
Blood Lavender

In the wake of a mysterious outbreak, high school student Akira Reigi, known as Kira, finds himself thrust into a world of chaos and terror. With his crush, Alice, and his steadfast friend, Eky, by his side, Kira must navigate through a landscape overrun by the undead. As they struggle to survive, Kira, Alice, and Eky discover that the source of the outbreak may be more sinister than they ever imagined. With danger lurking around every corner, they must rely on each other's strengths and resourcefulness to stay alive. "Blood Lavender" is a gripping tale of survival and resilience in the face of unimaginable horror. As Kira and his companions fight to uncover the truth behind the epidemic, they must confront their deepest fears and confront the darkness that threatens to consume them.

Yusuf_Abdul_Rozak · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


As they entered the gym, Akira, Eky, and Alice took a moment's breath of relief. This room is safer, at least for a while. Quickly, they're looking for weapons. Eky finds a baseball stick, Alice chooses a strong tennis rocket, while Akira holds the bullet push. "Alice, you hold this rocket. You can use it to hit them if necessary," Akira said, giving him the rocket. Alice nodded, still with a slightly pale face. "Thank you, Akira. I'll try."

They're starting to set up a strategy to get out of school."We have to get to the main gate. That's the only safe way out," Eky said in a firm voice. Akira looked around, thought hard."But how do we get there without attracting the zombie's attention?" Eky took a long breath. "We have to find a path that isn't crowded. There's an emergency exit near the canteen that we might be able to use."

Alice listened carefully."But what if we can't open the door?" "I have a glass breaker in the sports bag. If the door is locked, we can break the glass and get out there," replied Eky.

With matured planning, they started moving out of the gym. The way to the canteen is quite challenging. "Don't make noise. We have to be very careful," Akira whispered.

Step by step, they walked stuck in the hallway. Every time there was a noise, they stopped for a moment, holding their breath. The zombies, with their slow and dragged steps, became a constant threat. In front of the canteen, they saw a bunch of zombies. Eky tells the others to stop. "We have to distract them. Any idea?"Alice looked around, looking for something to use. He found a little stone on the floor and picked it up. "I'll throw this stone in the opposite direction. May they be attracted there." Alice threw the stone loudly. The stone hit the window at the end of the corridor, making a loud noise. As expected, the zombie-zombie turned around and moved towards the sound.

"Come on, hurry!" Akira asked them to run to the emergency exit. "Try using this glass breaker, Eky," Akira said anxiously.

Eky took the tool out of his bag and hit the door glass hard. The glass broke with a loud noise, but still didn't make the zombies around them realize their existence.

"Now, we have to go out one by one. I'll take care of the back," Akira said, making sure Alice and Eky get out first. When Akira was about to go out, she heard footsteps coming fast. She looked and saw some zombies starting to point at them.

"Fast, Akira!" cried Alice from the outside.

Akira just got out and the three of them ran to the main gate. The distance from the emergency gate to the main gate isn't too far, but it's full of danger.