
Blood and Water

Love the only glue other than mutual hatred than can bind two colliding forces together. A fairytale or a reality? time will tell if fate opposes or upholds. A trade of hearts one more than the other, this is a tale. A tale of blood and water.

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Chapter Nine

  "Do you take me for a fool Julia?" He growled at me from the other end of his phone there was no point trying to track it, Mariano was smart enough to not get caught by a traced phone call.


"Then how did you get this phone, how did you contact me!" His outburst didn't faze me it was simply one out of many.

"My answer is curled up in the sheets still asleep" Toni glanced up at me hardening his gaze. Gio smirked giving me a once over, I'd say he almost looked as bad as me but even he knows he looked way worse. Toni really did a number on him, I can't say that him rushing to my aid didn't do things to me but those were things that had to be overlooked.

  "Oh I see" he chuckled that was my cue.

"They're coming" I panted slamming my feet  on the ground to make it sound like  I was running.

"Call me in thirty minutes" it usually took fifteen to get to where I planned on going from his mansion if you had a car but since I was supposed to be running, we're leaving after fifteen more minutes. James barged in with the belt bomb much to Toni's disapproval he strapped it firmly against my waist.

"Done!" He exclaimed proud of his work before realization dawned on him then he glumly stepped away from me. Even he knew I was a ticking time bomb, figuratively and literally.


  "Where are you now?" I couldn't believe this stupid plan was actually working. for once I finally felt unburdened I couldn't look him in the eye cause after this he'd drive away into the night and that was it.

The last time we'd ever see each other again in this life. The bomb was already activated and strapped to my waist , it felt heavy. The timer was a watch clasped on my wrist counting down the minutes.

It took  thirty minutes to finally get here. Fifteen for stalling,the other for driving so I had an hour and thirty left to go. This really was it well at least I was going away with a blast, literally.

"At the edge of Lindale, surrounded by trees the only building here is some creepy cottage" he sighed

"Why exactly would I risk coming to get you?" He bargained no doubt wanting something in return.

My father, ladies and gentlemen

"I have information worth my life"

"It better be" he grumbled cutting the call. I  handed Gio the phone turning to face Toni I stood on my tip toes wanting a taste of his lips one last time. He turned away denying me access so I gently pecked his cheek ignoring the way it stung, whispering a Goodbye.

I couldn't help the tears that rolled down my cheeks at the sight of his rejection. He clenched his jaw restraining himself from doing something, no doubt hit me.

He took a few steps back clenching and unclenching his fists, his eyes were red and puffy if I didn't know any better I would've thought he actually cared.

"Here" Gio spoke knocking me out of my trance. He popped a few bullets out into his palm handing me the gun I smeared it with mud evening out what should be it's actual appearance.

He looked me over this  time professionally the wheels in his brains active and for once functioning. He motioned me closer with his finger. I casted Toni a wary glanced but he was so focused on glaring at Gio that he didn't even see it.

Gio pulled at the sleeve of my shirt ripping it open in savage manner. I cringed stepping away from him but he wasn't done he grapped a fist full of mud smearing it over my hair, arms, jeans and face.

"There" he smiled at me satisfied with my appearance. I looked like an asylum escapee but I guess that's what he was going for. They needed to leave he was gonna be here soon and they needed to be as far away from here as possible.

"Well, it was nice knowing you" He waved going deeper into the woods, I turned to Toni who stood in front of me committing all of me to memory. He glanced down at me, contemplating. I didn't want to go but this was something  I had to do, I owed it to him, my mother, the Ciovelli's and to myself. He gazed deep into my eyes and I could see they confliction, confusion, distaste swirling in those chocolate brown orbs. He was probably wondering why I would do this or if this was another one of my infamous tricks to lure him closer to Mariano, even after everything he still didn't trust me.

"You need to leave Antonio" I cautioned addressing him by his full name, A glint of something foreign flashed through his eyes at the sound of his name. Slowly very slowly he turned trailing after Gio.

A muffled thump came from behind,I gasped lifting my gun. It came from a distance but you can never be too sure. I glanced at the only building in sight,  A young girl no older than eighteen had just hopped down from the window of the cottage.

She groaned clutching her ankle, my first thought was to rush to her aid but with Mariano on the way I  couldn't risk it. She balanced herself on both feet taking a few steps forward to make sure she was fine before disappearing into the night with her army green duffle bag hiked up her shoulder.

She was running away from home, whilst my home was running away from me.