
Blood Brother - Invincible

Just your regular guy, with a regular life. Until it wasn't. In a world where Invincible protects the Earth, a new hero emerges - Matthew the male twin brother of Mark Grayson. Now, he was more than he had ever hoped for. Born out of deciet, raised with love and care, and grew with the knowledge not many have. When Mark's Viltrumite powers awaken, so do his, revealing his true heritage. But something peculiar occurs - he suddenly also finds himself grappling with an entirely different set of powers, ones he can't trace back to Viltrumite lineage and are much harder to control. As the mysteries of these new abilities unravel, he must navigate the dangerous and mysterious paths of his heritage while facing unforeseen challenges. Will he join forces with his brother to protect the Earth, or will his divergent powers lead him down an entirely unique path of heroism? .... OC's are mine for all intents and purposes, while others belong to their respective companies. This has been an itch of mine I had wished to put to writing for a long time now, and finally here it is. it won't be a story for everyone, that for sure, but it will be one I will not regret writing at all. So with that, Happy Reading y'all!

Enigma_Black · TV
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39 Chs

Chapter 15

° GDA Headquarters

° Evening

Matthew carried a large tote bag full of essentials on one hand when he entered his father's room, his mother walking  beside him.

As they entered, they saw Mark gently replacing a towel over Nolan's head as he shared the details of his day.

"I know you don't like teams much, but they were all pretty cool" he said, "Except Rex Splode. I do not know what that guy's problem is. I think he and Eve are a thing maybe"

Debbie walked in first and pointed at where she wanted Matthew to place the bag on. Matthew did as she asked and promptly chimed in on his brother's sharing.

"Rex is an asshole, Mark. That's what his problem is" Matthew started, ignoring the glare from his mother as he continued "And there's no 'maybe' about it, Eve is dating him. You think she just french kisses everyone?"

Mark turned and gave his brother an annoyed look.

"Who's Eve?" Debbie asked, joining in.

"Uh... No one. Just-just a friend" Mark stumbled.

Debbie looked to Matthew expectantly. The boy just mouthed the words 'Later'.

"Mm-hmm" Debbie hummed.

Then she remembered something, "Did you find the dinners in the freezer, honey?" she asked.

"Yep" Matthew answered, "It was delicious, mom. Not even a piece left for leftovers".

Debbie gave him an appreciative look and turned to Mark to ask him of the same thing but found that her other son was silently. His posture slack and his eyes looking down to the floor.

"Honey?" she called.

"Huh?" Mark absently answered "Oh yeah. Thanks, mom"

Debbie grew concerned now and she kneeld beside him, looking at the empty look in his eyes told her all she needed to know.

"Oh, Mark, I'm sorry" Debbie hugged him tightly.

"I've been so focused on your dad that I've forgotten about you" she explained, "Are you okay? Donald said you saved a lot of lives"

"Yeah. It was just, um... harder than I thought" Mark admitted reluctantly, "Dad didn't talk about this part of being a superhero"

"Your dad's good at a lot of things. Talking about his feelings isn't one of them..." Debbie let out a wry smile, "But we can talk"

"Or" Matthew chimed in, "You could call Eve and have another 'talk'. She seemed to know just the right words to get you in a good mood"

Although he didn't mean to tease, his tone set Mark off. Mark nearly flung his chair at Matthew when he heard his mother's low chuckle.

"Must be quite the special girl" Debbie said.

"Mom!" Mark complained.

Matthew grinned, delighting in the change of topic "She's very pretty, and smart"

Mark turned back to him and fixed him an angry look, "I'm gonna get you back for this"

"Whatever" Matthee shooed the threat away, "Teasing or not, at least you're out of it now"

Mark was taken aback.

"Look, dude. I understand what you're feeling" Matthew turned his head towards his brother, his grin faded "You're thinking that you could've done more if you didn't panic or if you just did things a little differently from the start. Right?"

Mark didn't answer, but he didn't need to. The serious look on his face was answer enough for Matthew.

"That's exactly how I felt yesterday when I shared my first outing. It was...a lot, even now" Matthew said bitterly, "We can't change that, just as you can't change what has happened. All we can do now is learn from it, so that next time we'll do better"

Mark was quiet for a moment, taking a bit of time to consider his brother's words. Debbie looked at Matthew and gave him a proud smile and mouthed a 'thank you'.

Matthew smiled back.

"But what if I screw up again?" Mark then asked.

"Then I'll be there. I'll always have your back" Matthew replied.

Mark considered it for a moment then said, "Thanks. And I'll always have yours if you screw up"


After the touching moment passed, the twins exited the room and made their way to the elevator to leave for the night.

Mark was still looking down and quiet, but Matthew took that as a sign that he was thinking through things more carefully. He confirmed so after he extended his mental perception to his thoughts.

Their walk abruptly stopped when Mark halted in front of another room. Matthew saw his brother's thoughts focus on a particular moment earlier when Mark brought the body of the old lady he was carrying.

He pulled away, giving Mark his privacy, and followed behind him as he entered the room.

The old woman was there, lying on the bed. Her unconscious body showed a severe degree of bruising on almost all parts of her, her reddening right arm was held in a cast, and she looked over all weakened by the way her breathing was slow and laboured even with the assistance machines around her.

A doctor sat on a stool beside her, checking on her condition as he monitored her closely.

"Is, uh..." Mark hesitated before powering through, "is she okay?"

"Her name's Maya. And her condition is much better than when you arrived, but not by much" the doctor said

Mark noted the empty room, "Doesn't she have any family?"

"We've contacted them, yes, but this is a secure facility. She's not strong enough for us to transfer her to a normal hospital" the doctor grimaced slightly.

"But she'll be okay, right?" Mark asked again.

"Well, it's too soon to tell, but I hope so" the doctor gave him a weary smile.

Matthew peeked into the doctor's thoughts and gritted his teeth, almost instantly regretting the peek at what the man actually thought. He didn't have the heart to tell his brother the truth.

Matthew put a comforting hand on his brother's shoulder, "We should go, let her rest and gather her strength. Maybe she'll wake up tomorrow and we can talk to her then"

The doctor gave Matthew a resigned nod as he continued his work and the boys left with heavy hearts.


° Reginald Val Johnson

° Two Days Later, Noon.

Matthew couldn't help but look at his bestfriend in disapproval.

"What?" Madison asked, looking down on herself. Searching for what was making him frown.

"You don't usually wear skirts, especially not the short ones" Matthew said, glancing at the above the knee absurdity beside him.

Madison slapped his arm, "That's rude. You should be giving me compliments, not criticisms"

She held her hand for a moment as pain registered, "Ow! What the hell? Are you wearing a chain-shirt or something? Slapping your arm felt like slapping a cement column"

"No. But if it hurts then don't slap me, and don't try to change the topic on me" Matthew regarded her seriously "Why are you wearing a skirt? Did something happen?" .

"I ran out of jeans to wear, okay?" she explained "Mom is renovating my room and the stupid contractor spilled paint all over my closet. Half my clothes did not survive, including all of my jeans. So it was this or that really ripped up one I regretted making. I chose this"

"Hmm. I see" Matthew eyed her suspiciously.

"Why does it matter to you anyway?" Madison asked with a slight smirk, "Are you worried I'd be showing off my curves for someone else?"

Matthew shrugged, "No. I'm worried about the next horny idiot you'll most likely knee in the balls for getting too handsy"

"What idiots? No one ever approaches me because they're scared of my 'scary boyfriend'" Madison poked at Matthew's neck "And besides, that only happened once. That asshole doesn't even look at me now because he's testicles still haven't descended. Or so I heard"

Matthew winced at the phantom shiver he felt on own nether sack, remembering the moment she was talking about quiet vividly, "Don't remind me. That moment still freaks me out"

"It won't happen again" Madison groaned.

Matthew wanted to argue against that idea but stopped when Eve once again sat herself in front of them, looking at both with a bright smile.

"Hey, Madison. Matthew" she said.

"Hey" Matthew greeted back.

"Hey, Eve! What brings you here?" Madison asked.

"Every seat is filled, so I'm sitting with you guys" she said, then looked to Matthew, "I hope you don't mind?"

"Not at all" Matthew said.

"Great. So what were you guys talking about?" Eve asked.

"We were talking about my skirt and how it affects the testicles of every single horny guy who looks at me funny" Madison didn't skip a beat, an innocent smile on her face.

Matthew didn't expect the answer that came out of Madison's mouth, his own falling open in shock.

"...What?" Eve was equally surprised and more than slightly confused.

"Goddamnit" Matthew whispered under his breath "It's not what it sounds like. Context, Madison? Context?!"

Madison grinned mischievously at Matthew before slowly explaining the full context of the topic to Eve. Matthew relaxed significantly when he saw Eve nod in understanding, but the amused smile on her face remained.

"First of all" Eve pointed her fork at Matthew, "Madison has the right to wear whatever she wants and not be criticised for it, within reason. A skirt is a reasonable choice"

"I never said she couldn't--"

"Secondly!" Eve raised her voice to interrupt, "You can't put that kind of blame all on her. If anything, the blame should be pinned on guys for being constantly horny at the littlest things"

"Excuse me? I wasn't blaming anything on her" Matthew defended himself.

"Really? Are you telling me that you don't like how cute it is on her?" Eve argued.

As if on cue, Madison stood and twirled around. Happily modeling the short skirt for Matthew while secretly holding in her amusement at the misunderstanding.

"I...wouldn't say that" Matthew admitted to his embarrassment as he looked away, "I think it looks very cute on her"

Eve stared at him with a raised eyebrow, "Then what's the real issue?"

Matthew sighed, "Fine"

He looked at Madison straight in the eyes and said,  "I don't want my best friend to be ogled at like a piece of meat, not if I can't help it"

Madison smiled widely as she bumped her shoulder on his, one of her ways of expressing affection.

Seeing the way they acted, Eve couldn't help but shake her head.

A few tables away from them sat William, who stared at the trio with amazement. Mark sat in front of him, deep in thought.

"Unbelievable. Mark, look!" he said, tapping Mark on the shoulder and motioning towards Matthew's table.

Mark looked, saw Matthew talking with Eve and Madison, and looked back at William with a questioning look.

"So?" he asked.

"He's talking to two of the hottest girls at school. And you're not jealous?" William asked dubiously.

"No" Mark answered honestly. He truthfully didn't see why he should be.

"So you aren't dating Eve Wilkins?" William asked.

"We're just friends!" Mark corrected, more than a little too loudly due his own annoyance at the topic.

"Will you stop saying that? It's like you're trying to jinx any chance you have of dating Eve" William replied.

"A day ago, you said I had no chance!" Mark pointed out.

"That was before everyone saw you leave school with her yesterday" William stated.

"Everyone saw that?" Mark was surprised, then shook his head "It doesn't matter. She already has a boyfriend"

"So?" William said, "You can be more awesome than him and take his place. That's how dating works!"

"Why are you so intimidated by her? Other than that she's amazing and you're kinda basic?" William asked.

But his words faded into the background as Mark's eyes went to Eve again. She was currently looking at her phone when she suddenly looked at Matthew and then unto him. Eve motioned for them to go as she stood.

Mark got the message.

"Thanks for that, William. I gotta go" he said as he stood and walked towards where Eve and Matthew were headed.

"Go? Go where?" William asked, but Mark wasn't listening, "You know what, I don't care. It's probably somewhere you'll be alone forever!"

But Mark wasn't even close by to even hear the words. William then was surprised when two girls approached his table.

"Where'd you think they go?" Madison asked him.

"I don't know, Mady" William replied.

Madison sighed, "Oh well, mind if I sit with you William?"

"Oh no. It's all yours"

Amber came after her, "Is Mark dating Eve Wilkins?"

Madison gasped, "Are they?" she asked William.

"I wish!" William said to her, then turned to Amber and saw the unamused look on her face.

"I-I mean, no. Definitely not. She's got a boyfriend. He is super available. Want his number? I'll write it down for you" William hurriedly pulled out a note.

Madison simply listened in as she wondered where Matthew suddenly left to.

Meanwhile, the trio of Eve, Mark, and Matthew walked hurriedly out of school. The message Eve showed them provided enough information they needed to know the situation didn't require much consideration.

[The Flaxans have returned]