
The Deal


I looked at Amelia, tossing her to a soldier. In the next second I saw soldier's tying up the supernatural's; One soldier was doing his best to tie up Aria, trying to be not looked at by her; All of them wrapped in chain, arms behind their back, hands tied with para-cord. Two were awake, as the other were just slumped and asleep. I drew out my gun, shooting in the air a bunch of times. Watching as Mason, Isabella and Amelia wake up, clueless of what is happening. All supernatural's looked at me except for Aria, she was turned around to face the truck, so I didn't die to her. I then smirked, and snapped my finger.


Having no clue, what is happening. I was wondering why I was tied up and I looked around seeing a couple more people tied up and the first thought coming to mind "What is happening?" I tried to break free of my chain, but immediately, I got hit, across the face with the back-strap of a pistol. I then spat on the ground, seeing blood. I looked up and watched what the the lady in the middle was doing.


Watching, as I saw the exit door's busted open, I saw five soldier's, exit with I pad's. Four of them walked to the supernatural's showing them a Skype call, the other soldier tossed his I pad, just slightly around Aria. All of them, looking.

"Dad? Mom?!" All of them, screamed that very loudly. Hearing a gun cocked, I heard that sound four more times, it was like music to my ears.

"Wait! No! Stop!" Aria screamed loudly, "What do you want from me?!"

All the other supernatural's looked at me. I smiled viciously.

"Work for me. But if you fight back, your parents die. Lie to me, your parents die. Try and work with the missing supernatural to fight back against me. Your parents, will be tortured and executed publicly.

They had fragmented looks on their faces. I smiled and laughed, loud as possible. Soldier's looked at me with almost terrified looks.

I was a maniac, but who cared. Everyone, as if now.

Feared me.

The feeling was pleasant...



I was in my room, my body feeling petrified. Having that flashback, of parents being held at gun-point. I tried to shake it off, trying to forget it; I looked at the computer screen and remembered what I was searching. Leo's parent's. An article popped up. "Parent's slaughtered in their own home"

Wait, slaughtered? I clicked on the link, bringing me to a news channel page. Seeing images of Leo, Lucas and the two parents: Jack and Mia. I scrolled started to try and read what had happened, but a voice echoed through my white space of a room. The intercom inside my room.

"Hey Amelia, I only gave you that custom made flip-phone to only receive call's and give text messages to me and the other supernatural with information."

Shit, did she find out?

"I always keep on your cell record's, as soon as you get called by someone else besides me. It notify's me."

I had realized, I forgot about what happened if I got called by an unknown phone number. It would notify her.

"Let me deduct this for you, I'm very good at this. Let's start at the beginning alright Amelia?"

Oh no.

"Report's from my soldier's say that they saw Isabella, willingly took a mysterious figure's hand and flew off. That mysterious person.. is Leo, right?"

I was speechless, I thought to myself "No, shit Sherlock. Who else did you think it was?"

"Then, time passes by for a bit, Isabella must've given Leo, your number. Trying to get you to join him."

Fuck, now she got all of it.

"Now, the question stands-"

I watched as light's went out in my room. My computer my only source of light.

"Are you going to join him?"

She doesn't know that I've already to agreed to help Leo, risking my parent's life. I knew what to say.

"No. Of course not. I'm not an idiot." I said it in an obnoxious tone, being rude to her, to seem more believable.

"Good, because I've already locked up Isabella inside the dark cell."

What? Already? This is a bad situation. If "Joker" knows what has happened- Damn, how can I notify Leo?

"Now, I have some papers to do."

The intercom, had turned off. The room lights turned back on

An idea popped into my mind. I grabbed my phone, scrolling in my text's from "Joker". I saw a couple of email's but I went on my computer, clicking an app that I made to send information to the other supernatural's. Typing in the one e-mail, and I typed. Leo's phone number. That's all and clicked send.

The number, wasnt linked to Leo's phone but it could still be tracked. Because I'm found out and so is Isabella. It is up to him, now anyways. To find Leo.