
Chapter 22

As Atlas finally manages to step through the broken gates of Altdorf, his skeletal carts rattling behind him, the surviving minions start to pour out through the gate in a steady stream. The once formidable defences of the city lay in ruins, their stone walls shattered and their battlements crumbling under the weight of the relentless assault. Amidst the chaos of the aftermath, Atlas stood tall, his presence a silent testament to the carnage he had wrought upon the city.

Despite the victory, Atlas was not unscathed. His leg had been badly wounded in a skirmish with the city's defenders, the bone protruding from a deep gash in his flesh. Each movement sent waves of searing pain coursing through his body, threatening to overwhelm him with every step. Yet, he refused to show any sign of weakness, his jaw clenched in grim determination as he pushed forward towards the safety of the open road.

With a silent command, Atlas summoned a skeletal horse to his side, its bones clacking together as it materialized out of the darkness. With great effort, he hoisted himself onto its back, his wounded leg protesting with every movement. Despite the agony that lanced through his body, Atlas gritted his teeth and urged the skeletal steed forward, his eyes fixed on the horizon as he rode out into the night.

Behind him, the ruined city of Altdorf smouldered in the fading light, its once bustling streets now blackened and broken. The echoes of battle still lingered in the air, a grim reminder of the carnage that had unfolded within its walls. Yet, for Atlas, there was no time to dwell on the destruction he had wrought; he had to reach the safety of Sylvania before any pursuit arrived to finish the scattered remains of the vampire's army.

As Atlas rode away from the ruined city, the cries of war behind him grew louder, echoing through the night like the mournful wails of lost souls. Turning in his saddle, he beheld a sight that filled him with both dread and grim determination. A sizeable force of vampires, their banners emblazoned with the sigil of the von Carstein bloodline, pushed deeper into the heart of Altdorf.

Among them, Atlas recognized the unmistakable banner of Isabella von Carstein, Vlad's devoted wife and a formidable vampire in her own right. But where once she had been a loyal consort, bound to her husband's will, grief and madness had now consumed her. With Vlad's death, Isabella's fragile grip on reality had shattered, and in her grief-fueled rage, she had resolved to exact revenge upon those responsible for her husband's demise, even if it meant sacrificing everything including herself.

Despite the chaos and destruction that surrounded her, Isabella pressed on, her eyes burning with an unholy fire as she led her forces deeper into the heart of the city. Her movements were swift and decisive, her undead minions following her with unquestioning obedience as they carved a path of destruction through the streets of Altdorf.

For Atlas, the sight of Isabella's advance filled him with a sense of grim foreboding. He knew all too well the extent of her power, and he understood the danger she posed to both the living and the undead alike but she was greatly outmatched. With her inevitable failure and death, it left Vlad's faction greatly diminished and Atlas's own status. The freedom and comforts he had enjoyed before as a member of the Count's bloodline, would now be stripped from him and given to others closer aligned with the new leader – whoever that may be.

With a steely resolve, Atlas urged his skeletal steed onward, his mind already racing with plans to buy at least a temporary sanctuary from the Empire's retaliation.




As Isabella von Carstein led her undead horde deeper into the heart of Altdorf, the city erupted into chaos around her. Despite the full force of Altdorf's defences collapsing upon her shrinking army, she pressed on with a determination fuelled by grief and madness. Her crimson eyes blazed with unholy fervour as she sought vengeance for her beloved Vlad.

With each step, Isabella carved a path of destruction through the city streets, her undead minions falling upon any who dared stand in their way with ferocious abandon. Buildings crumbled and streets ran red with blood as the relentless tide of undead surged ever onward, heedless of the devastation they wrought.

But even as Isabella's forces pressed forward, they were met with fierce resistance from the defenders of Altdorf. Reiksguard, the elite knights of the Empire, led by a general wielding a mighty Runefang, clashed with the undead horde in a desperate bid to halt their advance. With each swing of their blades, the Reiksguard cut down scores of undead warriors, their courage and determination unwavering even in the face of overwhelming odds.

In the midst of the chaos, the general managed to land a devastating blow, severing one of Isabella's arms with a single stroke of his enchanted blade. With a feral cry of pain and rage, Isabella staggered backward, her blood staining the cobblestones beneath her feet. But even as she faltered, her resolve remained unbroken, and she rallied her remaining forces to continue the fight.

Despite the loss of her arm and the dwindling numbers of her undead minions, Isabella pressed on, her eyes burning with a manic intensity as she sought her ultimate prize: Emperor Ludwig himself. With her remaining forces at her side, she surged forward, determined to see her vengeance through to the bitter end. But as she neared the heart of the city, she found herself faced with an even greater challenge than she had anticipated.

As Isabella von Carstein found herself surrounded by Emperor Ludwig and his bodyguards in the heart of the city, her remaining undead forces decimated by the relentless barrage of gunfire, she knew that her time was running out. With her back against the wall and her enemies closing in, she knew that there was little hope of escape.

Raising her voice above the din of battle, Isabella spoke with a chilling calmness that belied the chaos around her. "Know this, mortals," she declared, her words carrying across the battlefield with an eerie clarity. "Vampires have long memories. We do not forget our enemies, and we do not forgive those who wrong us."

Her crimson eyes blazed with fierce determination as she addressed Emperor Ludwig and his bodyguards directly. "Know that the death of Vlad von Carstein will not go unanswered," she continued, her voice ringing out with a cold certainty. "His memory will be honoured, and his killers will be hunted down and destroyed, no matter the cost."

With a final, defiant glare, Isabella turned away from her enemies and raised a hand to her chest. Without a moment's hesitation, she impaled herself on a nearby stake, her body crumbling to dust before the shocked eyes of Emperor Ludwig and his bodyguards. In that moment, Isabella von Carstein proved that even in death, her loyalty to Vlad and her thirst for vengeance remained undiminished.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded away, the once-mighty Isabella von Carstein lay vanquished on the blood-soaked streets of Altdorf, her lifeless form reduced to nothing more than a pile of ash and dust. In death, she stood as the final casualty of the brutal Battle of Altdorf, her demise marking the end of a bloody chapter in the city's history.

With her passing, the streets of Altdorf fell silent, save for the distant sounds of victory and mourning echoing through the city. The battle-weary survivors took a moment to catch their breath, their hearts heavy with the weight of loss and triumph.

For Isabella, her death signalled the culmination of a lifetime of devotion to her husband, Vlad von Carstein, and her unwavering quest for vengeance. Though her journey had ended in defeat, her legacy would live on in the annals of history, forever remembered as the last casualty of the Battle of Altdorf.



As the dust settled and the victorious defenders of Altdorf surveyed the aftermath of the battle, a bittersweet realization dawned upon them. Despite their triumph over the vampire forces, it was a victory tinged with a sense of missed opportunity. The casualties inflicted upon the men of Altdorf were staggering, leaving their ranks depleted and their ability to pursue the retreating undead severely compromised.

Emperor Ludwig, filled with the fervour of victory and driven by a desire to eradicate the vampire threat once and for all, had envisioned pressing deeper into Sylvania to confront the evil at its very heart. However, his plans were thwarted by the machinations of his political rivals, who saw his newfound popularity as a threat to their own ambitions for the Imperial throne. United against him, they conspired to restrain his advance, fearing the consequences of his unchecked power.

Thus, as the undead forces retreated into the darkness of the night, the defenders of Altdorf were left to watch helplessly, unable to pursue their enemies and bring a decisive end to the conflict. Yet, amidst their disappointment and frustration, they made a solemn vow that would echo through the annals of history—a promise to stand united against the undead scourge, to hunt them down wherever they may be found, and to ensure that the sacrifices made in the Battle of Altdorf would not be in vain.

And so, with hearts heavy with the weight of both victory and loss, the defenders of Altdorf looked to the future, knowing that the battle against the undead was far from over. But as long as their resolve remained unbroken and their determination unwavering, they would continue to fight, to protect their homeland and preserve the legacy of those who had fallen in defence of the Empire.

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