
Blind Devotion : Love Beyond the Visible World

Shizumu Nomura dies in an uneventful incident but still clings unto the memories of good moments of her life. As she walking into the gates of the underworld soon to become a prisoner of hell to be punished for her crime back when she was living. A white light suddenly drags her out of the cold void and soon as she wakes up she finds herself in the body of young boy in Ancient China. Bewildered and disturbed on how the events of her life escalated to this point she tries as best as is trying to navigate her way in Jinlong kingdom.

Miyoko211 · Eastern
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3 Chs

Chapter 0.5 - Strange Rebirth

Shizumu Nomura, in her cloud, like Kimono, waltzed into the gates of the underworld, her soul heavily burdened by her past mistakes. She was in a state of disbelief as she tried to process her demise. She wondered how she ended up like this and how she threw everything away just to be in this position. But at this moment, she couldn't help but cling to those memories, which were slowly fading away while she walked closer to the gates.

She was ready to accept it all, as she was the one who caused this in the first place, until a strange light grabbed her, pulling her away from the abyss and into the unknown. Slipping away to unconsciousness.

She finally woke up, and a sense of disorientation and confusion flowed into her mind. In this haze of a whirlpool of emotion,. She found herself in a pool of memories constantly flowing into her. All that was clearly not hers. Waves of memories came in, making her go into a frenzy.

With a dawning sense of realization. She finally understood what was going on; she had become the owner of the body that was once inhabited by the young Liang Xuan.

As Shizumu found herself deep in thought about the absurdity of her situation, her first instinct wasn't to panic or to go into dismay. No, it was to quip about her situation's ridiculousness.

"Ah, after almost walking to my death, I found myself waking dressed like a walking dumpling. What a wonderful way to start the day.". Her face gleaming with a wide simile as she mused herself, her tone laced with dry humour.

"I couldn't enjoy my peace in the underworld. This is kind of petty, even for the afterlife. The irony in her words is that she knew very well that if she was still there, she would serve the eternal punishment of a fiery furnace being cooked alive over and over.

But these thoughts were soon dismissed as she took a look at her surroundings with a mixture of admiration and awe. The exiquitous design carved into the walls of the chamber, not to mention the gorgeous long sky blue attire she was wearing, "Well, at least i got this outfit," she said while spinning around in circles across the room. Liang Xuan, you really have some style. 

Despite the surrealness of her predicament,. Her second life was in a C-drama like setting. Most people would have probably had their second mental breakdown. She was determined to face this new reality with her sarcasm and wits. " A first-hand experience on the Great Chinese Collapse of the Qing dynasty; although a visit to a museum could have sufficed, now i just feel like an actor in all those cringeworthy shows." 

But she couldn't help but wonder how she got here or why this era. She frankly searched her memories to recall the events of moments ago.