
Blood and chaos

Losing everything he once ever had, he was destined to live poorly for the rest of his life... But coming in like a guardian angel to save the pure innocent child, a middle-aged, rich man adopted him rescuing the kid from the dark fate awaiting for him. Or so they thought... But The kid's life was turned into a living hell like many others because of the evil, obsessed scientist and his research. Many lost their lives, their friends, their homes, and even their minds in the despair and pain of this monstrous activity... The question is... Will the unknown kid from the adoption centre survive this hell? Or will he be lost in the sea of time like many others?

Zied_younis8 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

I Hate The Army

Standing next to his perfectly tidied bed Kai had a dark look on his face. 

 It had been two weeks since he joined the military and if he had to describe his experience here in one word it would be… 

'Boring… '

All he does here was training, training, and training… Maybe sleeping and eating as well… 

But nothing of real importance was happening, and even this 'Training' was of no use to him because the exercises and the routine itself were made for normal humans, not super ones… 

As a superhuman his body was naturally stronger and faster than ordinary humans and almost better in every way possible. 

And to make his life here even worse, Ellen wouldn't come out of his tail even for a second whenever they were not sleeping, in fact, she even tried to ask the people with authority to let them share the room, which was obviously rejected as no female and male were allowed in the same room here to avoid any type of s*xual relationships between the recruits… 


Wearing his black army uniform Kai headed towards the door prepared for another long day of work. 

"Good morning! I'm here so we can go for breakfast together, So come on, hurry up, And… Oh, what's with that face you're making..." 

Before he could even take a single step outside, a familiar face-which he had been seeing for the past two weeks blocked his way making him unable to leave the room. 

"Come on! Why Are you just standing there?!? Let's go…!"


'That's why I Hate the army!!'

"Oi…!! Did you just slam your door on us?!! Come here before I take down this door you f*cking piece of sh*t…!!"

'Oh, F*ck!! Sophie came out…! '

Hearing the aggressive tone Ellen switched to, Kai knew he was f*cked up because he already learned the hard way how different and harsh Ellen's second personality can be… 

"I said open the f*cking door you…" 

"Alright, alright… Just stop yelling will ya…?"  

Not wanting his door to end up broken to pieces, Kai resisted the urge to keep dwelling inside his room as he took off with Ellen to the cafeteria… Today was a free day for them meaning they had no boring training to do, thankfully… 

"See… It wasn't so hard now was it!? Now let's get going before we're late…" 

With that, they both took off after Ellen's personality switched back to the normal friendly version of her. 


"By the way, do you know where Conor and Ken…? I haven't seen them in the past two days…"

Waiting in the somewhat long line to get their breakfast, Ellen couldn't resist wondering if something happened with the two… 

"Who knows… They're probably in solitary for getting caught flirting with some female here… The idiots had to eventually get in trouble, it's better if they get punished now for something simple instead of later for something too big…"

" Fair enough…" 


Finally getting to the front of the line, Kai and Ellen took the yield of their plates as they headed towards an empty table somewhere at one of the corners… 

On their way there they could feel the many looks of lust and curiosity landing directly on them nearly piercing through their souls… 

The two still felt uncomfortable with these looks though they were already used to them to some extent… After all, they were getting these weird looks from people since the first day they got here… 

Which was understandable regarding the fact the two looked like literal angels… In fact, when they were first seen here, many thought they were the kids of some noble, rich family and some even went to saluting them in hopes of getting on their good side. 

And so a person can only imagine those people's amazement after being told that they were merely normal recruits… 

But as people were losing their interest in the two, their curiosity was reignited after witnessing the two's strength and skill in passing all the drills they thought were hellish so easily like it wasn't even worth their time, making even the dumbest people here realize that the two were of no normal origins… 

"Anyway, your father told me about your goal here and I gotta say, it's going to be hard… So, do you have any ideas, plans, or something to start with??!"

As soon as they got to the table and before Kai was able to take a single bite of his food, Ellen raised a question about what has been bothering her since she was assigned to watch over him. 

After all, what they were plotting to do was going to be very hard and very risky, crazy even, to some people… And so Ellen had to know what plans Kai might have and discuss them together… 


"Mhm… That sounds grea… Wait what?!!!?!"

Ellen was expecting something so dangerous and smart that she would lose her mind after hearing it because, in her mind, Kai was some sort of an urban legend to some degree… After all, who participated in the dark matter facility's experiments and haven't heard of the favorite child of the great, evil Dr.Kim and his incredible schemes that'd implant the fright and dread in his enemies' hearts? 

Though she thought the rumors about him were so exaggerated, she still had some expectations… But in none of them she ever thought that Kai would suggest them doing absolutely nothing. 

"What… What do you mean 'Nothing'??!"

With his usual face of indifference, Kai repeated his answer once more before a tiny sneering smile grew on his face sending shivers down Ellen's spine… 

"I meant what I said… We won't do anything, we'll just wait… We'll wait and everything will start up on its own…" 

"What do you mea… "

Ellen was yet to be finished with this but before she could go on with her sentence, a loud, rough annoying male voice barged in cutting her halfway there. 

"Heey!! How're you guys doing? Have you missed us yet? Because we sure did miss you…"

Two large males with well-built figures that almost ripped their uniforms off stopped by Kai and Ellen's table waving stupidly like two babies making their threatening aura and looks go to full waste…