
Blood And Iron GoT)

Disclaimer: I do not own Game of Thrones or Asoiaf. Disclaimer II:Some stories will feature topics such as torture, rape, sexism and xenophobia. These topics do not represent me, I only seek to give the most historical perspective possible to the social relations of a medieval era. Disclaimer III:I don't speak English, I am in the process of learning, so I will make several grammatical mistakes, any help on the lexicon is accepted, I am not a person so deeply versed in the lore of GoT, the idea comes from a set of games and the person who wants to write it by bad luck got called to compulsory military service, so the duty falls on me while the idiot washes the toilets with the toothbrush.

Chill_ean_GUY · TV
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87 Chs

A merchant's day I

Every 250 power stones and you will have extra chapter


Klaus merchant POV

As the sun was rising and the light came through my window and hit my eyes, I realized that it was time to get up, today was a new day to continue working.

Getting up from my bed, I took my watch to see what time it was, it was still quite early, but it was the perfect time to start the day.

I looked next to me and saw my beautiful wife who was still sleeping, sometimes I think how lucky I was to get such a good wife just by speaking a few words in the common language.

I left my room in silence and went to wash my body to start the day.

''Sir Klaus, would you like us to heat the water for you?'', asked a servant girl.

''Mhh yes warm please'' I said to the group of servants who were waiting for me to get up

My economic situation was a very good one, selling perfumes was an extremely profitable business, even when my competition began to emerge, I had achieved something that most only dream of, the king comes to buy from my stores the perfume he usually uses, having his guarantee of quality and if the king uses its all his nobles use it and that influence has been carried to almost every place in the seven kingdoms my perfumes are famous and wanted by all in the king's landings

But as a good merchant, I learned that I can not only support myself by offering a product and I have been exploring various businesses such as trade, since I had bought a fleet of galleys that the king was offering at a good price and I dedicated myself to buy and sell along all the trade routes that were protected by the Prussian navy.

Because buying sugar and salt was very cheap in Neu Danzig and one could go to sell them to the north or king's landing getting good profit margins and enjoying the frequent patrols of the king that have been hanging pirates since several moons ago.

''Sir klaus, your bath is ready'' said a servant girl.

''Thank you very much, you may retire with your next duties'' I said calmly.

''Thank you, sir klaus'' said my servants.

I walked to my bathtub and began to wash my body.

To think that what I do every day, was a very rare privilege a few years ago, and now I find myself enjoying a quality of life that I never thought I would, I have a group of servants hired to help my wife in all the needs of the day, as I had recently been confirmed pregnant, so I recently had to hire more servants so that she would not have to do anything because stress is bad for our future children.

Besides, where we live is the most luxurious sector of Neu Danzig of the Prussian residential sector, in the area only live the nobles or other rich merchants who could pay the amount of gold for which these properties were sold because they are three-story houses with a capacity for very large families

For bad luck today is going to be a very boring day, I have to check accounts in my perfumery and I have to pay the salaries, then I have to go to the outskirts of the city because I had made a good donation to a home for the homeless of the Neu Danzig ghetto that lately has not stopped growing.

For some weeks now people had been arriving from almost every corner of the kingdom, but too many were arriving at the same time, so many that the king's government itself was having problems with the administration, since it is said that almost every day hundreds of people were arriving.

To finish the day, I had to go to the common language classes that the king had established since we were on foot of conquest, he still insists that we must speak the common language in a fluent way even if it is not in a military way but to facilitate cultural relations and to avoid problems for not knowing how to communicate, I do not complain, as this helps me to negotiate without depending on an interpreter.

Well, there are days like this, I would like to spend more time with my wife, but work is work

I got out of the bathtub very clean and started to put on some clothes, not long ago, the first shipments of fabric made of cotton had arrived to Neu Danzig, I had bought many new garments, apparently the king had decentralized the commercial operations to attract people to other places and this was his new innovation, they were producing clothes and fabric in mass production.

Coming out of my bath, I went to have breakfast to start the day and I found the pleasant surprise that my beloved wife was preparing breakfast for me.

''Mya my love, you shouldn't, you must rest, remember it is very important that you don't over push yourself'' I said affectionately to my wife as I walked towards her.

''Klaus my dear, I wanted to do something for you'' she said smiling

''Thank you, every day you remind me how lucky I am to have married you'' I said as I kissed her lips.

''Hee, hee, hee, your beard tickles me'' said mya as she put her head on my chest.

''At least, let's have breakfast together'' I said, leading her by the hand to the table.

We took a seat together and waited for the servants to finish making the breakfast that mya had left half done

''Will you be early today?'', asked mya with hopeful eyes

Unfortunately, not today I will be very busy, many important things have come together and I have to solve them in person'' I said showing a sad face.

The maids had left breakfast for us, scrambled eggs with freshly baked bread and a fruit salad with a nice glass of orange juice

''Oh, what a pity, I don't want to be alone, can I join you?'', said Mya asking while she was making circles with her finger on my chest

''Mya, it would make me very happy if you would accompany me, but today I will visit the ghetto and I can't guarantee your safety, there are too many people in that place and someone could hurt you'' I said worriedly

''Oh it's a pity'' said mya sadly

''Look, if you want next week we can travel to see your parents, since most of my work is heavy on the first days of every moon'' I said smiling warmly

''That's great, and you could try to convince my father to come and live here'' said mya very excitedly

''Your father doesn't want to, he's very stubborn, I've tried, but I'll do my best to convince him to leave his house in ciderhall, and we'll bring him here'' I said smiling as my wife put her head on my shoulder.

After finishing my breakfast, I got my things ready and was about to leave.

''Take care sweetie have a nice day'' said mya standing up on her tiptoes to kiss me

''Thanks, you too, since you have to think of others now'' I said while putting my hands on my wife's belly.

Finally, i left my house and headed to the commercial sector to start the long day that was waiting for me

''Klaus as early as always'' said a guard.

''Yes I have a lot to do today'' I said smiling.

''Are you going to stahlhelm today?'', said the guard.

''I can't today, I have to go out to do some things in the ghetto'', he said shaking his head.

''Be careful there, the Teutons are doing an operation in the area'' said the guard with concern.

''What's going on'', I said with a questioning tone.

''Look, you didn't hear it from me, but that Finn is planning something, nobody knows what, but I think it's in the ghetto, so be careful'' said the guard while looking all around while telling me the rumor

''Thanks for the information'' I said while walking back to my perfumery.

When I got to the perfume street i saw how an old friend now a competitor was opening his store

''Wow Klaus, you come for a quality perfume'' he said with a provocative voice.

''I just have to go to the ghetto to get a urine extract'' I said, returning the tone.

We both laughed

''Who knew before we fought side by side in the tercio, and now we fight on opposite sides to see who makes the best product'' said Paul, my old friend from the tercio

''Good memories of when you fell asleep and the sergeant hit you in the back with a stick'' I said laughing.

''Don't remind me, they still hurt, ha, ha'' said Paul.

''How is your business going'' I asked with interest.

''Very well I have a steady income I managed to sell some perfumes to essos recently with the new route the naval force is guarding the rainforest the pirates in the area have decreased, and it is easier to reach tyrosh and more merchants from essos have started to arrive'' said Paul as he scratched his face

''That's very good'' I said, smiling.

'''And you klaus where are you selling now or are you still only selling to king's landing ''said Paul asking

''Yes, but since recently lords from the western lands started placing orders and I have been selling in that area'' I said while looking at my nails

''Ha, ha, ha unfortunately someday things will change, well, I must keep on working'' Paul said

''I must go to work anyway, I wish you a good day'' I said as I walked to my perfume shop.

My shop was already open, as my apprentice had arrived, and he had some copies of the keys of the store, but not of the back of the store

''Master, everything is ready to start the day'' said my apprentice.

''Very well, today we have to see the accounting books, we have to pay the wages.

My apprentice just nodded

''Well, come with me, we'll see you now'' I said as I went to the back of the store.

My apprentice was an orphan I had found begging in the streets and when I took him to my perfumery he had shown that he had an excellent nose and talent for making perfumes when I saw that he had what it took to learn directly from me, I gave him my old house, so he wouldn't have to sleep in the perfumery and since then, I have been teaching him to read and write not that I am very good but enough to do the accounting of expenses

It had been 2 hours since we had arrived and my workers were coming in, and they started to hear the noises of their work

When I was close to finish with the books, a worker knocked on my door

''Tell me what do you need boy'' I said looking at a young man with a worried look on his face.

''Boss, you see...'' said the young man and became quiet.

''What happened don't tell me that you dropped the pure alcohol'' I said scared

''We wouldn't be alive if that had happened'' said my apprentice.

''Ha, ha, ha, ha, yes, but what happened something bad happened'' I said looking at my worker in the eyes

''My father is sick, and I wanted to ask you if I could leave work early today so that I could take care of him'' said the young man playing with his fingers out of nervousness

''What a stupid question, of course you can, in fact, leave now, I don't know what you are doing here take 3 days to make sure your father is well'' I said with concern

''Thank you boss, you don't know how much I appreciate it'' said the young man as he walked away.

Wait, take your pay'' I said, throwing him a bag with silver stags.

Thank you very much'' said the young man as he took his salary and left my room.

''Master, why do you always show so much weakness for your workers' family, they could take advantage of that and get days off just by telling you to take care of their parents'' said my apprentice.

''I'd rather be wrong than deny a son to see his father for the last time, I didn't have that privilege, and I'm not going to deny it to anyone'' I said sadly.

''I'm sorry, master, I didn't know'' said my apprentice.

''Don't apologize the last thing I knew about my parents is that they were alive, but I will never see them again, so I assume that I will never see them take their last breath and have the privilege of giving them a dignified burial'' I said looking at the ledgers.


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