
Blinded Love: The return

Terrence, the eldest son of the leader of the Dhalia pack, was framed for killing his stepmother and got cursed at a very young age, all thanks to the jealousy of someone near to him... but no one knows the truth Terrence was kicked out of the pack for the sake of his little brother, Erick, who was afraid of him. Now the time has passed, Erick received the love of everyone around him while Terrence the hatred of people. When the annual tournament came Terrence's father asked him to return because he wants his son to marry an Alpha and leave the family forever…. Without knowing that his arrival will bring with him many entanglements and surprises... ꨄ Book cover made with Pinterest's images Illustrations' rights to their respective authors.

Misaki_Butterfly · LGBT+
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29 Chs

Hate, Love, and so on

Erick couldn't sleep anything… he saw that broken medallion with anxiety all night…

The previous night

Before Bastian came back, after the mysterious voice said that "prophecy" in the hall he quietly left a little nervous.

When he arrived at his room he took out a device to call that person.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Oh young master, what a lovely surprise"

The old woman who was being protected through the device was laughing at his reaction.

"Why? Did you not enjoy my little prank?"

"You're crazy… What are you going to do when they find out it was a lie?"

"Oh god… you're ruining the fun"

In a matter of seconds, the old woman appeared in front of him with a scary face scaring Erick.

"H-How did you…"

"I have my ways… so what is it now? Why are you so f*cking irritated now?"

Erick looked at her with a little fear and then looked for the medallion to hand it over to her. When she saw that crack she got furious and raised her head to see the boy.

"Young master, do you perhaps have negative feelings for your older brother?"

Those words made Erick flinch, he was unable to answer because it was true. Since Terrence came back all his world had fallen apart. He steals Daemon from his side, and all the attention, and even that st*pid tree announced him as the new king.

A strong slap was heard…

Erick fell on the floor after the hit that he obviously wasn't expecting. The guy looked at the old woman with surprise but when he looked at her she had changed completely. The old person becomes young with long beautiful red hair like blood and a pair of majesty amethyst eyes.


"If you ask something silly again I will get really mad at you know"

Erick stopped talking even when he was too curious about that change of appearance, however, he didn't want another hit.

"Young master, how many times do I have to tell you?"

"A-about what?"

Erick felt another hit and looked at that person with an angry expression.

"I told you no more silly questions" The intense amethyst eyes were terrifying for him, fortunately, that person continued explaining. "You are craving your own grave, the more you hate him or get jealous the easier the curse will break, I repeated so many times that you have to love him"

Erick looked astonished at the other, how the hell did he forget something so important? He used to do that, he also prayed for his brother's well-being to gain more attention and love from the people around him.

"I'm sorry… I forgot"

"It's okay, not all of that is your fault, this place is full of light magic so it was going to be difficult anyway"

The person came back to being an old woman and took out a small ring with a beautiful amethyst.

"Take this and give it to him, you have to love your brother more like any other person if you want to obtain what he has"

"And how…How can I do that?"

"You like that guy Daemon, don't you?"

Erick blushed when he heard that and nodded his head but the old woman only smiled. She also gave him a small bottle with a strange blue liquid in it.

"Stop trying to chase after him, if you want to break your brother you have to conquer Blausen"

"Why that guy?"

"Because he's the soulmate of your brother!" the old woman shouted angrily, Erick froze in his place when he heard that. "So when you're ready to let go of those feelings drink this, after that everything will go smoothly"

• • • • ❁ • • • •

Sasha was lost in his thoughts, he didn't eat anything after he came across Dorhan, and Dahak also left him behind, he knew his friend was angry, and even when he apologized it was obvious that he needed time.

He was also nagging himself for being a jerk and talking like those prejudiced people he hates the more.

He had been thinking why did he do that? Sasha didn't want to admit it but he said nonsense only because Dorhan made him feel strange in a lot of ways.

"Aggh! This is frustrating!"

He saw the food he had brought from the kitchen but decided to take it back.

Maybe in a couple of hours, his appetite would come again. The morning was coming and the atmosphere changed quickly, the castle wasn't as creepy and dark as before, however, to change his mood Sasha decided to take a stroll around and unfortunately found Dorhan sleeping in the garden.

Sasha knew there were always some good days and bad days, but he didn't what kind of day was today…

"Hey… you can't sleep here" Sasha tried to wake him up. " You're going to catch a cold" he kept talking until he reached the guy and kneeled to see his face better. He was a little similar to Dahak but also too different.

Dorhan looked more like an adopted child than his half-brother but his features were good, he was too sexy for his own good… his beautiful skin tone, that hair like the color of the stars, and his delicious cinnamon scent.

Sasha was approaching him without realizing it, lost in his thoughts…

"This is kind of new… are you trying to steal a kiss from me?"

Sasha stopped when Dorhan's deep voice made him realize what he was doing. He was really so close to his lips but… WHY WAS HE TRYING TO KISS HIM?

"ah… I'm sorry I was…checking if you were still breathing…"

Dorhan looked at him with a raised eyebrow, he was not dumb enough to believe that pathetic excuse but if he was trying to save his pride that way he wouldn't say anything.

"I see, so was it the verdict, doctor? Am I still alive?"

Sasha blushed completely embarrassed and got up ready to run away.

"Yeah, yeah you're full in spirit, good…"

Sasha was going to say goodbye but Dorhan's big hand stopped him. The delta was intrigued, there wasn't any omega who wanted him near, less thought about a kiss or having sex with him, however, the guy in front of him not only approached him without any gear he also tried to kiss him and was looking at him with a strange desire…

That made him feel interested…

"You're fascinating… your name?

The light of the sun made Sasha appreciate more clearly that man's face. He felt as if his breath stopped the moment his eyes made contact with those intense silver eyes looking at him with curiosity. Sasha hates the gazes of the others because they look at him as if he was a kind of phenomenon but Dorhan's gaze was far too different.

"Sasha…" he answered unconsciously.

Dorhan looked at his hand passing his fingers on his palm to remember his touch, his smell before he released him leaving a kiss on his knuckles.

"I will remember it… Sasha"

His name coming from him made the omega blush furiously, he didn't know how he was able to make him feel that way. As lightning, he handed the food he had to him and ran away.

For the first time, Sasha's body reacted to someone who was not an omega, he got an erection but he also felt something went behind… something that has NEVER happened to him.

• • • • ❁ • • • •

Terrence was dreaming, he was in the garden of Reinheit, he was chasing a voice calling his name but it was strange.

The woman who was shouting at him told him to run… run away from Reinheit because if he remained there he would suffer more….

When he finally woke up the strong peppermint reminded him that he was still in Daemon's arms.

He blushed immediately, he was more conscious now and he could feel how those strong arms were hugging him with care.

At that moment Terrence forgot that warning in his dream and he only thought about how he would like to know how Daemon looked while he was asleep. He wondered why he got cursed… and what he did wrong.

However, when he thought that the demon's blood inside his body started to react, the seal that kept it inactive broke it and started flooding through his body.

Daemon felt the movement and slowly opened his eyes but when he looked at his companion he saw Erick in his arms.

The alpha got up angry and pressed his hands a little bit hard on that boy's arms, however, when he looked again Terrence was there.

"Auch… what happened?"

"I'm sorry Terry… I… I saw something strange…" Daemon loosened his grip and caressed where he pressed but he felt a strange and disgusted feeling in his mouth.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Terrence extended his hand and left it on his cheek caressing his face. Daemon smiles and rubs his face on his hand but then again when he looks at him he sees Erick on Terrence.

Daemon hugs Terrence and gives him a kiss on his forehead saying he was going to bring the food.

The albino went out quickly leaving a confused Terrence inside the room.

The cold morning finally arrives, with a lot of surprises, a new person in the castle, and those who drink like there is no tomorrow wake up feeling wasted and strange, they couldn't remember very well the previous night but they somehow felt they had a great night.




To be continued


I'm really happy for all your support!

I know I put some scent and then they changed so I had to read it again and change them but those corrections are in the fandom section. ✨

Misaki_Butterflycreators' thoughts