
Chapter 12

Kater's POV

I woke up with a killer headache, my neck and shoulder throbbed while I pratically felt my heart beat in my toes. I groaned my hand unconciously going to my throbbing should that felt like its on fire when I realised its bandaged up.

Oh yeah that's right, last night I had a pretty nasty gun shot fight. Those fucking bastard. Am going to kill everyone that worked for him. Yesterday, I finally had a guarantee that the man who tried to attack me in the club was one of Eros' men and when I thought I will finally get Eros in that fucking ball he slipped away.

So I went to the place that this hitman who was hired to kill me stayed and found a couple of men, just enjoying their sweet time with old style of drinking and smoking. Well, lets say from there we had a little gun fire contest which I killed most of them but one of them shot me before I could finish him off and now his face is just filled with bullets. Its a shame if he had a family, nobody will even recognise him.

I ran my hand through my hair when I remembered Quinn was the one who dressed my wound. He took care of me the whole night and I can only remember bit of pieces of last night. Did he even sleep over? I remember seeing him this morning but my memory is a bit fuzy, I can't seem to recall everything perfectly.

I got up from my bed massaging my stiff neck a little and I looked at my phone to see its almost evening. Wow! I slept half of day. I hate wasting my time sleeping than doing something more important. I walked slowly to my living room, a wonderful auroma catching my attention and immediately my stomach growled.

I wonder whose at my place. I walked slowly to the kitchen from the rackess am hearing and find Daniella eating something that Olympia made. "What the fuck are you two doing here?" I growled feeling a little grumpy because am hungry.

"Someone is a little grumpy today." Daniella mumbled getting up from her sit and come to my side. "Boss, wanted us to take care of you because I heard you had a nasty gun shot." She informed me and I huffed seeing that Roman still thinks I need a babysitter. I'm an assassin, I kill people not taken care off.

"And how is a maid going to take care of me?" I questioned Daniella and she rolled her eyes leading me to the living room. "Don't be too harsh at Olympia, she willingly accepted to work for you until you fully recover and if I were you I would absolutely take advantange of her. She cooks things that are out of this world. Just try this dish she has made.." She made me to sit down as she told Olympia to bring some food for me.

She immediately brought a couple of dish and I see she has made, brison meatballs, bourbon bread pudding, cobb salad and another dish have never seen. "What's that dish?" I asked her eyeing it, it had a wonderful auroma and my stomach was eating me alive from seeing all this tasty foods. "Its enchilados from Mexico."

God! They look all amazingly delicious, I can almost feel some saliva getting out from my mouth. I eyed her happily ready to serve for myself but she stopped me. "Let me, Miss. What would you like to be served first?" She asked and I nibbled my lip not really knowing what to start with.

"Umm, the enchila..." I tried to say the name of the dish she recently told me and she giggled telling me, "enchilados." I nodded my head motioning her to serve for me faster as she handed me my plate. I moaned immediately as my tongue tasted the delicious food and faced her. "Fuck! Olympia this is great, add more and put some brison meatball to it." I said cheerfully and I heard Daniella chuckling.

"Serve for Daniella too, am sure she's salivating from all the dishes you've made." I told Olympia and she nodded taking another plate as I saw Daniella roll her eyes. "I told you would like her cooking." She rubbed it on my face and I chuckled eating my food. Fuck! This is fantastic. I'm going to tell Roman to find another maid so that Olympia can stay with me.

"Miss?" Olympia called out for me when I finished my food tasting all dishes she made and now I feel like a fucking penguine. I'm so full, I can't even dream of eating anything else. "Go on." I encouraged her to say what she wanted. "Mr Quinn Linch instructed me to inform you that he went to New York and will be coming back soon and told me to give you this medication."

She handed me some tablets and water and I thanked her taking them. "Mr. Linch was here?" Daniella asked and I nodded my head handing back the glass to Olympia and sat up. "His the one who helped me get the bullet out last night." I tell her rubbing my temples realising it wasn't really a dream.

"Isn't he the man that-" I stopped her before she could continue, "Yes its him and I don't want to talk about that topic anymore." I said firmly leaning back feeling as if my stomach will burst any time.

"Boss told me that you have to attend to a meeting that he has tomorrow." I looked at her confused because Roman doesn't usually involve me in his business if it isn't so important.


"His meeting with the Costello brothers tomorrow and said that he wanted you there because Luis Costello wanted you to be present." I sighed heavily from what she has told me. Why does that man want from me? I mean I'm not the one whose leading the most dangerous Mob in Russia.

I woke up the next day feeling much better from last time and took a shower as some flashes come to me the day Quinn was here. Fuck! I can't believe I let him shower with me and touch me, I'm even surprised that he didn't loose control from how I was acting towards him. He even showered with his pants. How cute!

I chuckled a little and I immediately burnt my finger with the curling wand. This is my second time that I've burnt my finger. I sighed curling again my hair this time being a little conctrated but fuck me, all I could think about was Quinn. I wonder when he will come back.

What am I even thinking? Am supposed to be forgetting him but am only thinking of when he will come back. What's wrong with me? It has been three years and I haven't been able to forget about him at all.

I sighed putting down the curl iron seeing that I've done a good job to my hair. At least my fingers weren't burnt for nothing. I puffed my hair a little seeing it has grown longer from my last hair cut.

I took a mascara before getting lost in my own thoughts again. Maybe his even with that slut Mia. I mean she's his fiancèe and has every right to be with him while I don't. Why did he even come to my place? I remember his panicked face when he saw that I was shot almost to the ones that he saw me in danger. I wonder if he still feels something for me. But even if he does where do I fit to that equation?

As I strocked the wand along the length of my lashes, I winced a little thinking of how maybe am wasting my time thinking of him while his enjoying his time with his fiancèe. Fuck! What did I do wrong in my past life that I have so much bad luck. The wet mascara dotted the skin just below my lower lash line and I swiped it off with my thumb.

I exchanged the mascara for a subtle pink lipstick and glided it across my lips. I'm going for that fucking brunch so I could meet up with Roman and the Costello brothers. I wonder what Luis wants from me that he eagerly wanted to see me there. Well, that what Roman told me after I called him when I got the information of the meeting. He said that I charmed him and he couldn't stop speaking about me.

I slipped on my black cocktail dress, its not really reveiling but its perfect for the meeting and from where we are having our lunch. "Ready?" Daniella asked plopping her head at the door creak and I nodded checking myself once more. I've already removed the bandage from my shoulder seeing the wound is not that deep but just okey.

We arrived at a expensive restaurant. Very tasteful, I'd expect nothing less. Unfortunately, Daniella insisted in riding my car making an excuse that Roman would be angry if he found out I rode it myself but I know she just made that up so I couldn't ride the car myself.

The doors were held opened for me with Roman's men as I entered the restaurant. There were many stares in my direction because people have truly nothing else better to do. Daniella walked foward and talked to the host. "Reservation under the name Costello." She said and the man's eyes widen a little before he checked his diary and led us to the table.

I was absolutely fascinated with the restaurant. Maybe I can buy it. Amongst the tables, I saw Roman, Luis and Delvin sitting at the far back as they chatted. After being led to the table, the host left us and I greeted the gentlemen infront of me.

"Katerlina, its so lovely of you to join us." Luis rose from his seat together with Roman and Delvin as he shook my hand. I forced a smile on my face as I greeted him and turned to greet Delvin before I sat down next to Roman.

"How are you feeling?" He whispered to me, "alive." I answered shortly and he chuckled straigtening his suit. "Katerlina, I hope you met my brother, Delvin." Luis gestured to Delvin and he chuckled, "of course we have met, she a good friend to my fiancèe and it would be a wonderful pleasure if we did business together."

His such a sweetheart, no wonder Chloe fell for him. He got some hot charms. I smiled at him as a waiter brought for me a glass champagne. "It would be a pleasure if my brother did business with you gentlemen. But that doesn't add up as to why you requested of me." I tried not to sound rude but if they got it that way fuck them.

Luis chuckled sipping his drink, "you're quite a straight-foward woman, Katerlina." I waved off Daniella as so Roman did to his before he got to some heat conversation. "I can't argue in that." I glanced at Roman who I notice his features become hard a little as if his trying to calculate something.

"So tell me, how do you find London to be?" Luis asked, "well, its quite cold from how Russia is but in other things its spectacular." Delvin chuckled and we soon got into a light conversation and the server brought round our courses.

"Kater, have noticed you have an injury in your shoulder." Delvin stated and I shuffled a little in my seat answering him, "rain-check. I run into some trouble and one thing led to the next but all is good."

"I guess the matter with Eros is a little unstable?" Luis asked and I tensed up a little from his question. How did he know that Eros is a foe of ours? Did Roman tell him about our problem with him? And since when did Roman trust people easily. "Don't worry, he has been a pain my ass too for awhile but I guess the circumstances with you are different from Roman's perspective."

Immediately he mention Roman, I glared at him not believing he could give important information to a nasty business men like Luis. To say the truth, in this world you can't really understimate anyone and Luis Costello is so far from understimation. You could immediately smell the stench of his power and dark humour but not more than my brother over here who even gives you the urge to hide under the table with one look at him.

I don't mean his not attractive, the complete opposite. He usually makes all the women around him fall for him except me of course even when we are together all the women pratically throw daggers at me from envy but what can I say, his my dipshit ass of a brother.

Roman just looked at me blankly showing me his not a even regretful what he did.



Fucking small ass!

Oh my god did I just think fucking small ass? Oh Lord, I want to burst of laughter from what my stupid IQ made me think but shit, a small giggle left my lips. Am a stupid idiot. I clear my throat trying to contain my laughter from my stupid curses. I wish I could scream them at his face, yeah I would like to see how his face will twist in anger.

I look back at Luis bursting my little bubble of rediculous thoughts and give him my blank face. "The thought of my brother giving you all this information is quite surprising but I guess he has his reasons for trusting in you."

"Yes and because we have a common enemy lets take this as an advantage."

"Advantage?" Roman this time spoke up and I looked at Luis curiously wanting to know where his heading to. "Yes. I have given this opinion am about to give you a lot of consinderation. What about we form a strong alliance between our mafias by an arranged marriage?"

My blank face now twisted to a confused one from what Luis said. What does he mean by arranged marriage? Who is going to marry who? I eyed Delvin seeing his looking at his brother perplexed. Its clear he wasn't accepecting that from him. I had a bad feeling about this.

"Where are you heading to?" Roman asked him and I took my wine sipping it waiting for Luis to respond. "An arranged marriage between me and Katerlina-" I immediately spat out the wine in my mouth seeing I will be chocked if I don't spit. I took the nearest cloth that was laid out for me, dabbing it on my lips and table seeing some people are looking this way.

Don't they have anything better to do than to look at us like vultures. I muttered a sorry cleaning myself up before I looked at Luis who just looked amazed. It's as if he anticipated for this moment. "...as I was saying Roman. This marriage will ensure peace between both our parties. No one wants a war I assume and you know there has been an unspoken war between the Italians and Russians."

His talking as if I don't exist. Its as if am a fucking trophie to just show how they will become stronger when am his wife. His fucking wife. That word sounds so foreign. "I must say that's a good arguement you got there, Luis. It never crossed my mind."

All this while I've stayed like a statue not being able find the right word to say but from Roman's repley, I snapped out. "Izvinite? (Excuse me?)" I turned to Roman has he rubbed his chin considering what Luis said.

I was going to blow up right now. How dare they talk about me as if I'm an object they can trade me around. I've always known that Roman has a dark side in him but how can he stoop to this level.

"Are you seriously considering it, Roman. Your my fucking brother. We share the same blood, well not entirely because we have different mothers and the same father. Ugh! You know what I mean..." Now am rumbling. Fucking great work Kater. That's how you stand up for yourself.

"Uspokuiť sya, Katerlina! (Calm down!)" Roman hissed at me. He fucking hissed at me. I stand up from my seat dramatically, my glass of wine falling on the table as it spilled the red liquid. "Katerlina! Don't take this the wrong way. That's why I asked-"

I couldn't take it. I can't fucking hear another word come from the supposed man that wanted me to marry him. "You know what? Idti yebať sebya! All of you. (Go fuck yourself!)" I felt as if smoke was coming from my flared nose. I was boiling with rage as I looked at my brother who was breathing fire as he was practically eating up my soul.

Okey! Maybe I would have kept my mouth shut but I have to stand up for myself if he won't and I'm not scared of anyone espcially not him, I've gone through worse. I looked back at Luis seeing his looking at me intensely while his jaws are tightly clenched together with his hands and I eyed Delvin seeing his looking at both of us curiously.

"Don't you have any other fucking things to do than to throw your fucking eyes all over here!" I growled to the people around us that are looking curiously at us and they immediately looked elsewhere except us. I grabbed my purse angrily not waiting for anyone to react and walked faster till I reached my car.

"Miss?" Daniella called out as she saw how angry I am. "Get me a fucking plane. I'm going to Spain." I said shortly opening my car's door and slumming it hard that the car shook. Fuck him! Fuck all of them! How could he think I can accept to such an agreement.

His has some fucking balls in him.