
Blood is Life - A Warhammer Vampire Fiction

In the grim-dark warhammer universe Old World. It starts off with a reincarnation of a man from earth into a vampire body just going through the transition. Taking his situation in stride, with the help of his AI chip, Atlas (the MC) is forced into various situations that threaten his life starting with the first great vampire wars, as he tries to adapt and grow ever stronger. Using many facts from Warhammer the tabletop and the Total War game. Some changes to mechanisms of how power to include some small elements of cultivation. This has been on my mind as I have read some of the books and decided to create it with my own AI chip - ChatGPT - Enjoy!

Didiodo · Video Games
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Chapter 28

Atlas steps into the bustling streets of Nuln, determined to establish himself as a noble merchant to secure a safe base to operate from while he decides his future goal now that he has been banished from Sylvania. Unlike Mannfred's desires for a spy network, Atlas has very different priorities, his first objective is the acquisition of wealth and resources.

Vampires like Atlas typically operate in mortal cities by leveraging their centuries of experience and supernatural charm to corrupt the rich and powerful. By turning them into thralls—willing servants bound to their will—the vampires gain access to wealth, influence, and protection. These thralls often serve as intermediaries, facilitating business transactions, acquiring information, and eliminating threats to their masters' interests.

However, beyond the allure of wealth and power lies a deeper temptation: the promise of immortality. Vampires dangle the tantalizing prospect of eternal life before their thralls, subtly manipulating them with the hope that they may one day be granted the gift of vampirism. This insidious strategy ensures the loyalty and devotion of their thralls, who eagerly serve their undead masters in the hopes of attaining immortality themselves.

In Nuln, a city teeming with ambition, greed, and political intrigue, Atlas knows he should be able to find some suitable victims while keeping his true nature hidden from prying eyes. Atlas must navigate the treacherous waters of mortal society with care for the consequences if he is discovered, will be unimaginable.

As Atlas walks the bustling streets of Nuln, he hears the lively calls of vendors hawking their wares and the clatter of hooves as carts laden with goods rumble by. The city, situated at the junction of four provinces—Reikland, Wissenland, Averland, and Stirland—buzzes with activity as goods flow in from all directions. Merchants from distant lands, including the dwarf holds in the nearby mountains and the prosperous realm of Tilea, converge upon Nuln to trade their goods and seek their fortunes.

Amidst the vibrant commerce, Atlas catches sight of the renowned guns of Nuln gleaming in the sunlight. The city is not only a hub of trade but also a centre of technological innovation. The Imperial Gunnery School, nestled within Nuln's walls, stands as a testament to the Empire's prowess in crafting precision weaponry. Here, cannons are forged and black powder weapons are manufactured on a grand scale, fuelling the Empire's military might. The school boasts expert artisans and skilled artillery crews, including expatriate Dwarfs renowned for their craftsmanship.

Nuln's significance extends beyond its role as a bastion of industry and trade. It is also a spiritual and intellectual centre, home to the grand temple of Sigmar and the esteemed universities of the Empire. Pilgrims flock to the city to pay homage to Magnus the Pious, while scholars and students seek knowledge within its hallowed halls. Nuln's universities, steeped in history and tradition, rival even those of Altdorf, earning the city a reputation as a beacon of learning and enlightenment.

Yet, amidst the city's prosperity and enlightenment, lies the constant threat of invasion. Situated near the mountains, Nuln has long been a target of Orc incursions, its defences tested time and again by the relentless tide of Greenskin hordes. Despite these challenges, the resilient inhabitants of Nuln continue to thrive, their determination and ingenuity shaping the destiny of the city and the Empire itself.

Indeed, Nuln's cosmopolitan atmosphere makes it an ideal haven for Atlas to blend in among the diverse populace. Amidst the throngs of merchants, scholars, and travellers from distant lands, he can conceal his true nature and pursue his goals without drawing undue attention. The city's bustling markets and lively streets offer ample opportunities for him to establish himself as a noble merchant, weaving himself into the fabric of Nuln's vibrant society.

With its reputation as a melting pot of cultures and ideas, Nuln provides Atlas with a wealth of contacts and resources to exploit. From the opulent salons of wealthy patrons to the dimly lit taverns frequented by adventurers and mercenaries, he can navigate the city's social hierarchy with ease, leveraging his charm and guile to his advantage.

Before making his way to the inn, Atlas had spent some time observing the city streets, taking in the sights and sounds of Nuln's bustling thoroughfares. He marvelled at the diversity of the crowds, the merchants hawking their wares, and the exotic goods from distant lands on display. Amidst the hustle and bustle, he made mental notes of potential allies and rivals, the AI chip analysing prices, opportunities and even deciphering the intricate web of power dynamics at play in this vibrant city.

When Atlas finally arrived at the inn, he was greeted by the sight of an imposing facade adorned with ornate carvings and embellishments, befitting its status as a haven for the city's affluent clientele. The grand entrance beckoned with promises of luxury and comfort, enticing travellers and locals alike to seek refuge within its walls. As he stepped through the threshold, the air was thick with the aroma of fine wine and exotic spices, mingling with the chatter of patrons and the soft strains of music drifting from hidden alcoves.

Inside, the inn exuded an aura of refined elegance, its lavish decor and plush furnishings a testament to its prestigious reputation. Crystal chandeliers cast a warm glow upon the polished marble floors, illuminating the intricate tapestries that adorned the walls. Waitstaff moved gracefully among the tables, attending to the needs of the guests with practised efficiency.

Taking in the ambience with a discerning eye, Atlas nodded approvingly to himself. This would serve as the perfect base of operations for his endeavours in Nuln—a place where he could observe, strategize, and perhaps even forge alliances with the city's influential elite. With purposeful steps, he approached the host, ready to secure his place in this world of intrigue and ambition.

"Good evening," he greets the host with a polite nod, his voice smooth and measured. "I seek accommodations for myself and my retinue. A courtyard room, if you please, spacious enough to accommodate our carts and servants."

The host, taken aback by Atlas's request at such a late hour, raises an eyebrow but maintains his professional composure. "We don't often have guests seeking lodging at this hour," he remarks, a hint of curiosity lacing his words. The stars still shone brightly outside casting the city in raises of silver light.

Atlas offers a disarming smile, his crimson eyes (concealed with spellwork) gleaming with a subtle hint of amusement. "Ah, you see, we've only just arrived in the city," he explains smoothly, his tone casual yet convincing. "An unexpected journey, I'm afraid, but one that has left us in need of respite for the night."

Satisfied with Atlas's explanation, the host nods curtly and gestures toward the courtyard. "Of course, sir. We have a suitable room available. Please, follow me."

With a gracious nod, Atlas follows the host through the bustling inn, his mind already calculating his next move – selling his merchandise.