
Blood Immortal

Author: PSYcho_72
Eastern Fantasy
Ongoing · 698.7K Views
  • 83 Chs
  • 4.8
    74 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Blood Immortal

Read ‘Blood Immortal’ Online for Free, written by the author PSYcho_72, This book is a Eastern Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, REINCARNATION Light Novel, R18 Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: In a Universe of cultivation, psychopathic and insane Qing Fang discovers Blood Path. Strangely, his body slowly transfo...


In a Universe of cultivation, psychopathic and insane Qing Fang discovers Blood Path. Strangely, his body slowly transformed as he abandoned his humanity. With the goal of becoming the strongest, Qing Fang builds an empire for himself and his new race. Take note, this novel is centred around an evil main character. Either rejoice, or get lost. Update rate is 1 chapter per week. Days will be missed as I still don't have a schedule... Want to join a discord community dedicated to dark novels? Join: https://discord.gg/966Z9mFB Also a good opportunity for authors of dark novels to promote their books. *thumbs up*

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :A Prelude To Catastrophe
Volume 2 :Terror Of The Vampire Lord


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Random review from the author to tell you what to expect. Indiscriminate killing. Killing of children. Deliberately building sympathy for a character only to kill them. Zero ‘xianxia’ clichés. Schemeing and explanation. Short and sweet fight scenes, no ten-chapter fight scenes. No “friend to the rescue!” Cynicism, lots of cynicism. Cruelty. Insanity. And much more. If you're interested from reading this, you've finally found the novel of your dreams.


The novel is good. Is anyone wondering whether to read or not? --- A Chaotic evil mc, who does every bad thing. His path/cultivation is related to blood path. [ Vampire ] The world-building and details are nice. So give it a try. And remember, it is chaotic evil. --- extremely graphic, bloody, and chilling. Details are good, and he describes many things. --- Don't read it if you don't like an evil protagonist. OK. And mc will grow and become better and better, calmer, composed, and a better villain. I think this is rare. --- Even though i am not the author. But i think, this mc will not get harem/love or anything. So if someone is wishing to see this. GTFO


The book is quite acceptable, however I will give the author a couple of recommendations... Give more prominence to the mc... The author makes a mistake that all authors of books make. and that is to give much prominence to a secondary pj is very boring to read several chapters of secondary characters and then a few of Mc... I'm not saying that I don't mind a couple of chapters telling the history of the world. The protagonist's past. Or one or another event in the world. However from my opinion that kind of chapters should not exceed the amount of (4), the perfect synchrony would be several chapters of the (Mc) And between 1 and 4 chapters of the past, secondary Pj, events in the world... This is my opinion. The book has a lot of potential simply is to give more prominence to the Mc. Read 10 chapters where there is no progress of the mc is totally boring ... PsdT: English is not my first language so excuse the spelling mistakes.


it was a good book... for the author's reasons, he dropped his own book. I don't want to read a 3,800-word chapter, just for the protagonist to walk 10 steps and put his hand on something... I lost the desire to continue reading, I don't recommend it.👍




One day evil will spread in the fictional world as it prevailed in reality hahahaha good novel it was fun frankly, thanks for your hard work the most important thing is that the hero is evil, because it will cover the story Even if it's bad


The writing itself is well enough and I love that MC has no morals, he lets his pride get in the way too often though, he is also not reincarnated, even though this novel has a reincarnation tag(or at least there were only indications contrary to the reincarnation tag, and none in favor of it). So it's something for you if you love prideful-evil MCs even if that pride gets in their way, but if you want an intelligent (if socially clueless) MC with no morals then you can try, will likely not like it though.


👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 a good book after so long. finally a mc who don't have a bottom line. don't drop it. 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍


great book. and believe me this novel is just getting better and better. so don't let yourself stop at some 10 or 20 chp. good stuff begins afterwards. mc is growing and changing. I say try later chp, in case you think you are gonna drop. maybe that will stop you 🙂👍


believe me this is a great book. start was meh, but later it speed up and become one of my fav for now on WN if you like evil mc, then this is for people like us. give it a try


good stuff. I appreciate it. may god be with you 😜 good stuff. I appreciate it. may god be with you 😜 good stuff. I appreciate it. may god be with you 😜


It is vampire= ⭐ It has chaotic evil mc= ⭐ Great writing quality= ⭐ Interesting plot and world= ⭐ No harem, No romance= ⭐ This a 5 star review my friend. A masterpiece for evil lovers like me. Keep up the good work.


For those of us climbing to the top of the food chain, there can be no mercy. There is but one rule: hunt or be hunted... On Earth, one had to be mindful of rumors, it was easy to ruin a person's life with some malicious lies. It's because we are all mortals, the laws of the world are different, and individuals could not surpass the power of society. But not here.


This is a very good novel i hope the author doesnt drop it. 👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


i logged in Webnovel just to tell author that your novel is great. pls keep writing. there are many fans who read without logging in, directly from pc. I'll say to them, log in just so you can support the author.


good book, great book, a cup of coffee, a nice life. great book, free time, entertainment, nice life op book, cup of coffee, op life which one you think, you are in right now


I love the story so far. A little bit slow the start but aside from that its really good.


writing quality is at the level of your average native English speaker so no complaints. especially since that's so hard to find in cultivation novels. the story is pretty good while it's not the most complicated it was almost always engaging to read. the characters are written at the level of a published book so better than most webnovels. (SPOILERS my only complaint really when it came to characters is that after the mc reaches stage one it felt like he became a new character which didn't feel as good to read about) there is about twelve consecutive hours worth of reading in this novel. the world background is the same cultivation world as in other novels but more well thought out. I'd say it's worth the time reading if evil MC's are your cup of tea.


novel is great. just read it. evil main protagonist cold hearted depiction of cruelty blood related power [img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]




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