
Blood is Life - A Warhammer Vampire Fiction

In the grim-dark warhammer universe Old World. It starts off with a reincarnation of a man from earth into a vampire body just going through the transition. Taking his situation in stride, with the help of his AI chip, Atlas (the MC) is forced into various situations that threaten his life starting with the first great vampire wars, as he tries to adapt and grow ever stronger. Using many facts from Warhammer the tabletop and the Total War game. Some changes to mechanisms of how power to include some small elements of cultivation. This has been on my mind as I have read some of the books and decided to create it with my own AI chip - ChatGPT - Enjoy!

Didiodo · Video Games
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74 Chs

Chapter 19

As Vlad and his elite undead forces pressed on towards the inner keep, they traversed streets strewn with the remnants of battle. Undead warriors clashed with pockets of resistance, be it the remaining soldiers of the city or brave civilians who had taken up arms in a desperate bid to defend their homes. The air was thick with the stench of death and decay, the sounds of combat echoing off the walls of the besieged city.

As they neared the top of the keep, Vlad's keen eyes caught sight of a scene that filled him with fury and dread. The Grand Theogonist, a towering figure clad in ornate armour, stood over the fallen form of Sophia, one of Vlad's most trusted Barons. With a roar of anger, Vlad summoned dark wings of shadow and propelled himself upwards to confront the priest of Sigmar alone.

At the heart of the vast struggle that engulfed the city, the two titans clashed in a duel for the ages. The Grand Theogonist wielded a mighty hammer, each blow ringing out like a thunderclap as he sought to smite the undead lord. But Vlad was no ordinary foe, and he met each strike with supernatural speed and strength, his enchanted blade flashing with dark energy as he parried and countered with deadly precision.

For what seemed like an eternity, they battled amidst the chaos of the besieged city, the clash of steel and the roar of magic filling the air. The Grand Theogonist fought valiantly, his faith in Sigmar lending him strength, but Vlad's dark powers were formidable indeed. With each passing moment, the priest grew weary, his blows faltering as Vlad pressed his advantage with relentless ferocity.

Despite the Grand Theogonist's skill and determination, Vlad seemed inexhaustible. His movements were fluid and precise, fueled by an unholy rage that seemed to grow with each passing moment. As they exchanged blows, it became clear that while the priest's strength was waning, Vlad's was undiminished.

But just as it seemed that Vlad would emerge victorious, a sudden surge of energy coursed through the Grand Theogonist. With renewed vigour, he redoubled his efforts, striking out with a newfound ferocity that caught Vlad off guard. The two combatants were now locked in a fierce struggle, their weapons clashing with such force that sparks flew with each blow.

As the battle raged on, it became increasingly clear that neither would emerge unscathed. Both Vlad and the Grand Theogonist were evenly matched, their strength and skill matched only by their determination to emerge victorious. And as they fought on, the fate of Altdorf hung in the balance, teetering on the edge of oblivion.



Amidst the swirling tide of battle, Atlas moved with deadly grace and precision, his every movement a testament to centuries of honed skill and supernatural prowess. With his stolen enchanted sword held aloft in one hand, he cut through the Empire's soldiers with merciless ease, the blade slicing through their flesh with swift and lethal efficiency. Blood fountained from wounds spraying him a tantalising pool of blood.

But it was not only his swordsmanship that marked him as a formidable adversary on the battlefield. With his other hand, Atlas wielded the dark arts of necromancy, calling upon the unholy powers first called forth by Nagash himself. With a whispered incantation, he summoned forth tendrils of shadowy energy, which coiled around his enemies like sinister serpents, sapping the very life from their wretched forms.

Amid the chaos, Atlas moved with an almost preternatural grace, his movements fluid and precise as he seamlessly blended martial prowess with dark sorcery. With each stroke of his sword and each incantation of his spells, he carved a path of destruction through the ranks of his foes, his every action a symphony of death and despair.

But even as he fought with unmatched skill and ferocity, Atlas remained ever vigilant, his senses attuned to the shifting currents of the battlefield. And it was during one such moment of heightened awareness that he witnessed the fateful clash between his maker, Sophia, and the Grand Theogonist.

As the chaos of battle raged around him, Atlas felt a sudden shift within his undead heart, a stirring of something long suppressed. His blood churned and cried out, drawing his gaze towards another section of the towering walls. There, amidst the fray, he witnessed a sight that filled him with both horror and a strange sense of liberation.

His maker, Sophia, once a powerful and formidable vampire, was locked in combat with the Grand Theogonist, a paladin of Sigmar wielding a mighty hammer wreathed in divine light. As Atlas watched in shock, a beam of golden radiance erupted from the hammer, striking Sophia with devastating force and engulfing her in its brilliant glow. With a surprisingly heavy heart, Atlas watched as Sophia, once a powerful and indomitable force of darkness, was brought low by the radiant power of Sigmar. At that moment, Atlas knew that his maker had been destroyed, her undead form obliterated by the holy power of Sigmar.

A wave of conflicting emotions washed over Atlas as he processed the significance of Sophia's demise. On one hand, he felt a profound sense of loss for the one who had created him, who had bound him to her will for her pleasure. But alongside that grief, there was also a burgeoning sense of freedom, a realisation that he was finally released from the chains that had bound him to her.

With Sophia's death, Atlas was now free from the sire bond that had tethered him to her will, his allegiance no longer shackled by her command. The only remaining tie that bound him was his loyalty to Nagash, the dark master who had first tied the will of all vampires to his undying will. And with that newfound freedom came a sense of purpose, a clarity of vision that propelled him forward with grim determination.

As the realization settled upon him, Atlas wasted no time in charting his course of action. A part of him wanted to retreat, get away from the forsaken conquest while he could. Atlas knew the results of the battle; it wasn't something he wanted to stay around for. The only thing that kept him in the city was an opportunity that would never come again until the End Times – the vault of the Colleges of Magic. Rare tomes, magical objects and the unknown stirred the greed within him – he must possess them.

With Sophia gone and Vlad's forces engaged elsewhere, the path to his next target lay clear before him. Without hesitation, he turned his gaze towards the towering spires of the Colleges of Magic, knowing that there he would find the key to unlocking even greater power and fulfilling his destiny as a master of necromancy.

Atlas set forth towards his new objective, his steps firm and resolute as he moved with purpose through the chaos of the battlefield. The fate of Altdorf hung in the balance, however he no longer wished to play his part in shaping its destiny, no longer bound by the chains of his maker.

"Let all be as fate determines," Atlas muttered to himself.