
Blood Brother - Invincible

Just your regular guy, with a regular life. Until it wasn't. In a world where Invincible protects the Earth, a new hero emerges - Matthew the male twin brother of Mark Grayson. Now, he was more than he had ever hoped for. Born out of deciet, raised with love and care, and grew with the knowledge not many have. When Mark's Viltrumite powers awaken, so do his, revealing his true heritage. But something peculiar occurs - he suddenly also finds himself grappling with an entirely different set of powers, ones he can't trace back to Viltrumite lineage and are much harder to control. As the mysteries of these new abilities unravel, he must navigate the dangerous and mysterious paths of his heritage while facing unforeseen challenges. Will he join forces with his brother to protect the Earth, or will his divergent powers lead him down an entirely unique path of heroism? .... OC's are mine for all intents and purposes, while others belong to their respective companies. This has been an itch of mine I had wished to put to writing for a long time now, and finally here it is. it won't be a story for everyone, that for sure, but it will be one I will not regret writing at all. So with that, Happy Reading y'all!

Enigma_Black · TV
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39 Chs

Chapter 30

° GDA Headquarters

° Several Days Later.

Matthew slowly opened his eyes to an unusual sight – two attractive blondes flanking him on either side of his bed, a beautiful scene that quickly faded as a wave of pain engulfed him. Groaning, he shifted involuntarily, somehow worsening the pain even more.

"He's awake!" Madison, in a large pink tank top and dark jeans, announced, sitting up beside his bed, gently running her hand through his hair "Hey, Matt! I've missed you so much!"

Despite the pain, Matthew forced his eyes open, meeting Madison's wide, warm smile, tinged with intense concern that left him feeling more ashamed than relieved.

"Mads—" Matthew winced, finding his throat suddenly dry.

"Here," Alicia, in her civilian attire with hair down, handed him a bottle of water "Drink slowly. You don't wanna choke on that while you're still recovering"

Taking careful sips, Matthew felt a bit of strength and comfort with each flow of the cold water.

"Thanks, Ally," Matthew smiled at his girlfriend" By the way, am I dreaming or are my two favorite girls on my bed?"

Alicia rolled her eyes, placing a hand on his lips. "You shouldn't talk or joke. Your doctor said you'll need at least another day of—"

"I-I'm fine. You don't need to worry. I wasn't that injured" Matthew interrupted, managing to keep his weak smile.

"No," Madison asserted "You will not force yourself to do anything unless the doctor says so"

"Mady, I'm okay..." Matthew winced.

"Matthew," Madison spoke firmly and somewhat grimly "You were the most injured one out of everyone that went into that tower, that's including Mark by the way who somehow healed through a literal dent carved into his stomach"

"It's true, Matt," Alicia added, squeezing his hand tightly "You looked like you were run over by a couple train in quick succession when I got here. One arm broken and shredded, several ribs…"

Alicia let her words hang, and memories of the lionman's beating flooded Matthew's mind. It made the pain he was already feeling feel a lot worse as he vividly recalled each attack and subsequent blow, making him unsuccessfully stifle a groan. Both girls held his hand to comfort him, which helped somewhat.

"Basically, you were in a critical condition. The last six days have healed most of it, but you are still recovering—" Alicia continued.

Matthew nearly bolted upright, but the pain made him barely manage to rise out of the bed "It's been...six days!?"

Both girls calmed him, gently pushing him back onto the bed. Matthew deflated in defeat and resignation.

"Matt, please. Just...calm down," Madison pleaded, unable to hide the crack in her voice.

"Yes, Matt" Alicia cautiously explained, blinking away a few tears "It's been six days since you fought Machine Head and his mercenaries."

"Who?" Matthew drew a blank at the name.

"He's a Crime Lord. Well, technically an ex-crime lord now. The one that literally has a machine for a head," Madison clarified.

"Okay. And the other guys? Who was the white-haired lionman?" Matthew inquired.

"The others were just small time villains Machine Head hired for extra muscle. The lion one...no one knows" Madison shook her head.

"I asked Rex Splode, total sleazebag who hit on me almost immediately by the way, and even he doesn't know" Madison continued "That Dupli-Kate girl didn't know either. But apparently, according to Robot, he was an alien warrior who came to earth looking for a challenge"

"Warrior is right," Matthew remarked. "He was very strong. And fast. And a very good fighter. No matter what I did, it just didn't affect him that much."

Alicia gave his hand a light squeeze and studied his face. "Did he...?"

"Oh yeah. Pretty much used me like a punching bag for fun" Matthew chuckled painfully.

"That's not something to laugh about, Matt!" Madison was exasperated, then composed herself "...Sorry."

"It's okay, Mady," Matthew accepted "I know you're just concerned"

He looked at Alicia and smiled "Both of you are. And I'm a very lucky guy for that"

Madison shrugged and turned to Alicia "See what I mean? Even after having most of his ribs broken, he's still quite the smooth talker"

Alicia laughed "Don't be mean, Madison"

Matthew looked at them both in wonder at a sudden realization "Wait, you guys are actually friends now? How?"

Madison rolled her eyes "Because I'm likeable, Matthew. We've been visiting you a lot in the last week, chatted, and became fast friends. We even follow each other on Instagram"

Alicia nodded approvingly at Madison.

Matthew looked at Madison suspiciously "What do guys even you talk about?"

"Oh, you know. The usual" Madison played the innocent "Your hobbies, likes and dislikes, old crushes, embarrassing stories..."

As Madison went on, Matthew could only groan in complaint. Alicia saw all this and shook her head, hiding a mischievous smile.

"Don't worry, Matt. I still like you even if I know the bed wetting adventures you had in 5th grade" Alicia teased.

"God" Matthew looked at Madison and sighed "I told you, that never happened!"

"Oh sure. It 'never happened'" Madison air quoted mockingly while facing Alicia.

The trio enjoyed the change of mood as they continued to banter around like old friends. Matthew was quite surprised to find the two girls being close enough to joke around each other now despite it being only a week after they had apparently first met, but he wasn't rude enough to point that out and spoil the mood so kept his mouth shut.

It wasn't long, however, before their conversation was cut short by a phone call.

Alicia fished out her phone and cursed when seeing who was calling her "Dammit. Not now"

"You okay?" Matthew asked.

"Yeah. It's just my stupid group project leader. He keeps bugging us about some papers due next week" Alicia explained "Sorry, Matt, but I have to go ahead or I'll--"

"Go. You don't have to explain. I'll call you later" Matthew said "Once I gain control of my hands again"

Alicia nodded and gave him a quick peck on the lips that turned into a minor make-out session before she broke it off.

"I really wish that I could stay" Alicia said in a whisper as she stared closely into his eyes "To spend the rest of the day here with you, helping you feel better"

"It's fine, really. I understand. And I still have a day or so before I get discharged or whatever, so we can take all the time we need" Matthew reassured her.

"Okay" Alicia said "Thank you for being so great"

The compliment made Matthew's heart swell.

"Talk to you later" Alicia's voice echoed as she exited.

Madison whistled once she was sure the other girl was no longer within earshot "That was...spicy"

Matthew made a weak, disgusted noise "Knock it off. She's my girlfriend"

"I know. But you have to admit, she is pretty hot" Madison smiled as she wiggled her brows like a pervert.

"Oh I don't need to...admit it" Matthew chuckled painfully "I already know pretty Intimately"

Madison sat on the side of his bed and smiled knowingly "Ooh? And what does that mean exactly?"

Matthew looked back calmly but let a smug smirk grow on the corner of his lips "A gentleman doesn't reveal private matters between lovers"

Seeing his look only turned her smile into a grin "Oh my god! You finally graduated from being a virgin!"

Matthew's face reddened her words "I-I didn't say anything. You're just assuming things"

"I call bull!!" Madison poked at his arm "I never once saw you make out with someone before in all our years hanging out and now you expect me to believe that you somehow managed to maintain that kind of intense kissy session with a smoking hot college girl for a full 30 seconds without some kind of practice behind your back?"

Matthew opened and closed his mouth a few times, unable to find the right reply to her words. Madison drew back and smiled smugly at him. He chuckled at her antics but grimaced as the pain stopped him.

Madison's expression changed as she slowly put a hand over his and gave it a comforting squeeze "I'm sorry"

Matthew let out a sigh as relief came over after the pain "It's fine. I just...I guess I'm not used to this level of pain enough for me to handle it more gracefully"

"Oh stop it" Madison insisted "I don't think anyone can blame you for letting a groan out in your state"

Matthew was silent as he nodded and looked at his body, wrapped in a hospital gown and throbbing in pain almost every minute.

Madison saw his look and put her head on his shoulder "You really scared me, you know"

Matthew held her hand and quietly listened as she continued.

"One moment you go flying off who knows where after a great night out with friends and just a few hours later I got a text from mom that you were hurt so bad you wouldn't wake up" Madison said solemnly, squeezing his hand.

Matthew held her hand as he listened to her continue.

"When I got here, both our moms and your dad were already waiting outside the operating room where you and your brother were in. I've never seen Mrs.Grayson cry so hard before" Madison said "My mom was comforting her when I arrived and then I just...started crying too"

Madison started sniffling and drawing short breaths as she tried and failed to suppress her tears "I'm so sorry. I...I didn't know what else to do. I was so worried and it was the first time I ever experienced something like this and I felt so helpless and--"

Matthew shushed her lightly, tracing his thumb over her knuckles as a small comfort as his guilt over causing such distress and worry rose quickly inside of him.

"You don't have to explain, Mady" Matthew said quietly "You reacted fine, but all that matters to me is that you were there and that you're here now"


"No other buts" Matthew declared "I am already very happy that you and your mom and Alicia are here for us"

Madison looked up, wiped the tears off her face, and sniffed deeply "And Eve, don't forget about her. She showed up everyday and checked up on you both"

Matthew felt touched at the fact and smiled "Yes, Eve too. I'll have to think of something to show my appreciation to all of you later"

Madison smiled despite the puffy eyes and running nose.

They stared at each other for a good long moment and it made Matthew think that she wanted to say something else. He waited.

When she finally did something, he expected to receive a tight hug instead of words. Her body pressed against his and he could feel her warmth making him feel a lot better, comforting his aching body and shaken ego.

"Matt" she called.

"Yeah?" Matthew said quietly as his mouth was close to her ear.

She took another moment of silence, seemingly considering her next words carefully, before she continued.

"I...I'm not gonna ask you to promise me to not do anything that dangerous again because I know you will" Madison said "But I will need you to promise me that you'll at least try to keep yourself from being that badly again"

Matthew sighed as he put a hand on her back "I will"

"Promise me" Madison nudged and squeezed close to him "Because I'm not gonna let go if you don't. I'm not gonna let my only best friend in the entire world lose his life without living the best years of my life with him first"

"Madison..." Matthew sighed.

"Please, Matt" Madison almost begged "For both our sakes"

Matthew paused before he answered with a forced slow nod "I promise"