
Blind Love of Calla Lily

A short fairytale story about a thief and the mysterious witch of the tower

Somin_Cam · Fantasy
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Blind love of Calla Lily

World's greatest betrayal is love

It makes us venerable, sad, angry.

but on the contrary,

It also teaches us about ourselves.

High up in the tower of bricks, stayed

the most hideous looking woman, she

wasn't old, if anything, she was young.

All of the town knew about her, but no

one ever saw her. They all called her 'The

witch from over the tower'.

Her unreliable parents locked her up and

told her "you are to never look at the mirror

,no one will ever bare to look at you" from then

onwards, she dared never leave.

One day, a thief stole some bread from the

market place. He ran and ran as far as possible

and as fast as possible, until. He found himself in the middle of the forest.

"I can't starve forever" he said

He ate the piece of bread to his heart's

content while wondering around the forest.

"stop" an unknown voice spoke out

The thief stopped and turned around,

he thought he misheard it but it called

out again. He was very scared.

"You stepped on my favorite Calla lily.

How will redeem yourself?" the voice

shouted. Terrified, the boy fell to the

ground, "I will do anything you want

just let me live" he begged.

The voice continued "Fine. Few roads ahead

of you, is a tower, go there and marry

the witch. If you don't do it in 30 days

I will kill you."

Even though he knew that the witch

can kill him if he dares to look at the

tower, he went to the tower anyways.

moving past the leafs and trees, he

finally reached clean open land, to

his surprise, the whole land was

filled with beautiful Calla lily of all kinds,

a stream of water so clean and blue that

it shines against the sun.

The thief was so lost at the beauty

of the scenery that he forgot the

reason he was here for. He went

to pick a berry when someone held a

knife on his neck

"who are you"

Shaken, he told her everything, she

became quiet for some time and

eventually asked him "turn around"

The thief knew about the rumors

about this hideous witch, he was scared.

He slowly turned around, tracing the

female bottom to top dressed in all black,

even her face was heavily covered. He asked


"why do you dress in such manner?"

she answered "I was taught that all women

dress this way to preserve their beauty"

Their conversation continued for long

hours, the witch invited him inside the

ginormous tower which was just as big

on the inside.

Minutes, hours, days go by as the thief

and the witch grow very fond of each

other, they ate together, took care of the

garden, and more. However, the thief became

more and more curious about what is really

under the dark covers, he asked her plenty

of times on why can't he see her face? She

always replied with

"It's a promise I can't fail,

he that will take me, will take my veil"

He couldn't understand the what he meant

on the other hand, there was two days left

till he had to marry her. Time was running out,

he was helpless. After getting to know the witch

he realized that she is different from how the

rumors describe her and that she shouldn't

marry a thief.

It's the 30th day morning, now that he knew

he will die, he terribly wanted to see the witch's

real face, even for a second. while the witch was sleeping with her dark veil on, he gently took on corner of her veil and lifted it like the weight of a feather. The moment he looked at her face, he was stunned.

She had pure golden locks that glimmers from the dawn light, skin as pure white as the finest milk, lashes that was raven black. She put beauty itself to shame. He kept staring at the sleeping face until his eyes started burning and melting out from the radiating light from the witch. He screamed as blood poured out from his eyes, he didn't know how to stop it.

Fortunately, his screams woke the witch up

and she immediately realized what happened,

she ran to her stream and brought back cold water and poured it on his eyes, they calmed down.

She explained to the horrified thief, "This is the curse by which I live. No man can ever see again if they come close" she cried looking at the thief with

no eyes. The thief suddenly smiled "I saw you, even for a second I did. My only wish now is to know the color of your eyes". The girl sobbed "purple"

The boy held her hand and smiled "Even if I can't see you anymore, I'll keep loving you blindly my Calla Lily."

From that day onwards, the Boy and Calla Lily lived together and everyday, the Boy would paint Calla Lily will all those expressions that he can never see at all and Calla Lily would hang them all in the tower as they lived happily ever after together.