I don't need you to say a word, General. All I need is a sip of your blood and I'll know exactly what I need to know."

Veronica forcefully shoved Malachi aside, sinking her teeth into his neck. As the red liquid slid down her throat, a vision of a broken castle on the side of a mountain came to her. She saw Malachi pulling a hooded girl along by a chain. After she let him go, Veronica gazed at the blood running down his neck. Her complexion paled and she collapsed onto her knees, gagging.

Lilith suddenly came to her senses and hurried over to Veronica. She asked, "What happened? Are you okay?"

Veronica glanced up at Lilith, a droplet of saliva on the corner of her mouth. "To tell you the truth, I can't bear the sight of human blood," she said, leaning back. "Up until the day before we met, I was a human male in my original world," she added.

Veronica's revelation left Lilith stunned. She had never expected her fierce and powerful companion to have such a vulnerable past. She knelt down beside Veronica, concern etched on her face.

"I had no idea," Lilith whispered, her voice filled with empathy. "I'm so sorry, Veronica. I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you."

Veronica ran her hand over her mouth, exhibiting both sorrow and anger. "It's been an uphill battle," she lamented, her words tinged with resentment. "But I've learned to adjust and make it through. I never meant to become a vampire, and I don't think I will ever be able to return to my old life."

Lilith reached out and gently placed a hand on Veronica's shoulder. "You're not alone anymore," she said softly. "We're in this together, and I promise I'll do everything I can to help you."

Veronica looked up at Lilith, her eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I never thought I'd find someone who would understand."

As they sat there, the weight of their shared secrets hanging in the air, a newfound bond formed between Veronica and Lilith. Together, they stood up, ready to face whatever awaited them at Malachi's hideout. The revelation of Veronica's true nature had only strengthened their resolve. They would confront Viper, put an end to her reign of terror, and ensure that no more innocent lives were lost.

With their determination fueling their every step, Veronica and Lilith set off towards the broken castle on the side of the mountain, ready to face the darkest depths of their shared destiny.