
Blood and chaos

Losing everything he once ever had, he was destined to live poorly for the rest of his life... But coming in like a guardian angel to save the pure innocent child, a middle-aged, rich man adopted him rescuing the kid from the dark fate awaiting for him. Or so they thought... But The kid's life was turned into a living hell like many others because of the evil, obsessed scientist and his research. Many lost their lives, their friends, their homes, and even their minds in the despair and pain of this monstrous activity... The question is... Will the unknown kid from the adoption centre survive this hell? Or will he be lost in the sea of time like many others?

Zied_younis8 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

The Beautiful Lady, Myra

Moving confidently towards the group of four was a 19-year-old-looking woman wearing a black military uniform which presented all her body curves while showing the perfect hourglass-shaped -slim- waist of hers to a point of perfection, her black ponytailed thin hair was flowing quietly like the silence of the night and her beautiful blue eyes had a strange charm inside of them that even caught Kai himself inside of it for a second. 

Her red cherry thin lips also contained an irresistible alluring trait that made anyone who sees it want nothing more than to get a big, tasty bite of these juicy lips. 

Kai, attempting to maintain a clear head and channel his focus somewhere else, tried starting a conversation with the new lady who was the oldest of their team. 

"Hello, My name is Kai… I'm the leader of this group, I'm very pleased to meet you… You must be Miss Myra, the one Commander John assigned to watch over our actions while here, correct??"

The woman… Shifting her attention from the big two guys in the group, glanced at Kai with a cold look on her face… Her thoughts were unknown when she replied to Kai's previous sentence with an elegant, freezing, yet somewhat arrogant voice which gave all the boys some goosebumps and made their blood bump into certain places. 

"Yes… My name is Myra Ironheart, good to meet y'all… Excuse me, but just a simple question, if I may ask, aren't you the weakest here ?? "

By her words, she was indicating… Of course, Kai… She wasn't the one to blame for her thoughts though, because Kai's appearance made him look more like a child than he already was. 

His childish face and his short height which made him look nothing older than 10 years of age were very deceiving and would always make people confuse him for a child and go easy on him while fighting, which was a grave mistake as only those who actually fought him know the power this little body composes… 

More so after Kai turned into a superhuman and obtained even more strength than any normal ordinary superhuman… 

Of course, Kai didn't want to correct Myra's mistake as he was always glad when people looked down on him and underestimated his power… It gave him a great advantage over those who were dumb enough to look down on him. 

"Strength isn't the only important thing in wars and battles Miss Myra, most of the time, wars get won because of good leaders, not great power or soldiers… except in some cases when the power levels are too different, of course…An… "

Myra didn't allow Kai to finish his sentence before her hand moved at an inhumane speed that even Ellen herself was barely able to catch sight of… She grabbed Kai by the neck lifting his small body up the ground to her face level… 

Conor, Ken and Ellen instantly got out of their astonishment as they raised their guard and prepared to make a move on Myra. 

But before they were able to take a single step or even react, they felt something unbelievably heavy pushing on their backs forcing their knees to hit the ground, it was so heavy that they felt like it was the weight of a mountain thrown on their backs before they heard Myra's cold strict voice… 

"Don't try to move, it'll only make it worse… Just stay still and quiet until we're done"

Though the four wanted to resist whatever force was shoving them down and nearly breaking their backs, it wasn't like they even had a chance as all they were able to do was let out some weird sounds of pain and unacceptance of their situation… 

They were all attempting to resist, yet very ashamed of how helpless and powerless they were at the moment and how they were unable to give any assistance to their friend as all they could do in this situation was watch everything unfold with regretful and dark looks painted upon their faces. 

Unaware of the wave of emotions and thoughts going through the kids' minds, Myra gazed into Kai's eyes with her cold gape as she spoke in a dark sarcastic tone… 

"What about now… what if someone like me comes in and decides to take your life… what if someone thinks your intelligence is too much of a threat that they… What can you do without power… ? "

Staring right into Myra's eyes, Kai's face had no sign of fear or any other type of emotions as It felt like he wasn't even considering the fact he was about to pass out and perhaps even die if Myra decides that he needs to go… 

Myra inwardly praised these kids' bravery, especially their leader's, yet she was still not convinced they deserved to get their own group at such a young age… tightening her grip on Kai's neck threatening to break it at any sudden change of force on it she felt very confused after watching Kai slowly moving his hand towards her G-cup breasts with a grin on his face… 

Seeing the expression on Kai's face all her previous -good- impression about him went out the window as her small smile was replaced with a clear disgusted expression displayed on her face. 

But unlike what she had expected, Kai's hand didn't reach her breasts at all… looking down to his hand placement she saw something that shocked her down to the core. 

Kai's hand was about to reach one of her pockets before she backed off letting Kai finally be able to catch his breath… Her loss of calm made the pressure on the others' back much lighter as they were finally able to resist the force to a certain degree… 

They didn't let this chance slide out of their hands as they instantly moved their legs attacking Myra all at the same time… 

Myra was trying to get back her composure after seeing the action Kai just took, he made it seem like he was some kind of pervert aiming for her boobs yet it was merely an act to hide the true spot he was heading for which was her pockets where she hid her most valuable thing… 

"How did he know though??? "

But Before Myra's head was capable of compromising this exchange, she felt great danger setting upon her as she witnessed two huge guys, and a girl who looked nothing less scary than the two all right on her with their fists closed and raised their hands preparing to make her beautiful elegant, angelic face a complete bloody mess. 
