
Blind Alpha's Wife

What if... A werewolf will have an affair with a human? A half werewolf will be born? At 5, will she see her mother die? Her own sister killed her mother for something she didn't do? She will be sold to Alpha from another pack, for her father and sister's own benefit? Constans, born as a half werewolf, out of an affair. She hates her werewolf part as much as her family. She was sold to Alpha as his wife, a man who is blind, almost blind. Is there any justice? What would you do in such a situation? And what will the protagonist do?

MurasakinoHono · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Chapter 0.

Gehenna, a world of inhuman beings, preying on human misfortune, despair and even life. The land of demons, vampires, werewolves and the like, shapeshifters, succubus and many more. However, despite the misrepresentation of the world by humans, even there was a law, an interspecies hierarchy, and a hierarchy within the species. Each species inhabiting this underworld had its territory, history, hierarchy, tradition and some kind of law and rules, yet they were all subject to the supreme existence, the fallen angel, Lucifer.

The Lord of Hell had one most important rule that everyone had to follow. It was strictly forbidden to bring people who were alive into Gehenna, except for those who made a deal with the inhabitants of Hell. This was also the case here, although not entirely.

In a remote, vast forest belonging to the werewolf species and the like, at the residence of the main family of the Buraddi pack, known for their honors in the service of Satan, an unpleasant event had just occurred that would change the history of werewolves, their hierarchy and law forever.

"Kill her and that brat!" you could hear the agitated black-haired woman shouting to one of her servants. She hated her, she hated humans, especially the green-eyed woman who seduced her father, the one who brought her mother suffering and death. "Just me, just kill me, please don't hurt my dear daughter, your sister!" screamed a distraught human woman. She was a human, the daughter of a fool who thought he could deceive a faithful subject of Satan. A woman with emerald green eyes and hair as pink as cherry blossoms cried and pleaded. She knew she had made a mistake, knew she shouldn't have fallen in love with her master, the red-haired werewolf, her daughter's father. But she would never have imagined that his eldest child would want to kill her own sister just because she was half human! Didn't she really see even the slightest sign of kinship in the younger girl? "For pity's sake, don't hurt your sister!"

"That thing ain't my sister! I will never accept anything that has to do with the human race in the Buraddi family!" black-haired girl couldn't take it. By what right could this man be her sister? She's just a bastard, an illegitimate child who shouldn't be born! To think that her mother killed herself when she found out about the affair, that her husband had betrayed her to a species as inferior as human. 'It's all her fault! Her and that damned brat!' She approached the girl and grabbed her hair, lifting her to the height of her face, looking with disgust at beautiful, green eyes just like mothers, she tugged harder on her red hair, which was a testimony of their kinship, red like their father's, it's the only thing she inherited from him. The little girl was not a werewolf, she could not take the full form of a wolf, even keeping only the ears and tail was a problem for her and this woman dared to call them sisters? A really pathetic joke

"If you are begging for mercy, why not pray to this God of yours?" she asked with contempt in her voice. "You, humans, love to do this when you need help, right?" she snorted looking with amusement at the older woman, she was about thirty, not much younger than their father in human years... "Ah well, how can you ask God for anything if you gave your body to the brood of hell." The black-haired woman started laughing, humans are really pathetic creatures. Suddenly she felt a prickle in her hand and released the kid. "You fucking brat!" she screamed, kicking the girl with all her might. "Constans!" The despair of the pink-haired woman was not covered when she saw her daughter bounce off the wall and fall to the floor with a bang. She was afraid for her life, like everyone else, did not want to die, but even more so didn't want her daughter to die, the only good thing she had in life.

Her dearest treasure. A little creature, a five-year-old girl with beautiful red hair and green eyes. They were not as dark as her mothers, they were brighter, shimmering like polished crystal.

What mother would forgive treating her child like this?

She walked slowly up to the child, she had to make sure that nothing serious had happened to her. The werewolves watched her, watched her turn and put the child on her back, watching her closely. Suddenly she felt anger spreading all over her body, she was afraid, but emotions raging inside her and adrenaline did their job. She got up and threw herself at black-haired woman, she wanted to hurt her, punish her for what she had done to her dear child, but she knew the differences in strength, so she had to keep her busy for a few minutes, for a momentary chaos to reign, so that her daughter could escape. The little girl looked up and froze as she saw her mother pierced by the claws of a black wolf. "How sorry." she spoke with artificial sympathy in her voice. "Humans are really naive." She took her hand from the woman's belly and she dropped slowly to the floor. Blood poured from the wound like a mad, black-haired woman looked triumphantly at the woman who squirmed with pain, holding onto the wound. "You should have known your place." She lunged, turning towards the younger 'sister'. "Touch her with your finger-" the woman grabbed the older sister by the leg, pausing her for a moment.

"So what? You will kill me?" she asked sarcastically as she looked superiorly at the bleeding woman. "Funny! Do you really believe you have any chances against a werewolf? " She said mockingly, kicking the woman in the stomach right next to the wound. "Mom!" It was the first time the girl spoke, a desperate scream escaped her lips as she saw her mother bouncing off the wall next to her. "I urge you..." she choked out, her voice getting quieter, with the last of her strength she rose to her feet and stood in front of her daughter, swaying, raised her hand and pointed accusingly, stopping in turn at the black-haired woman. "I curse anyone who tries to touch my daughter!"

The black-haired woman started laughing. She laughed out loud, sneering with unconcealed satisfaction as she watched the pink-haired woman slowly drop to her knees. "Do you really think you scare someone with this talk?" The smile quickly faded from her face, replaced by a cold sullen expression, the gaze of a predator seeing the perfect opportunity to attack its prey. She lowered her head and quickly slashed her claws under the woman's carotid arteries. There was blood everywhere, the girl watched as her mother's body fell limp to the floor, a pool of scarlet liquid forming around her.

"You should be grateful, thanks to your more generous mother you will live longer." She looked at the younger girl who was staring at the carcass all the time. Slowly she raised her little hands to her face, there was a scarlet liquid on both her face and clothes, she was wearing the blood of her own mother. Suddenly, they could hear the red-haired girl at first silent and soft with time, a sob that grew stronger, a terrible wail that hurt the werewolf's ears. Sour tears ran down her cheeks, mingling with her mother's blood. She didn't move, she sat still crying out her beautiful green eyes, feeling like she wouldn't be able to speak for a long time after that. Is this the punishment for being born? If so, why didn't she, but her mother die?

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps was heard around the room, a tall man with red hair and a 'goatee' and golden eyes entered the hall, the left one was brighter, blind. He was dressed in a black suit with blood red detailing, and there was a bow tie around his neck of the same color, the color representing their family, their pack. "What's going on here?" The red-haired girl heard a familiar voice and raised her head slowly, letting her throat rest. The girl saw her father, a man, no, a tall werewolf. What was strange for the girl was the fact that werewolves were in their humanoid form, they showed their wolf form only during fights, serious fights.

The man with black hair stepped back into the shadows, both girls could now see their father fully. "That's nothing you should be worried about, Father. I just got rid of the garbage." the older sister said, the golden-eyed man looked around the room, suspending his eyes on the dead woman. "You did it?" his tone was cool, the black-haired teenager did not like it. "As I already mentioned, I was getting rid of-" she was interrupted by a slap in the face, she looked at her father's face in surprise, there was pure anger and disgust in the man's eyes. "You weren't allowed to do that, Kirai." he said angrily, he wanted to turn to the younger daughter, but was restrained by the words of an agitated teenager. "I had no right!?" she screamed outraged, the blood in her veins began to boil, how could her father hit her? Because of some wretched human! "Father, because of that rag, my mother committed suicide!" she screamed in the face of the old man, it was a mistake. The red-haired man turned and an icy stare pierced the teenager, all anger flew out of him, and fear replaced it. "I am Alpha and ONLY I have the right to judge anyone in this pack, no, only I have the right to judge any existence that inhabits the werewolf lands!" his voice was not raised, on the contrary he was calm, it frightened the girl more than if she saw him furious.

"Your mother was weak." he said, looking into his daughter's eyes. "She chose death rather than fight, gave up without a fight and chose the most cowardly of solutions." the teenager stared incredulously at her father, how dare he talk such nonsense? "However, this woman fought to the end, didn't she?" his hand pointed to the lying pink-haired woman. Was he sad?

Of course, he just lost his favorite toy, the person who was going to do everything for him. "Even though she was just a naive man who believed that if she gave her own life, she would protect her daughter," he continued, slowly turning to his younger daughter.

The sight he found surprised him, his face was filled with surprise and confusion together with delight, which had not been seen for a long time. She followed her father's gaze as Kirai was curious what caused the expression on the man's face, but when she met the gaze of her younger sister, she was terrified. A little girl, an ordinary human child, stood staring at her, black-haired girl with pure rage and ruled to murder. On the head of the red-haired girl there was a pair of wolf ears shaped like the ears of an older man standing at the side of a black-haired woman. Her face was wild, and her hair looked like it was combed by the wind, sticking out in different directions. Behind the girl a red tail waved, and her beautiful green eyes turned golden, only her black pupils, now narrower than normal, had a green rim. The girl looked wild, like a bloodthirsty wolf, the beast she was in at that moment.

The black-haired teenager could not believe her eyes. After all, she showed no signs that she had inherited anything more than external appearance! 'How can some miserable man, an inferior life form, be so terrifying and this terrible aura!' The girl retreated in fear, but the man standing next to her, despite his initial fear, quickly regained his composure and looked pleased. The girl in this form looked like his smaller form, exactly like he was when he was a kid. "It looks like she's not just an ordinary wretched human, Kirai." he turned to his older daughter, contently raising his head proudly. "Constans Burradi, you get the chance to show your strength." The girl practically didn't react at all to her father's words, she didn't care about them, she was only interested in one thing. "And you will be her opponent, Kirai Burradi." he turned to his older daughter, making her shocked, she just nodded and stood in a fighting pose, swallowing loudly.