
Blood and moonlight

Elvira, a mysterious hybrid with unknown origins, must navigate the treacherous world of the supernatural while unraveling the truth about her mysterious lineage. She finds herself drawn to the enigmatic alpha of the Crimson moon pack, Elvira becomes aware of a dangerous power stirring within her, hinting at a hidden destiny that could shake the very foundation of the supernatural hierarchy. After a devastating loss, Elvira, must come to terms with her mysterious lineage as she discovers her true identity. She finds herself drawn to the enigmatic alpha of the Crimson Moon pack, whose alluring presence awakens a primal power within her. Can Elvira embrace her true nature and claim her rightful place in the supernatural hierarchy, or will the shadows of her past consume her? This story contains mature themes strong languages and mature scenes. All right reserved © Enjoy

Crypticskar · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


She whips around, her senses on high alert, ready to defend herself against whatever is coming. Just as she's about to act, the footsteps stop abruptly. She stands there frozen, listening intently for any sign of movement.

The silence is deafening, and it feels like the house is holding it's breath. Suddenly, a figure appears at the end of the hallway, there's something off about it. She takes a tentative step forward and says "Who's there?!

The figure vanishes in an instant, leaving behind only the echo of her question and the heavy silence of the house. Her instincts tell her this is no ordinary presence.

It's something ancient and powerful, a predator that's been watching her for far too long. She creeps towards the window, her senses on high alert for any sign of movement.

She doesn't see anything but one things for sure, she's determined to face whatever comes next.


Lucien is training the young wolves, with a steely gaze and an air of command. But damn the memory of the girl he saw last night just won't leave his mind. She's like a wildflower blooming in a desolate field. Her presence lingers like a sweet scent, distracting Lucien from his pack duties.

Everytime he turns around he catches a glimpse of her in his mind's eye, that flicker of brunette hair, those fiery green eyes. He knows it's dangerous to let his mind wander like this but he can't help it.

I've got a feeling that she's not just another random wolf, there's something special about her. I shake my head, trying to focus on the training but her presence is like a haunting melody, stuck in my head.

I try to push the thoughts of her aside and focus on the task at hand. But as I teach the young wolves how to shift, hunt and defend themselves, my mind keeps drifting back to her.

I wonder what she's doing right now. I catch myself smiling, which earns me some weird looks from the pups. "Okay okay, let's get back to work." I growl sounding fierce and authoritative.

Noah, my best friend and beta of the pack walks into the training ground and strolls up to me. "Hey man" he begins "you've been acting weird today. What's eating you?!"

"Nothing!" I try to play it cool but he knows something up.

"You've been spacing out. You gotta tell me what's going on" concern spreads across his face.

I sigh and lower my voice "it's this girl, she's something else. She's not just any girl, she's different, unpredictable and she's got this fierce aura." Noah raises an eyebrow, intrigued "Whoa dude you've got it bad."

I roll my eyes at his snarky comment "Relax dude she's not my mate, yeah there's something intriguing about her. She's like a storm brewing on the horizon, all brooding and mysterious!"

Noah rolls his eyes "A storm huh?!" Lucien continues "Yeah like a force of nature, it's not just her looks it's her vibe, the way she carries herself."

Noah cracks a grin "You sure you haven't fallen in love with her already"

Lucien growls "Shut up"

Noah laughs "what's her name"

"Let's just call her hurricane for now" Noah's eyebrows shoot up. "Hurricane huh, she sounds wild!"

Lucien gives him a knowing look "She is but it's not just her name, she's got these fiery eyes, like she's always scheming something. It's exhilarating!"

Darius shakes his head chuckling "You're smitten!" Lucien rolls his eyes and squares his shoulders getting back into alpha mode. "Let's get back to business, enough of this sappy talk!"


Elvira returns home after her long training session in the woods. Her legs feeling like jelly and her mind buzzing with exhaustion. She comes to a clearing and stops short, her heart dropping as she sees her home engulfed in flames. With a gasp she sprints towards the wreckage, heedless of the danger. As she races inside, she spots the necklace john gave her for her 13th birthday glinting in the flames and grabs it, the roof collapses with her still inside.