
Blood is Life - A Warhammer Vampire Fiction

In the grim-dark warhammer universe Old World. It starts off with a reincarnation of a man from earth into a vampire body just going through the transition. Taking his situation in stride, with the help of his AI chip, Atlas (the MC) is forced into various situations that threaten his life starting with the first great vampire wars, as he tries to adapt and grow ever stronger. Using many facts from Warhammer the tabletop and the Total War game. Some changes to mechanisms of how power to include some small elements of cultivation. This has been on my mind as I have read some of the books and decided to create it with my own AI chip - ChatGPT - Enjoy!

Didiodo · Video Games
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74 Chs

Chapter 21

As the death knell tolled for Vlad, the once unstoppable tide of undead that had swept through the city began to falter and fray. With their master's demise, the dark magic that had bound them together started to unravel, leaving the skeletal legions vulnerable to the encroaching embrace of death. Amidst the chaos and confusion, Atlas seized the opportunity to exert his own will over some nearby remnants of Vlad's army, binding several powerful undead to his cause as he retreated back through the city.

Among the fractured ranks of the undead, Atlas sought out the most formidable and resilient warriors to bolster his forces. With a whispered incantation, he beckoned forth the fearsome Black Knights, their spectral steeds eager to wreak havoc upon the living once more. These once-noble warriors, now bound by the necromantic power coursing through their undead veins, pledged their allegiance to Atlas, ready to serve as his vanguard in the battles to come.

But Atlas's ambitions did not stop there. As the dissipating magic of Vlad's control left a void in the ranks of the undead, he sought out even more powerful allies to bolster his newfound dominion. Among the shadows and remnants of the crumbling city, he discovered a pair of Wights, ancient and malevolent beings whose dark magic had once terrorized the lands in ages past. With a mixture of coercion and dark sorcery, Atlas bound these formidable undead to his will, their twisted loyalty adding further strength to his growing army.

With the addition of these powerful allies, Atlas's forces were transformed from a mere rabble of mindless skeletons into a formidable legion of the undead. Though diminished in numbers, their newfound strength and resilience made them a force to be reckoned with, ready to march forth and lay waste to any who dared oppose them. As the city still echoed with the cries of the dying and the clangour of battle, Atlas stood at the head of his newly fortified army, his eyes gleaming with anticipation as he tried to escape with as much of his loot as possible.

As Atlas made his way through the chaotic battleground littered with the fallen, his keen eyes fell upon the fallen knights and their once-proud steeds, now lying lifeless upon the blood-soaked earth. With a flick of his wrist and a whispered incantation, he summoned forth the dark energies of necromancy, weaving them into a spell that raised the fallen horses from death's embrace.

The skeletal forms of the steeds rose obediently at his command, their empty eye sockets gleaming with a faint glimmer of the dark magic that animated them. With a chilling whinny, they fell into line behind their master, ready to serve his will and carry out his bidding.

But Atlas's ambitions did not end there. Drawing upon the vast knowledge stored within the AI chip embedded in his mind, he sought to enhance his newfound army of the dead even further. With deft precision, he manipulated the dark energies of necromancy, altering the spell to draw forth bones from the fallen knights and warriors strewn across the battlefield.

As the dark energies coalesced, three skeletal carts began to take shape, fashioned from the bones of the fallen and imbued with the unholy power of the undead. With a sense of grim satisfaction, Atlas watched as the skeletal carts lumbered to life, their creaking wheels echoing eerily across the desolate landscape to be pulled by the risen horses.

With his skeletal minions at his side and his loot safely stored within the carts, Atlas continued his journey out of the city, the darkness of night shrouding his movements as he made his escape. The echoes of battle faded into the distance behind him, replaced by the ominous silence of the night, as he ventured forth into the unknown, his newfound army of the dead marching faithfully at his side.

That was until he saw them.

As the group of survivors led by the battlemage emerged from the smoke and rubble, their faces twisted with determination and defiance, Atlas wasted no time in sizing up the situation. With a silent command, he signalled his skeletal knights and the newly acquired wights to charge forward, their dark forms cutting through the shadows like wraiths of death.

The wights, towering figures clad in ancient armour, brandished their massive two-handed swords with lethal precision as they surged forward into the fray. With each sweeping arc of their blades, they cleaved through multiple enemies at once, their movements fluid and graceful despite their imposing size. The air echoed with the chilling sound of metal meeting flesh as the wights carved a path of destruction through the ranks of the survivors, leaving a trail of fallen foes in their wake.

Meanwhile, the dark knights, their ebony armour gleaming ominously in the flickering light of the flames, engaged their living counterparts in fierce combat. Each clash of steel sent sparks flying into the air as the two forces clashed in a deadly dance of blades. The dark knights, though outnumbered, fought with a skill and ferocity born of centuries of battle experience, their strikes precise and calculated as they sought to overwhelm their foes with sheer force and determination.

As Atlas faced off against the fire Battlemage amidst the chaos of the battlefield, the crackling flames cast flickering shadows across their grim visages. The air was thick with the acrid scent of smoke, mingling with the distant screams of the wounded and the clash of steel. Each step Atlas took stirred up clouds of dust and ash, adding to the sense of desolation that permeated the war-torn landscape.

With a flash of fire, the Battlemage unleashed a barrage of fiery projectiles, his eyes ablaze with fierce determination. Arcs of flame streaked towards Atlas like fiery serpents, forcing him to move with the grace of a dancer, his enchanted weapon a blur as it intercepted some of the incoming infernos. However, a searing heat grazed the side of his face, leaving a trail of scorched flesh in its wake, and eliciting a snarl of pain from the vampire.

Drawing upon the knowledge stored within his AI chip, Atlas observed the Battlemage's movements with keen interest, analysing the intricate patterns of his magic.


With a calculated precision, Atlas injected his own magic at strategic intervals, disrupting the flow of the Battlemage's spells and causing him to falter under the strain of the backlash. Each surge of magical energy sent shockwaves rippling through the air, distorting reality itself as the two adversaries clashed in a deadly dance of power and will.

Undeterred by the pain of his burns, Atlas closed the distance between them with a lightning-quick dash, his sword gleaming in the firelight as he launched a relentless assault against the Battlemage. To his surprise, the mage proved to be a formidable opponent, his movements swift and agile as he wielded his magical staff with expert precision, deflecting Atlas's blows with uncanny accuracy. The battleground became a swirling vortex of chaos and destruction, the combatants locked in a deadly struggle for supremacy amidst the swirling maelstrom of magic and flame.

Amidst the chaos of battle, the Battlemage was momentarily distracted by the desperate cries of his comrades, his attention momentarily diverted from the duel at hand. While the mage attempted to cast a fireball to destroy one of his Wights to save a knight, Atlas seized the opportunity with ruthless efficiency. Striking with lethal precision, slipping his blade through the mage's defences and into his heart with a swift, decisive thrust. As the Battlemage fell to the ground, lifeless eyes staring up at the darkening sky, a hushed silence descended upon the battlefield, broken only by the crackling of flames and the distant sounds of battle.

With the immediate threat neutralized, Atlas turned his gaze towards the city gates, his mind already calculating his next move. Though escape was within his grasp, he knew that the battle was far from over and that the coming hours would test his strength and resolve like never before. With a grim determination, he resumed his journey through the war-torn streets, his path illuminated by the flickering light of the dying flames and the promise of freedom that lay beyond.