
Blood And Iron GoT)

Disclaimer: I do not own Game of Thrones or Asoiaf. Disclaimer II:Some stories will feature topics such as torture, rape, sexism and xenophobia. These topics do not represent me, I only seek to give the most historical perspective possible to the social relations of a medieval era. Disclaimer III:I don't speak English, I am in the process of learning, so I will make several grammatical mistakes, any help on the lexicon is accepted, I am not a person so deeply versed in the lore of GoT, the idea comes from a set of games and the person who wants to write it by bad luck got called to compulsory military service, so the duty falls on me while the idiot washes the toilets with the toothbrush.

Chill_ean_GUY · TV
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87 Chs

The return

Wait before you kill me for yesterday's extra chapter, in my defense the goal was reached pretty late it was almost Thursday for me, I uploaded the chapter just 10 minutes after it was Wednesday and I thought the goal had not been reached, and I was laying down to sleep, and I noticed that the goal had been reached, I wrote the chapter, but I noticed that the chapter can develop more than only 2000 words, so tomorrow there will be the possibility of another extra chapter since the chapter I wrote and didn't upload will reach 4000 words, I think.

Remember to leave me a comment of what you think of this fanfic so far and if possible a review.


Friedrich Wilhelm POV

This whole tournament conflict ended, I had won some gold from the tournament, not that I lacked it, I still have a lot of gold in my coffers and also my bannermen owe me a considerable amount, besides considering that the prize was placed by me.

But I had protected my prestige, it may seem unimportant, but that may mean how many lords would react to my actions, to be seen as a coward is to be ostracized in a feudal martial society.

Now I just have to rest and heal the huge number of bruises I generated by playing the idiot with a spear and please the king, the celebrations were over, to Robert's displeasure, all the lords were returning home

including myself, now in a carriage with my chest well bandaged, now I must return and see if my plans have paid off, I have secured contracts with many lords on the sale of liquor and glassware, the sugar went well, but it was not as in demand as I thought, they are too used to the brown sugar from sugar cane.

With the approaching harvest, we will soon have to apply new forms of agriculture, divide the fields, use fertilizers, Heavy plows, with the use of oxen or horses and seeders, the reach is fertile and even with the incompetence with which they work the land they get huge harvests to feed the small folks of the reach and many other places in the seven kingdoms.

For a few minutes concentrating on my plans I felt the carriage stop, we should have reached an inn for the night, which was very good, my ass was already sore from the damn carriage the king gave me, the damn carriage was jumping on any imperfection in the road had

''my king, we arrived at one of your inns, so you can rest''said one of my Teutonic knights.

Something I had done before leaving Neu danzing had been to establish franchises on certain types of businesses, this inn was one of them, the concept is simple, we looked for a place where we believed there would be economic benefit that this type of business existed, and we did everything necessary, we built the place and left it ready for anyone who wanted to manage it leaving the system ready, saying that it would sell and leaving the supply chain established.

They would be obliged to pay me the taxes and also the benefits of the economic activity, but above all they are obliged to only buy from me the necessary products to sell ''to guarantee the quality'' of the service, making that in reality I would receive almost 70-80% of everything they generate between taxes, benefits and the costs of the supplies, the perfect scam some would say.

entering the inn I could observe with pride my creation, a clean and tidy inn with a Germanic theme and standing out a painting of me, I would never let the opportunity to sell my image to all the people that pass by this place.

the inn was quite full of soldiers from my army and merchants who stopped to rest for the day and continue their journey to neu danzing to sell their products.

We were about to ask for a room for me when the owner of the inn looked at me and then looked at my painting several times until he noticed who I am.

My lord, no pardon, my king, forgive this subject of yours for not acknowledging your presence in my humble inn, what can I do to serve you'' he said as he kneeled down.

''I would have been grateful if you had left my presence as discreet as possible, but well, I need rooms for the night and give me the quickest thing you have to eat,'' I said looking at the inn.

They gave us a table where they served us a chicken soup with freshly baked bread.

Even in this, I had planned, the Prussians have an almost suicidal loyalty to my family. Several dishes were recommended by the king, and it was the only thing my men ate if they had the choice, there were also some local dishes from the reach, but obviously many preferred what they were used to eating in Prussia.

As long as there were Prussians in the area, the inns would be selling and generating profits.

After eating, I went to sleep, the beds were not bad at all, they were fabric stuffed with feathers of goose or some kind of similar bird, I slept quite well, and we could continue with our trip to neu danzing to be able to be up-to-date with the new information that must be arriving.

After 1 week I had returned, my plan with the king worked better than I thought, the crown had become the biggest client of my distilleries, requesting that hundreds of bottles of alcohol be sent to the king as well as many barrels, I think Jon Arryn will not be able to rest easy knowing that all the taxes I am going to pay him will come back to buy the king's eccentricities, Robert drinks alcohol like babies drink milk I could observe him every day he looked like a bottomless barrel.

Already being in my personnel office my decree on the cantons had already been applied, to guarantee that I would always have recruits I had divided my territories in 20 cantons which for the moment would be obliged to deliver 1000 soldiers and 1000 guards, everything in coordination with the local priests who had been established in the towns and cities.

Everything was working perfectly, the religion had spread like wildfire in the reach, it was not difficult, the faith of the 7 was already corrupted, we only had to show the dirty laundry, buying silk clothes with the donations, how they buy the most exclusive wines for their parties, how they broke their oaths of chastity, leaving free space for a new religion to take possession quickly.

With each baptism, the priest provides us a document with the name of the person, managing to have a record of how many converts we have in the reach and making use of those documents we could impose the obligatory military services with the cantons, guaranteeing recruits and above all that they are Protestants, since without the document validly issued by a priest you can never participate in the armies or garrisons.

Having a perfect system to avoid religious conflicts in the ranks, guaranteeing the religious unity.

it seems that the call to arms was well received by the locals to such an extent that almost 200,000 men came looking to participate in the 20,000 recruits I was looking for to make up for the shortage of soldiers that I am having to retire my men and return them to civilian life.

The arsenal was already finished, but there would still be moons to go before the first galleon was ready, I was planning to use a Byzantine tactic to be able to fight in the water with some advantage, we were trying to manufacture Greek fire, unlike the garbage used by the mad king our product is more stable and easier to manipulate plus we knew how to put out the fire of the mixture, a secret that must be kept hidden, we do not want my weapons used against me.

but all the current efforts were focused on one thing, agriculture, the harvest had already begun and the preparation for the next one, the fact that the summers last for years means that as long as we can nourish the land with the necessary elements we could achieve a permanent agricultural system throughout the year, and as the land is directly my property by the laws of servitude of the kingdom.

I must only take away the right of the small folks to work it for part of the harvest, and give them remuneration in coin, for soon there would be a huge increase in production that would go directly into my pockets, at my hand was the possibility of destroying the economy of the seven kingdoms if the grain market collapsed the whole economy revolving around the crops would collapse, but I still don't have a strong enough base to withstand complaints from other lords, the day will come, but for the moment we will produce cash crops like cotton and with special machines to process them I could enter the lucrative clothing market.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door and saw the figure of Aleksanteri entering.

''Wow I thought you died in Dorne'' I said looking at Aleksanteri ''JA death can have me when it deserves it'' said the Finn as he approached my side.

''well I hope the mission went well, do you want something to drink'' I said showing him a bottle with liquor in it '' the Dornish people are happy that we saved Ellia, well give me some of that'' he said as he took the bottle out of my hands.

Aleksanteri took a glass and poured himself a drink and proceeded to drink it immediately.

''ufff how strong, what is it?'' Aleksanteri asked doubtfully ''vodka, it's made from a poisonous plant'' I said looking at him with a smile

''I like poisons, but in the way of Mithridatism in small doses'' he said with a serious voice ''calm, the potato is not poisonous, just that the inhabitants of these lands must have planted it wrong and it went from being a healthy food to a poisonous one and with that story being told everyone thinks that this plant is poisonous, and it is a harmful plant''.

''ha ha ha ha you had me there for a moment, I thought you didn't need me anymore, talk about not needing something, good job with the faith of the seven, they have lost a lot of influence in your territories'' Aleksanteri said smiling.

''they were telling too many lies about us, it was a problem we should attack, luckily the small folks won't listen to their lies anymore, they will only listen to mine ha ha ha ha'' I said laughing.

We laughed for a long time until we continued with our conversation.

''Aleksanteri tell me how are you doing against the spider little birds'' I said with a serious tone ''it's not that I enjoy hunting kids of 8-10 years old, but I'm pretty good at it, they don't usually last more than 5 days in your territories before we kill or capture them, it's pretty hard to get information out of someone who has no tongue, better and better spies are coming, which keeps us with our senses on alert, but I doubt anything will leak out without you apprehending it first'' he said with his sadistic grin

''good job tell me, what do you want as a reward'' I said looking him in the eye ''oh you know what I want, POISONS a lot, there are so many poisons in this land and I have so few to practice mithridism with it would be a great reward for me if you could get me some poisons from the locals'' he said smiling

''that will be your reward then, has lothar done anything stupid at the moment?'' I said asking ''nothing he is just serving as sergeant of that garrison you put in the arsenal, he doesn't get out much, he just keeps hoping he can get back to his position'' said Aleksanteri uninterested

''well you can retire talk to my quartermaster, so he can provide you with the gold you need for your poisons, keep it at a reasonable level, I don't want rumors that I play with poisons'' I told Aleksanteri ''as you command my king'' he said as he left my office.

Finally, i finish making the preparations for the harvest, we would start distributing tools and animals to as many villages as possible and only to the villages closest to neu danzing we will deliver our wheat seeds, because of their limited number, but in the future the Prussian grain should replace the grain of the locals.

With the passage of time our techniques will be applied in every field of the reach, when the agricultural revolution has taken place we will begin the real indoctrination of the people of the reach, but for now, we must only wait for time to prove me right about the new method of production because it will.

well, let's review how my town has evolved while I was in the capital.

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