
Blood is Life - A Warhammer Vampire Fiction

In the grim-dark warhammer universe Old World. It starts off with a reincarnation of a man from earth into a vampire body just going through the transition. Taking his situation in stride, with the help of his AI chip, Atlas (the MC) is forced into various situations that threaten his life starting with the first great vampire wars, as he tries to adapt and grow ever stronger. Using many facts from Warhammer the tabletop and the Total War game. Some changes to mechanisms of how power to include some small elements of cultivation. This has been on my mind as I have read some of the books and decided to create it with my own AI chip - ChatGPT - Enjoy!

Didiodo · Video Games
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Chapter 35

The mage's tower loomed tall and imposing, its ancient stone walls etched with intricate runes that glowed with an otherworldly luminescence. Mystical objects adorned the shelves, their surfaces pulsating with latent arcane power, while rows upon rows of books containing forbidden knowledge lined the towering bookcases.

In the centre of the chamber, atop a great slab of marble, lay a motionless corpse, its pallid features illuminated by the flickering torchlight. Strickler, his dark robes billowing around him, stood over the body, his eyes alight with fervent determination as he muttered incantations learned from Atlas himself.

But Atlas, ever the vigilant mentor, watched with a critical eye, his presence a silent reminder of the stakes at hand. With a stern rebuke, he corrected Strickler's errors, guiding his apprentice with a steady hand through the intricacies of the dark arts.

As Strickler's spell took shape, the air crackled with the raw power of dark magic, tendrils of energy snaking through the room like ethereal serpents. With a final incantation, Strickler's efforts bore fruit, and the corpse upon the slab stirred, its limbs twitching with newfound animation.

With a triumphant grin, Strickler raised his hand, commanding the reanimated creature to rise. Slowly, laboriously, the zombie obeyed, its movements clumsy and awkward as it took its first tentative steps at its master's command. Yet despite its ungainly gait, there was an undeniable sense of power in its presence, a chilling reminder of the depths of darkness to which Strickler now held sway.

"Your dedication to mastering the dark arts is commendable, Strickler," Atlas intoned, his voice carrying a tone of genuine admiration. He stood amidst the arcane ambiance of the mage's tower, where he was at leisure to study the text normally reserved just for the Empires mages. With the influence of Anabelle and Strickler, he had found many opportunities to expand the AI chip database.

As Strickler eagerly conducted his experiments, Atlas observed with a keen eye, taking note of the intricate weave of dark energies that permeated the room. Shadows danced and writhed in response to Strickler's incantations, weaving a tapestry of eldritch power that seemed to devour the very essence of the air.

With each invocation, Strickler's confidence grew, his command over the necromantic forces becoming more assured. Atlas recognized the subtle shifts in his aura, the faint tendrils of corruption that began to entwine his spirit. It was a delicate dance, one of manipulation and influence, as Atlas guided Strickler further down the path of darkness. This was but the beginning, a mere glimpse of the power that awaited those bold enough to embrace the shadows. And for Atlas, it was a testament to his own prowess in the art of manipulation, a skill necessary to cultivate subordinates to support his rise to power.

Atlas gazed upon the detailed map of the Empire that adorned the wall of the mage's tower, his mind drifting to thoughts of his future. His eyes traced the winding rivers, the sprawling cities, and the rugged mountains that dotted the landscape, each feature a testament to the vastness of the realm.

As he pondered his next move, a sense of restlessness stirred within him. Living within the confines of the Empire had its comforts, but he knew that true power lay beyond its borders. To grow strong, he needed to carve out a domain of his own, a realm where he could reign supreme and wield his dark arts without restraint.

Lost in contemplation, Atlas envisioned distant lands yet unexplored, where the shadows held secrets waiting to be unearthed. He felt the call of the unknown, the allure of undiscovered territories beckoning him forth on a journey of conquest and discovery.

The only problem was he couldn't build a kingdom out of nothing – and definitely not by himself.

His pale fingers traced the leather of the map from city to city, from the western ports of the Empire to its Eastern border in the World Edge mountains.

"What is beyond?" he muttered to himself.


A screen appeared in the right corner of his vision where the AI chip answered his question.

*The Worlds Edge Mountains, sometimes called the Mountains-at-World's-End, is the longest mountain range in the mortal world and one of the highest. Stretching from the northern Chaos Wastes and extending into the Southlands, they form a natural barrier between the Old World and the Dark Lands.*

"hmmm…" Atlas stroked his smooth chin as he contemplated the information. He knew within the mountains where many ancient Dwarf holds stood immorial but beyond was the Dark Lands; he hadn't heard of them before. "AI Chip, Summaries information about the Dark Lands."


*The Dark Lands are a stark and cheerless place in the Far East of the Known World beyond the boundaries of the Old World where nature has rent the ground and burst the mountains apart. Amongst the peaks volcanoes spew black smoke into the filthy sky. In the plains the stench of tar pits and oil pools hangs heavily in the air. Steaming lava from beneath the earth's crust covers the ash wastes with a blanket of bubbling magma.*

*The Dark Lands are bordered on both sides by the Worlds Edge Mountains and the Mountains of Mourn. Almost nothing can grow in the Dark Lands. The dim light and choking air combine to ensure that the land remains devoid of vegetation, except for a few straggly black thorns. Despite this, various tribes of humans, Greenskins and Chaos Dwarfs make the land their home.*

*The volcanoes and gaping pits bring up all kinds of minerals and gems from beneath the earth: gold and silver, iron and copper, diamonds and sapphires, as well as sulphur, oil and tar. It is a land rich in the materials that Dwarfs especially covet.*

Atlas wished he had the magical knowledge to scry over great distances, so he could witness such a land for himself. It was an interesting location, being close enough to the Empire to trade and attract citizens while far enough away he need not worry about their armies. It also served as one of the access routes for legions from the Chaos Wastes to enter the mortal world. In addition, he would have to contend with Volcanoes, Ash, Chaos Dwarfs, roaming bands of Greenskins while not forgetting to mention convince human tribes to serve loyally.

It was a hell like no other.

Yet as Atlas trailed his eyes over the known world, he could find nothing else that sparked his interest. Every time he gazed at the Dark Lands, a desire to tame that wildland sprouted forth like the whispers of fate guiding him.

Letting a smile show the corners of fangs, Atlas made up his mind. The Dark Lands would be his destination and the cradle of his kingdom. Now, he just had to recruit some more helpers.