
Blood And Iron GoT)

Disclaimer: I do not own Game of Thrones or Asoiaf. Disclaimer II:Some stories will feature topics such as torture, rape, sexism and xenophobia. These topics do not represent me, I only seek to give the most historical perspective possible to the social relations of a medieval era. Disclaimer III:I don't speak English, I am in the process of learning, so I will make several grammatical mistakes, any help on the lexicon is accepted, I am not a person so deeply versed in the lore of GoT, the idea comes from a set of games and the person who wants to write it by bad luck got called to compulsory military service, so the duty falls on me while the idiot washes the toilets with the toothbrush.

Chill_ean_GUY · TV
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87 Chs

a party to remember II

Every 250 power stones and you will have extra chapter

I remind you that this friday I will not upload a chapter because I am looking for ideas to apply, so if you do not reach the goal of the stones today, the extra chapter is for saturday.


Remember to leave your comment about any ideas you may have.


Friedrich Wilhelm POV

286 AC third moon

''Thank you, Lord Hohenzollern, for your kind invitation and for the admirable treatment you have offered us on the way to your home, I am sorry to have to spoil the festive atmosphere that brings us together here, but I must have a word with you'' said Jon Arryn.

''What do you need to talk to me, Lord Arryn, did you have trouble on the roads or did one of my men insulted you while you were doing your work,'' I said with concern.

''Nothing of the sort, Lord Hohenzollern, your roads are the safest I have ever had the good fortune to travel, and your men only wanted to confirm our identity and I understand it was not intended to cause trouble, only to keep order in your lands,'' Jon Arryn said.

''So what is it you need to talk to me about'' I said with a kind tone as I leaned back in my chair.

''As you may know, King Robert signed a treaty that gives you the right to cut all the trees you deem necessary from Kingswood and I would like that we could renegotiate the terms that King Robert agreed to'' said Lord Arryn with a friendly tone.

''Of course lord Arryn and what are you willing to offer me to give up the rights that have been given to me'' I said with a serious tone.

''Lord Hohenzollern, we both know that you came out of this deal extremely benefited, giving up a little bit would not affect you at all if we only change to you being able to cut a certain amount of trees per year'' lord Arryn said with a serene tone

''Lord Arryn, but the king's reputation is at stake, it is not possible that the king of the seven kingdoms every time he signs something he can go retract when he sees that what he has compromised does not serve him'' I said seriously.

''Well what do you want to change the terms Lord Hohenzollern said'' Lord Arryn rather annoyed.

''Oh lord hand considering that this affects us both, and I could simply apply the principle of law Pacta sunt servanda, what is agreed is binding, I prefer to solve this problem in another way so as not to affect the prestige of the house Baratheon, I promise to give my word that I will only cut the trees that you consider suitable without putting the kingswood at risk'' I said smiling

''But how can I be sure you will keep your word,'' Lord Arryn asked.

''Are you saying that my word is worthless,'' I said, raising my eyebrows.

''No, no, no, no Lord Hohenzollern, I know you are one of those people who keep his word, it was quite clear with the request for the war galleys'' Lord Arryn said a little nervously.

''Great then, we'll work it out, so I promise to cut only the trees that you and I deem necessary and not put the king's hunting grounds at risk,'' I said smiling.

Lord Arryn sighed

It was worth preparing myself for this conversation, the treaty was too unequal, and it was obvious that lord Arryn would try to renegotiate it when he had the chance, in terms of fact what lord Arryn just got is nothing, as the treaty remains the same and no way to control how many trees I cut, but I will limit how many trees I cut anyway, I don't want to anger Jon and neither Robert if I leave him without a place to go hunting.

''Do you wish to discuss more things with me or can we end the negotiations?'', I said in a friendly tone.

''Yes, lord Hohenzollern, we have received many requests from merchants as to whether it would be possible to expand the system of roads you have established through your territory into the other main roads connecting the realm with the intention of improving the transport of goods overland'' lord Arryn said

''Mhh yes I think it would be feasible to have some construction crews to do such a work, but lord Arryn that will not come cheap, as the materials are expensive, and I will have to move guards to protect the builders because unfortunately not all the seven kingdoms are pacified'' I said scratching my chin.

''The crown will provide the workers and the materials, we just need your mix and the engineers you have, and I will arrange for the local lords to help defend your men when they have to work'' Lord Arryn said with a serious tone.

''We don't work like that Lord Arryn, Prussian workers and guards, that is not negotiable, I will not let the fate of this construction be at the whim of a lord who may not agree with our work or the incompetence of inexperienced workers who are stubborn to the orders of our engineers, we will accept the materials, and we want a payment for every kilometer of roads we build, if we consider that the crown will pay for the materials 10 golden dragons per kilometer built would be fair'' I said looking Lord Arryn in the eye.

''The network of roads linking the seven kingdoms stretches for thousands of kilometers, that would be too expensive for our coffers, it is possible to negotiate the price per kilometer to something more realistic'' said Jon Arryn with his eyes wide open

''Of course I can offer you the price of a friend who remembers the favor you did him in the past lord Arryn I can reduce our cost to 5 golden dragons per kilometer, but more would be impossible'' I said with a serious tone

Lord Arryn was thoughtful for a few moments until he met my eyes again.

Well, Lord Hohenzollern I accept the deal, when could you begin the construction of the new roads,'' Lord Arryn asked.

''In 3 moons from now, we have some projects that have all my workers busy, and we are training more, so soon we will have more capacity for the construction with which road do you want us to start with?'', I said with a kind tone.

''The kingsroad from Storm's End to Winterfell, that one I think will be very important'' lord Arryn said.

''Well, I will tell my men what to do next, is there anything else you would like to discuss with me?'', I said with a kindly tone

''Yes it is a proposal rather than a contract when your fleet arrived at the king's landing we were told how you slaughtered a pirate fleet without any trouble and talking with Stannis we thought that an expedition in the StepStones could be very beneficial for the trade of the seven kingdoms and considering that you have a competent army and a very strong navy you could carry out the conquest of these pirate hideouts that disturb the trade between the seven kingdoms and essos'' lord Arryn said with a kind tone

''Yes it is possible for me and my soldiers to carry out an expedition to those areas, but what do I gain from all this?'', I said smiling.

''What do you need to make it happen,'' Lord Arryn answered.

The territories come under my direct rule and I can set a toll on all ships passing through the area, as I will have to set up patrols to prevent the pirates from trying to return, the full support of the seven kingdoms if this escalates into a conflict with the free cities, but I will try to solve it diplomatically first because I will have to make some negotiations with the free cities of the three sisters because they have claims in that area taking advantage of the current war we could buy their rights from the StepStones without many problems and avoid a conflict in the future''I said while thinking the steps to go through to conquer this area.

''A quick and very effective thought, I can say with all certainty that you are a very good strategist lord Hohenzollern, the crown is willing to accept your terms, but we want a part of the toll to allow you to keep those territories'' said lord Arryn smiling.

''How much of the toll do you want?'', I said asking

''20% of everything your toll collects,'' Lord Arryn said.

''15%'' I answered immediately

''Would you consider 18%?'', said lord Arryn, smiling.

''16% I will have to finance this expedition out of my own pocket and mobilize enough men to take so many islands, I will spend a few million golden dragons and I think my offer is fair, lord Arryn'' I said kindly

''Fine, fine, but don't set the toll too high, last time a war was started for too high a toll, when can you start your expedition against the pirates, I want the merchants to stop filling the hearings with complaints about the pirates of the StepStones '' said lord Arryn scratching his nose?

''Next year the islands should be under my rule, but with my experience dealing with the merchants Lord Arryn they will just switch to another complaint, such as now they will have to pay a toll for safe passage, and they would even prefer the pirates to return'' I said laughing

''I believe you Lord Hohenzollern they are a constant headache, well, I thank you for your time, Lord Hohenzollern I will leave you in peace, so you can continue making your preparations for your feast'' said Lord Arryn, leaving my chamber.

As Jon Arryn left, Friedrich von Roon entered my hall.

''How did your negotiation go, my king,'' asked Friedrich.

''Yes, but imagine the men of the vale are men who think honor and word are very important, their life is ruled by it, I should have just led the negotiation to give my word and when he tried to get guarantees, I should have just acted offended for questioning my word, our deal on the kingswood is still intact only we will have to reduce how many trees we cut, since we cannot affect the king's hunting ground'' I said playing with my fingers.

''Well played my king, you have improved quite a bit in the art of negotiations,'' said Friedrich.

''No lord Arryn is the same as negotiating with a North men is very easy, and I was in a negotiating position which could not be better'' I said laughing.

''Well we must continue preparing the feast, did King Robert manage to settle in his chambers?'', I said asking

''Yes he and his banner men are already in their rooms, and they are already enjoying a good meal inside their mansions, most of the lords brought their own servants, the poorest did not bring any, so they will still make use of our servants that we gave them for their stay'' said Friedrich.

''Let's hope they can get some important information, when will the rest of the paramount lords arrive?'', I said, asking von Roon.

''Lord Tywin is only one more day away from us, Lord Tully is two days behind King Robert's retinue and Prince Doran is also two days away'', said Friedrich looking at me.

''I see, how is the training of the tercios going, I want to know if we will be able to show the muscle of our armies with a march in the fields before starting the final combats of the tournament'' I said with a serious tone.

''Well, my lord, the 2 tercios you chose are trained without rest in order to synchronize their steps and demonstrate Prussian discipline'' said Friedrich.

''Understood well, any problems that occur in the city should be solved quickly'' I said in a serious tone

''By the way my king the spider is in our city, Aleksanteri is following him to make sure he doesn't try anything, but he has been seen visiting taverns and looking for something'' Friedrich said with concern

''Just tell Aleksanteri not to do anything foolish with the spider if he disappears in my city we will be the ones pointed out for his disappearance or possible death, considering how Aleksanteri likes to hunt his targets'' I said scratching my nose.

''Understood my king'' said Friedrich as he walked out of my room.

Well, it was a good day, I managed to get a good deal and I have royal authorization to initiate attacks on the pirates' hideouts, with a little luck tyrosh will be very worn out and won't try anything because he will be backed against the wall by lothar's army, and we can make the taking of the islands fast and without serious diplomatic conflicts.

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